
The Light is Bright

Eclipses always occurred on certain days, always once a week, but in the last year more and more Eclipses appeared much less frequently, like once a fortnight, but the military and Operators still had no trouble pinpointing the exact day when it would happen.

Yet, now Katrin, Adam, and the dozens of other Phantoms who went on the night mission, knowing that nothing unusual would happen that day, were looking at the moon, almost completely covered by a black disc.

All that remained of the moon was a bright blue ring, but it wasn't enough to emit even one-hundredth of the original light.

Even ordinary people, from the First Ring to slums, from children and adults knew that eclipses were not just terrifyingly beautiful but deadly.

Sure, those outside the walls of the Citadel had nothing to worry about, they were safe, not because of the strength of the walls, but because of the Phantoms who assembled every eclipse and protected the Citadel from the monsters.

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