" " : Dialogue,
' ' : Thought,
"Italicized text" : Telepathy,
[ ] : Spells, Techniques and Sacred Gear Casts.
Really sorry for the late chapter, everyone. Some urgent stuff came up, so I couldn't really write the chapter last week.
Haruki POV
A few days pass, and Issei and I continue with a routine, going for classes during the day, having a short rest and training for 4 hours from 6pm to 10pm. In that time, Issei has gotten considerably stronger, now being able to freely walk under 3.5 times the gravity of Earth with about 50kgs of weight.
And while he hasn't been able to get the Boosted Gear to the point where he could communicate with Ddraig, he was at least able to activate it to its gauntlet form, not the sealed Twice Critical form. It seems that activating the Boosted Gear had kind of loosened the restrictions on his body, allowing him to grow faster than when it wasn't active.
As for his progress in touki, he's still nowhere close to activating it. With how untrained his mind was, awakening touki would take a much longer time, despite me making an environment specifically to do just that. At least, he's been able to build up an aesthetically pleasing body that is somewhat similar to mine, only shorter, and he's gotten rid of his porn mags and DVDs, while also somehow staying friends with Motohama and Matsuda, without the whole peeking at girls.
To be honest, I know that those two would end up risking expulsion, seeing as they didn't even think of lessening the extent of their perversion. So I'm glad that Issei has placed some boundaries between him and them.
As for the fallens, I've gotten to Mittelt and Kalawarner, and warned them of Dohnaseek's incitement, clearing their minds from their delusions, although I did have to use a bit of force to deal with Mittelt, but that's in the past.
Now the only thing left is to make sure that Asia Argento does not go to the church on the woods. Personally, I won't bring her to my place, especially since my parents haven't had a particularly friendly relationship with the Church, especially after finding out about Valper Galilei's experiments. So the best option right now, believe it or not, was for her to stay with Issei and his parents.
Of course, this didn't mean that my parents instantly hated anyone connected to the church, they just had their prejudices to them, especially since most of the higher-ups turned a blind eye to Valper's experiments. But I'm sure that if they get to know Asia well enough, they'd offer her protection, at the very least.
As for my progress on the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, it's been going good so far. If I'm to approximate my level of progress in relation to Garou's then I'd say I'm somewhere at the beginning of Garou's monsterization, which is pretty fitting. As for the Kagyu arts, they were a lot easier since they mainly required the ability to use high speed spinning as an offensive technique, just with more focus on condensing the spin into a spiral.
Right now, it's Thursday and I'm almost done dressing up for school. Once I finish, I head downstairs and greet my parents, but just before I sit down for breakfast, we hear someone knocking at the door. My parents are able to tell that it's a devil, but I'm able to tell who it is.
Checking myself to make sure I don't look scruffy, I open the door and welcome our visitor. "H-Hey, Aki-chan. Didn't expect you here so soon. I did say I was gonna pick you up on Saturday." Hearing a feminine chuckle after my words, my mom looked in our direction with uncanny speed, right as Akeno stepped in.
My mom's face broke out into a Cheshire grin, seeing a girl come to the house to look for me, while my dad had a proud smile grace his face. "It's been a long time, Hanabi-baasan, Nadeyoshi-jiisan. " Hear their names come out of her mouth surprised them, and so they asked her how she knew them.
"My name is Himejima Akeno." As they heard her name, their eyes shot open in surprise. ""You're Shuri's/Baraqiel's kid?! But I thought you were dead!"" I sigh at the commotion. "You know, if you actually followed me to Grigori whenever I went there to visit, you'd have had an idea of why the old thunderhead was mellow." I tell them, causing them to give me a, 'Listen here, you little shit.', look, and I back off from it.
"You really inherited your mother's looks." My mom says as she lightly holds her face. "I know my stupid son might be a bit much, but please take care of him." She says, tearing into me like I'm not here. Akeno nods with a slight blush and smile on her face. "It'd be my pleasure to do so." Great, now she's trying to make me blush.
My dad clears his throat, shifting our attention to him. "Now, while her being alive is definitely a fortunate event, I do think that we should let them get going. After all, we don't want them to get to school too late, now. Do we?" My mom harrumphs childishly and hugs Akeno, then walks over to me and kisses my forehead, before she shoves us out and slams the door and locks it. Deep down inside, I knew my dad was going to be in a bad state when I eventually got back.
Akeno and I turn to face each other and let out a laugh at the situation. Shortly after, Issei comes out of his home, and from what we hear, his parents are happy with his improvements over the past few days.
"Hyoudou-kun, good morning." Upon hearing her voice, Issei returns her greeting in a blubbering mess of words, before he happens to look over at me and compose himself enough to greet her properly. "I see that Haru-chan's training is doing wonders for you. I just might ask him to let me join." She says with a giggle.
"Actually, why don't you? From what I've seen, Rias doesn't really train you guys over there, so why don't you come over? Maybe we'll be able to sort out whatever weaknesses you've got in battle." She tells me that she'll bring the suggestion to Rias and they'll see what happens.
We set off to school, and on the way, we come across a girl in a nun's habit who had fallen and exposed her panties to the air. Issei goes forward to help her and ask if she's okay, but is stumped when she starts speaking Italian. "Grazie mille. Mi dispiace se mi sono intromesso. (Thank you very much. I'm sorry if I was in the way.)"
We had come across the recently excommunicated nun and strong contender for the title, Benevolent Maiden of Purity, Asia Argento. "Non c'è bisogno di scusarmi. Ma stai bene? (There's no need to apologize. But are you alright?)" She and Issei look up at me in surprise. ""You speak Italian?/Tu parli Italiano?"" I nod at the question and she begins thanking God, which causes a slight headache for Akeno, until she caught herself.
"Sono stato chiamato in una chiesa qui a Kuoh. Sai dov'è? (I was called to a church here in Kuoh. Do you know where it is?)" She asks, still leaving Issei out of the loop. As for Akeno, she fully understands what Asia says as she is a devil, and has the innate ability to understand and be understood by any other race.
"Ah, c'è una chiesa nel bosco, ma sconsiglio di andarci. Le ultime persone che erano andate lì sono scomparse. Inoltre, lì c'è un angelo caduto che vede gli umani come creature inferiori. (Ah, there's a church in the woods, but I'd advise against going there. The last people who went there went missing. Also, there's a fallen angel there that sees humans as lower creatures.)" I warn her, as Dohnaseek is still using the church as a base, not to mention, there's a high possibility that he has gotten Freed Sellzen here as one of his minions.
"Ma se non rimango qui, dove rimarrò? (But if I don't stay there, where am I going to stay.)" This of course, didn't stump me, as I'd already figured out the optimal solution for this particular problem. "Allora che ne dici della casa del mio amico? È piuttosto rispettoso delle donne e la sua casa è anche un luogo confortevole in cui soggiornare. (Then how about my friend's home? He is quite respectful of women and his home is also a comfortable place to stay.)" I tell her while pointing to Issei.
"È così? (Is that so?)" She asks and I confirm this. Even in the original story, Issei, despite being a clear pervert, was actually quite respectful of women and other girls. He only ever pushed his more sexual actions with his girls and only his girls. And more than anything, I still feel that the best person for Asia as a significant other is still Issei, especially now that he's actually trying to improve.
"Ma come potrebbe capirmi? (But how would I make him understand me?)" She asks, and I thank my past self for learning Nordic runes. I create two identical runic sequences and put them on her and Issei, then say, [Allspeak].
"What was that meant to be?" Issei asks and Asia looks at him, surprised that she can now understand him. "I understand you now." It's now Issei's turn to be surprised, as he hears her speak Japanese, despite the fact that we have been speaking Italian all this while.
Issei, now registering that I had used magic in front of someone that he thought was unaware of the supernatural, starts to freak out. Upon noticing the graves of panic making its way into his eyes, I took control of the sound around us, and made a soundproof dome covering the four of us. "You just used magic in front of her! What about the whole, 'Keeping the supernatural hidden from normal people.' business?! Is that just being thrown out the window?!"
"Calm down, Issei. She's already a part of the supernatural. As a matter of fact, she's been a part of it longer than you." He shuts up and looks at me as if I'm crazy. "*sigh* Issei, I told you that the supernatural is highly unpredictable, so you can't exactly act like a know-it-all. But when it comes to the church and its clergy, it's best to assume that they're part of the supernatural, because that's more likely to be right." I say, then tell Akeno and Asia that we should continue our talk while walking.
"Wait. So you mean that she's a part of the supernatural. But how?" Issei asks while looking at Asia. "Like you, she most likely has a Sacred Gear." Hearing that, they look at each other, almost as if wondering which Sacred Gear the other person has.
They don't have to wonder for much longer, as Asia asks Issei and he answers. "The Sacred Gear that I've got is the Boosted Gear. What about yours?" "The Sacred Gear that God has bestowed upon me is the Twilight Healing." Hearing that Asia had a Sacred Gear, one that heals as a matter of fact, Akeno sports a contemplative look.
"A healing Sacred Gear. Now that's rare." Issei looks at me, confused. "If it's so rare, how come you have it?" Akeno jolts and looks to her right at me. "Oh, yeah. I never actually told you the true nature of my powers. I'll tell you during tonight's training session."
"I'm quite grateful for your consideration, but how would I get to his home?" Asia asks me. Thinking about it for a few seconds, I tell her that I'll open a portal for the two of them to the Hyoudou's house.
Issei asks me why I don't take her to my house. "My parents have a bit of prejudice toward members of the church, especially the clergy." They asked why and I told them that I didn't know. We eventually reach a place on the road that doesn't have people around and is also somewhat close to school, and I open the portal.
"The portal will still be there when you come out of the house and will only close once you make the return trip." I tell him and he nods, then he asks Asia to follow him, and shortly after they walk through the portal.
After they leave, Akeno and I continue walking to school, albeit slower, and talk on the way about different things we've gone through during the time we'd been apart. I talked about the time I had spent with the Yokai and Sun Wukong, while she told me about the time that members of the Himejima clan had pursued her, being led by Himejima Suou, the defacto leader of the clan. She also talked about the events that led up to her being taken in as Rias' queen.
We eventually reach the part where Baraqiel got involved. And let me tell you, he hadn't gotten rusty even when compared to the time that he was the angel known as God's Lightning. When he came in contact with the members of the Himejima clan that were chasing Akeno, only 1 of them survived the encounter, Himejima Suou, but even then, he was severely maimed.
That's why despite my slight distaste for his overprotective nature, I still respect him. He had lost the only woman he ever loved and would have ever loved, and to keep his daughter, he chose to kill them regardless of the repercussions, all to keep his daughter safe.
We eventually reach the school gate and look each other in the eyes and go for a kiss. About a minute later, at the corner of our eyes, we see Issei sprinting toward the gate at a reasonably high speed. And a few seconds later, he reaches us and skids to a stop.
"Damn you. I'm jealous." Issei says as Akeno walks away to her class. "Don't worry about it. Besides, look around. Haven't you noticed that the girls no longer look at you with as much loathing?" He thinks for a minute and nods with a smile. "Maybe this is really working."
Letting out a small chuckle, I lightly pat him on his back and head to class for another routine day, with Aika being her perverted self, same with Motohama and Matsuda. But unlike before, some girls look at Issei with a kinder gaze than they do the other two.
Eventually the school day comes to an end and I head out of class, only to meet Koneko in front of the classroom door, waiting for me. "Rias is calling you." She says, her voice monotone and deadpan. "I see. Well, lead the way." I say and follow her to the ORC clubroom.
We reach the room and go in, and I notice that apart from Akeno, everyone else is looking at me with seemingly offended gazes, includong Rias. This doesn't entirely surprise me as I know that she carries great pride in herself and her peerage, even treating them as family. So someone saying something that implies that they are weak, would rub her the wrong way.
I walk up to Akeno and sit right beside her on on of the couches. This just causes Rias to get more annoyed. "So, I hear that you're offering to train Akeno. Why? Do you think that her training is insufficient?" She asks me as she crosses her legs. "As a matter of fact, yes." Her brow and lip twitch.
"Let's face the facts. I know that most beings are not as talented or naturally gifted as I am, but for her to still be at the Middle Rank is clearly subpar, especially if you take into consideration the power that she should have gotten as a result of her heritage. The only way that would happen is if her training was not only subpar, but also unbelievably lax." My words seemed to strike at her pride once more.
"You say you're so gifted, but it's not like you're all that powerful yourself." Her pride has blinded her to reality, because I know that Sona told her about our first meeting, so she should have some idea of just how much more powerful I am when compared to anyone else in Kuoh.
"You know what, fine. If you feel so strongly that I can't help her become stronger, then you'll have to prove that you can do that instead." She scoffs at me and says that she could just send Kiba and Koneko to beat me up, causing me to just sigh at her words.
"Even if you joined them, in a battle against me, the result won't change, Rias. You'd still lose woefully." That was the last straw for her as she then challenged me to a fight with all of them against me, but Akeno chose to stay out of the fight. "Fine, we won't need Akeno to stress herself to take care of you." She says as she signals for Koneko and Kiba to follow her.
She tells me the place where she wants the fight to happen and teleports away with Kiba and Koneko, hopefully to actually plan for the fight. "You know, you didn't have to antagonize her like that." Akeno says as she leans on my shoulder. "I didn't. I only explained the reality of the situation to her, and she didn't like it." We stay in silence for a few seconds.
"From what I've felt, at the very least, you and Koneko could very easily had been at the High Rank by now." I tell her and she asks for the reason for that thought. "If we take into consideration the fact that you're the daughter of someone who could have become the Suzaku of the Himejima clan and the angel that was formerly known as God's Lightning, proper training with just the power you'd have received from them would have gotten you to mid-high rank." I say and pause.
"Then there's Koneko, who has an affinity for senjutsu that is probably only dwarfed by mine. I can tell that she's a yokai, and from her scent, she's most likely a cat yokai, so training in senjutsu would cause her power to skyrocket. I'm not entirely sure about what I could do for Kiba, though." I say to avoid suspicion, since I know of all their pasts.
"I understand. Just don't beat her too badly." I nod and peck her forehead, then teleport to the location that Rias had chosen for the fight. Upon arriving at the location, which is in the mountains on the outskirts of Kuoh, I see Rias with her arms folded, behind Koneko and Kiba, who are in a fighting stance.
"I thought you'd have run away. Good, at least you have some backbone." I raise a brow and sign, thinking that I may actually beat them a bit badly. "Well, we're here now. I'll allow you to attack me and I won't counterattack for the next five minutes, so it's best you use that time well." My words anger her again and she sends Koneko and Kiba to attack me first.
Koneko sends a punch to my belly while Kiba sends a slash to my chest, utilizing the space left by Koneko's crouch. I back away with my hands in my pockets, dodging their blows quite easily. 'This is already disappointing.' I think to myself as I keep dodging their blows.
I look beyond them to Rias , who still has her arms folded, and shake my head, clearly showing my disappointment. I then look back at her knight and rook, and see that they are slowly but surely starting to get frustrated with being unable to hit me. I keep on dodging until the time I had given them elapsed, then I use Shundō to dash away from them, leaving an afterimage.
Kiba's eyes widen in surprise, as he noticed that he slashed through an afterimage. Rias seeing this, slowly started to understand that I was toying with them from the very beginning. "Well, it's my turn." I say as I flash toward Koneko and hit her solar plexus with a one inch punch that forces all the oxygen in her lungs out, knocking her out in a single blow.
I flash away, carrying her from the immediate environment of the battle, then flash to Kiba who tries to slash and stab me, but like before, he only hits an afterimage, while I am behind him. I put my hand on his back and use the Fa Jin principle and channel kinetic energy into my palm and release it as a shockwave that rocks his body and knocks him out. As he falls, I carry him to the same place I had dropped Koneko.
I look at Rias and see that she is shaking in anger. She prepares a mass of her Power of Destruction, and I dash toward her, this time, making sure to not leave an afterimage. After I reach a safe distance from her knight and rook, she fires the blast of black coloured energy at me.
After a few seconds, she stops releasing it and is shocked to see that I'm still unharmed. She looks at my hand and gets even more shocked as the blast of POD that she fired at me has been compressed into a sphere in my hand. "How?" She asks in disbelief that gets stronger as I take the sphere of POD and swallow it whole.
While she is in shock, I dash to her and replicate Issei's punch against Kuroka, stopping my fist right before her face, unleashing a shockwave that blows away dust and pebbles within a 6 metre radius, and she collapsed to the floor while hyperventilating.
I let out a short sigh then put my hand out for her to take and stand. She looks at me with an unwilling expression but eventually calms herself down and takes my hand and I pull her up. "Still think I'm not all that powerful?" I tease her and she taps my chest.
"Okay, fine. I'll allow you to train Akeno, but I won't let you stay alone with her. She's still my queen and I'm not going to let you do anything bad to her." She says with a light blush on her face. "Sure thing. I was going to extend my invitation to you and the rest of your peerage after this. Although, I think you'll have to tell those two when they wake up." I say, pointing to Kiba and Koneko who are still conked out.
I carry the both of them on my shoulders and teleport back to the ORC room and Rias follows shortly after. "So it went as expected, I see." Akeno says, taking a sip of tea, with four more cups on the center table. "Yeah." I reply and leave a light kiss on her forehead, then lay Kiba and Koneko onto the two couches in the room. "Well, like I've said, you're welcome to join the training sesh. Just make sure to call me first before you head to my home." I tell Rias as I drop a small card with my phone number on it, then teleport home.
Chapter End.
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This chapter took much longer to write than I expected. Sorry about that. Writing to make changes and the effects of those changes is a bit hard for me to do.