
95: Farewell Gifts

"Wow, " Milim said as her eyes began to shine like stars. She didn't know why she instantly fell in love with this armour as soon as she gazed at it. This was the same feeling she got from the clothes she is now wearing.

"Is this really for me? " Milim asked with a bit of excitement.

"Yes this armour is made especially for you. It will double your defence when you are using your dragonification. Or like you want to call it Battle mode. " Rimuru said as she ruffled Milim's hair.

" So what are you waiting for try it on "at Rimuru's words Milim entered her dragonification state and put on her armour.

The armour fitted her perfectly. Miim tried moving a little and found out that the armour didn't restrict her movements in the slightest. And to top it all of the armour was so light that Milim didn't feel like she was wearing another pair of clothes.

"So how is it "Rimuru asked with a proud smile. Even though Ciel helped in the process it was Rimuru who did most of the work. So she is very proud of her work and couldn't wait to hear the endless praises.

And Milim didn't disappoint her, "It's super comfortable. The armour doesn't restrict my movements at all. Thank you Aunt Rimuru. I love this armour so much, "Milim said as she hugged Rimuru tightly.

Normally a normal human would be crushed because of the strength Milim used in the hug. Fortunately Rimuru was anything but normal. So this much strength is barely enough to crush her.

After breaking the hug Milim was about to take the armour of her but Rimuru stopped her. With a smile Rimuru said, " You don't need to take it off manually Milim. You just exit your dragonification state and see what happens. "

" Huh Ok " Although Milim was puzzled she obediently exited her battle mode and returned to her normal form.

Her horn on her forehead began to shrink back to her head. The dragonic scales that were on her body also began to disappear. And surprisingly the armour also began to disappear and Milim was finally seen wearing her previous clothes.

"Huh where is the armour? " Milim said she looked at herself before looking around.

Seeing her like this, Rimuru couldn't help but let out a chuckle. After calming down she explained, " This is one of the functions the armour has. When you exit your battle mode the armour will automatically return inside of your body like your scales and horn. Oh and apart from this the armour also has a system to adjust the body temperature so no matter the climate you will neigher feel cold or hot. "

"Wow youi are amazing Aunt Rimuru '' Milim said as she praised Rimuru continuously. She was excited because Rimuru made her armor that would allow her to fight without worrying about the weather. In short she could fight for days straight without catching a cold.

"Hahaha as you long you like it " Rimuru said with her head held high. One could almost see the arrogance oozing out of her body.

After basing in the glory Rimuru turned to Velgaia and said, " Of course I didn't forget you as well. Here is your farewell gift, "

Saying so, Rimuru gave Velgaia a necklace. It was a striking necklace featuring a dragon pendant. The pendant is crafted from a metallic material, intricately shaped into a dragon with outstretched wings. The dragon is wrapped around a blue crystal, which forms the lower part of the pendant. The crystal has a rough, natural texture, adding to the mystical and enchanting appearance of the piece. The chain of the necklace is also metallic, with robust links that complement the pendant's design.

"This necklace is a storage device. It can store anything and has the capacity comparable to our own house. And like Milim's armour this necklace would be stored inside of your body when you enter your dragon form. Oh and before I forget you must store your clothes in this necklace if you don't want to appear naked each time you transform into your human form. " Rimuru said as she smiled.

Velgaia's human transformation is different from what the true dragons use. They don't actually transform with a skill you see. What they do could be called shapeshift. As spiritual lifeforms they could manipulate their bodies into their desired forms. So the clothes they wear are a part of their bodies so even in battle they wouldn't be destroyed.

In Velgaia's case he is essentially transforming his physical body into a human form. So when he would return to his dragon form his clothes would be shredded to pieces.

"Thank you big sis Rimuru " Velgaia said as he looked at the necklace with a fond smile. Like Milim he too felt an indescribable connection to this necklace.

"Hahaha as long as you like it. That is enough for me, " Rimuru said with a smile. But if you looked closely you could see worry in her eyes. Although she didn't say it out loud ,the necklace also has another function. And that is to collect the soul of the wearer so it would not go to the cycle of reincarnation immediately.

After Veldaanava's incident Rimuru decided to be extra careful. So she didn't take any chances at all. Even if it was very unlikely for Velgaia to lose a battle , his soul would remain in the necklace allowing him to be revived if Milim becomes a demon lord.

Of course all this is just a precaution in case Rimuru truly couldn't stop MIlim from becoming a demon lord.

While one may wonder why Rimuru goes to this much lengths when she is in charge of the reincarnation cycle. The answer to that is simple. It's because like Veldanava , Rimuru too is bound to a set of rules.

The only difference between them is that the V.O.W couldn't directly punish or harm Rimuru in any way as both of them have the same authority. But that doesn't mean they couldn't do anything against each other. If Rimuru meddled too much her authority could decrease and be transferred to the V.O.W and vice versa.

This is the final balance Veldanava created when he was designing the V.O.W. His main objective was always free will so he didn't want his world to be controlled by one party even if they were his sister and greatest creation.

It was this mentality that would bite him in the future but despite this Veldanava never changed. This is what Rimuru respects and hates about Veldanava.

She respects his principle of wanting everyone of his creation to have their own choices while she hates his responsibility to come up with a back up to protect his loved ones.

' Well at least Milim is much better than you in this regard ' Rimuru thought as she watched Milim leave with Velgaia.

While Milim may still have that childish personality she is quite responsible when it is needed. She would protect what's important to her even if it meant destroying everything. That Rimuru is quite sure of.







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