
The Ruin 2

However, this is within our expectations. The only problem is the execution. For now, we have to wait. If this place is also heavily guarded then it's the same as the others.

I looked at Lisa and whispered to her.

"Lisa, how about the others?"

Lisa took out a circular device and placed it on the ground. It lit up but not bright enough to alert the enemies below. It expanded, it was the same as the device at a Round Table but this one is smaller. In other words, it's a virtual map.

Lisa moved her fingers controlling the device. There is a mark on the map, indicating us. The map zoomed out and searched for the others.

"Noelle's team is about to reach the target. Eula's team is on standby. The last team is on standby."

Noelle and Eula's marks lit up, meaning they were ready. Then our team mark also lits up. The four teams have this device.

"Our team is on standby."

What we need is to wait for Noelle's team to get ready. The plan is going smoothly... I've been anxious since yesterday. I glance at Lumine.

My instinct keeps flaring.

Something will come and it's very dangerous. I don't know when, but I know the cause. That's why, I prepared something for this. Preparing for the worst.

"Noelle teams are on standby, preparing countdown. 10...9...8...7...6...5..."

Lisa began to count. I gripped the hilt of my Blackcliff Slasher. My expression was calm and determined. I didn't gather any elemental particles yet.

Amber kneeled on one knee as she pointed her bow and arrow above. Preparing her skills. Lisa took out her catalyst who knows where.

Lumine and I prepared to jump down.

"3...2...1... Begin!"

With that, I leaped down. I raised my claymore as I gathered hydro-elemental particles around me.

"Yaa~ Who?" That's what I heard.

Before slashing diagonally. A very sharp slash made of water shoots out from the blade. Continuing with a static energy that comes from behind me.

The water slash hits 2 of the Mitachurls and a bunch of Hilichurls. Some of the Hilichurls perished as they slowly disintegrated. I was slightly shocked at how effective it is to have a stronger weapon.

Furthermore, with the recent reward I received. My level went up to 65 and I feel a little stronger. My primogems have been spent leaving me with a minuscule of 3 pieces.

Anyway, those who got hit by the water slash were affected by Hydro when the electricity hit them in the second. The two elements reacted causing a wide range of electro-charge, those who were weak like Hilichurls got affected was spasmed on the ground while the two Mitachurls remained unaffected, it did make slight damage to the two.

But we are not yet done. Amber releases her finger on the string as the fiery arrow shoots above. Just when it hit the ceiling it turned into a large magic circle, and then the next second it rained fire.

I surround myself with Hydro-Shield, forming a water barrier around me. The scope of influence of the fire rain big and I was inside. I don't know if it can harm me or not. I just prepared myself for the worst.

This happened in only a few seconds. The 2 Abyss Mages, already covered themselves with their respective elemental barrier. I saw Lumine rush very fast toward the Abyss Mages. Her hair flutters from the wind, and the air turns turbid behind her as she runs so fast.

My previous doubts were cast aside when Lumine did not get hurt by the Fiery rain. It appears you cannot harm your teammate. How is it possible?

Lumine strikes with her sword. Her sword was new and looked strong just the same as mine. Just where did she pick that up, I wonder.

Her sword struck on the water shield of the Hydro abyss mage. The water shield disperses backward forming a large hole where she hits. The water shield tried to fix itself but Lumine was too fast, she already struck her next strike.

Slashing to the Hydro Abyss Mage who was surprised at what happened to its shield let out a shriek when the blade left a large gorge on its chest. It howled in pain trying to ease the pain but after a few moments, it disintegrated.

I was gobsmacked. One hit!? So OP!

The corner of my mouth twitched. This is unbelievable but at the same it is amazing. I also did not dally around, I was already in front of the two Mitachurls, and my claymore burst on fire and hit the wooden shield burning it to ashes.

Just because I was having fun recently does not mean I neglected myself. I can now double-cast. Though it's still the basics. A water shield plus a fiery sword is something I can do for now.

Doing more would cause me a headache.

With Lisa's support, we were able to take down the two Mitachurls. The other two Mitachurls were confronting Lumine as they thought of her as a treat and the same for that last abyss mage.

They could not catch Lumine as she was very fast. She could dodge them easily.

I wanted to help her but I had a job to do, cleaning up the small fries. Amber is supporting her so it's ok. The reason I'm cleaning the small fries is because they are targeting Amber and Lisa.

Slowly but surely, I manage to wipe the small fries by the time one of the Mitachurls falls. Amber destroyed one of its shields. Her Baron Bunny chases the Cryo Abyss Mage trying to destroy its ice shield but it is too flexible, using its teleportation ability to dodge. Amber also couldn't hit the abyss mage with her arrow.

Amber grumbled as she was annoyed by the cunning Abyss Mage.

Lisa chuckled by the side.

Since we are finished. I helped Lumine with the last Mitachurl. A fire slash hits the wooden shield of this huge creature burning it to ashes.

With no shield. It tried to ram against us with a roar. Lumine and I dodged to the side. Raising our weapons forward, her sword surrounded my spiraling wind while mine was Fire. We pointed the tip of our sword at the back of the Mitachurl.

Then our feet move together, dashing toward the Mitachurl. As if nature is watching us, the two elements' particles gathered and merged. Instead of figure-dashing, it looked like a huge fiery tornado rushing toward the Mitachurl.

"Hur?" Mitachurl looked behind and saw a huge fire tornado coming toward it.

"Damn, Humans! How dare you infiltrate our base." The last enemy, the cryo abyss mage got furious.

"Don't let it escape!" I shouted. Just guessing by its words alone, I could sense it would try to escape.

Lisa gathered a horrifying amount of electro particles above. As the cloud of purple particles gathered at the center, it formed into a Purple lantern which was called a Purple Rose. The reason why she's called Witch of Purple Rose.

The Purple Rose shoots out a lightning current toward the Cryo Abyss Mage. It tried to teleport but the Purple Rose kept interrupting it with constant lightning attacks.

Lumine and I did not let the opportunity slide. We dashed together as we again formed a huge fire tornado together. We got hooked by the new revelations.

The huge fiery tornado hits the shield of Cryo Abyss Mage, destroying it into pieces but our attacks did not stop there. With the new addition of the lightning, the fire tornado becomes Thunder Fire Tornado.

Sending the helpless Abyss Mage to oblivion or in this world to the Abyss.

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