
Prologue: The Beginning after the End

><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< = Timeskip/Meanwhile/Switch POV

"_" = Talking

Italics: = Active Thinking

『_』= Power/Technique/Ability

{_} = Telepathic talking

  Immortal-kun: " Hey guys, sorry for all this trouble but this is actually the official version of my previous story 'I Died but became an OP God in my Favorite Novel' so some things are going to be similar and some not. I will most probably publish the prologue and Chapter 1, but i could probably not do Chapter 1 now, so please be patient and know that I am not going to abandon this story and am coming back after I get better since I am not in a very healthy conditions as you would say. Anyways, ENJOY"

This is a Story which the rewrite of one which is written on wattpad as "I died but became an OP God in my Favourite Novel". Please read that, Username: Immortal404. Any suggestions are welcome by the way.

If you want the illustration(images) as supplements, do check the one at wattpad named "Path Beyond Godhood[Volume 1]: Awakening of the Origin"(though it only has a prologue since the ones beyond this are just drafts and the main story will be continued on June-July 2024) and give me a like and follow if you like the story(And some suggestions if you think it is lacking).

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 Why did it turn out like this? I questioned myself, completely worn out mentally. I feel the tight clothing and chains around me which somehow prevents a quirk from activating as I find myself in a courtroom I was all too familiar with. Hell, even the place I stood on was the same as before when I was finally found innocent and got rid of the accusations I had gotten myself at the center of because the League of Villains.

 My name is Izuku Midoriya. I am... was a Hero in-training... Should I even be called a hero? Maybe not, Haha. I was just a regular kid who somehow got the Quirk of the supposed Number 1. Hero, All Might. And for how I ended up like this... 

 I thought that after defeating the League, ending the war and clearing my name, all this would be better. 

 Oh how wrong I was. All it did was open my eyes to how this world really is. This entire country, no, this entire world was just a pretentious bright hell giving hope to the Innocent. 

 After my name was cleared, the last thing I had in mind was for The Hero Association to come and borderline threaten me to be their Hidden Assassin doing all their dirty work I never once imagined they did. 

 As I rejected, they became more hostile to the point where they threatened my own mother. I still kept firm though, something I wish I didn't.

 Just a few weeks after my refusal, I found out that my mother passed away. They told me it was a natural death but I knew regardless. 

 I knew who it was... it was those bastards, those assholes from the Association. All the research I did just burned all the hope of those bastards, no, monsters.

 I dug in, in, and in further inside this corrupt system of fake heroes. What I found left me utterly disgusted, the Association that earlier seemed oh so noble now seemed much more Villainous that the Villains. Fraud, Murder, Rape, Extortion, Child Trafficking, and what not seemed to be done them, not the villains who were framed by them, since they needed scapegoats.

 The so-called Heroes were not any better, over 70% were only there for fame and money and didn't actually care for others lives in the slightest, the other 25% were more interested in power and fame but had some bit of empathy, whatever was left were naïve ones like All Might or those who were just children.

 The term "Heroes" went from being that of great admiration, respect and adoration in my eyes to sheer loathing. However, there were still those--even though very few--that wanted to actually reform this world for the better like David Shield.

 But they couldn't do it alone and if they took action, they were DISPOSED of. But the people who could actually be called Heroes were no longer in this world, like my predecessors, the previous users of One for All up till the 7th.

 "What is the defense of the accused?"


 The Jury's words snapped me back to reality as my eyes landed at Hawks, the Number 2. Hero, and also the pawn of the Hero Association. He was also the one who accused me of crime that I didn't even know had been committed. 

 It was infuriating, all I worked for, all those people I fought so hard to protect just turned their backs on me just because it was the HERO ASSOCIATION who told them of my CRIME.

 "Do you or do you not plead guilty of killing Tomura Shimura?"

 Why do you do it like this? Since you want to kill me, just do it already! I had killed Tomura Shim... no, Shigaraki because he had fallen too far to be saved and too powerful to be contained. 

 "Yes, I did kill him"

 Killing All for One was totally acceptable if it was All Might, but anyone else who had done it was frowned upon, looked on as if they were a Villain. Humanity is just like that, it is greedy. 

 It wanted to lift itself up no matter the cost, they fear what they can't control and what doesn't listen to them. To them, heroes were just a shield who were forgotten as quickly as they fell. 

 The case then went as if it was a well-planned show that played before my very eyes. At the end, I found myself sentenced to death by hanging as I let out a small giggle at the situation.

 While being escorted out, I was met with eyes of my ex-friends or classmates, which showed either anger, disappointment, pity or disgust. How could I not laugh, this world was filled with lies, which I could now see with my very own eyes.

 They were quick to abandon me, after all I was just a monster who killed in their eyes. I gave them a amused look.

 "Have a good life, You Fakes"

 I said, as their stiffened figures left my vision. 

 After being loaded into a large Van which could almost be called a truck, I spent hours in silence before the vehicle abruptly came to a halt. The doors opened, revealing a bald man with a black suit followed by a number of people who seemed like they were part of the military.

 Ugh... I knew why they were here. They had eliminated every other connection I had before, trying to lead me into a desperate situation. They still were trying to use me. This proved to be the truth since the Association's Official did exactly what I thought he would. Using my life as leverage, they wanted to have me as a tool. Too bad for them I'm done with them all.


 I reply coldly, showing as much disdain as I could possibly muster. I glare at him, as the fiery blaze of anger raged beneath my very skin, barely kept under. I was unable to lash out even if I wanted to, looking at the fact that I was wrapped up in chains and a very peculiar clothing. 

 "Too bad then. I was hoping we could come to an agreement but I guess that isn't possible anymore, does it?!", He said faking pity, "Dispose of him!"

 I closed my eyes, a sad smile prying onto my lips. I heard a number of footsteps approaching, each of them somehow sounding louder than a huge explosion blowing straight into my ears. The sound surrounded me in just a few moments before a distinct sound which I recognized as that of cocking a pistol made it's way to my ears.

 I let my head down, knowing that the a bullet was mere seconds away from being fired right at my head. I didn't feel scared, nor angry. I felt surprised myself at how calm I was in this predicament but I just didn't have the time to be wasted on those thoughts. 

  I'm sorry Mom. All I had now in my head was my mother, and the disappointment of not being able to avenge her.

 Those were my last thoughts in this life as I heard the very last words I was going to hear in that life, before the firearm shot the the tiny object of killing though my head. They were the words that I kept my hope for humanity from dying out completely. 

 They were words of a soldier who was a kind man too scared to make this right, fearing for his family's safety. Those words were...

 "I'm sorry kid"


  I'm sorry kid. I'm sorry kid. I'm sorry kid. I'm sorry kid. I'm sorry kid. I'm sorry kid. I'm sorry kid. I'm sorry kid. The voice of the soldier kept ringing inside my head even after I heard the the pistol being fired. My thoughts no longer had any emotion in them. Now, I just felt numb.


 I eyes flew open as they dart to anything they could find. I found myself floating... in nothing? All I could see anywhere I looked just extended into eternal darkness. I could see myself totally naked, but at the same time it couldn't. 

 Something however, didn't make sense. How could I see myself when there was no light? What I in space? How was I alive? Was I even alive? Is this the afterlife?

 These questions raced in my mind as I felt something surreal, alien but at the same time familiar. I turned around, which some seemed as if i was flying in the empty void with just my thoughts. 

 "Yo, It's been a while Hajun"

 The man who just appeared to be standing there spoke, leaving me a bit confused.

 Who is Hajun? I thought turning back around to see if there was someone behind me. I looked around to avail as this mysterious person seemed to be the only person other than me here.

 "Who are you?"

 "Hmm... And here I thought that you would break the seal as soon as you sensed me!"

 "What do yo..."

 I clutched my head as a pain that could only be described as overwhelming invaded my head. 

 "Oh there it is"

 I heard the person say, amused before I could no longer bear the excruciating pain. I let out what could only be described as a painful and excruciating scream that seemingly boomed throughout the stretch of darkness.

 I held my head tighter as a ocean of information came, flooding my brain. My screams only got louder as the information only seemed to enter at an ever-increasing pace. 

 Suddenly, the pain all went away as I found my head being touched by the man I encountered a few minutes ago, even if the pain made it feel like days.

 It took a few more seconds before I got a closer look at him. The man had black hair and eyes, complementing his dark skin along with what seemed like horns on his head followed by a royal clothing that looked... divine? The golden multilayered halo behind his head and beneath his feet only seemed to further suggest that as his dark eyes gazed upon me with amusement and the slightest bit of worry.

 My mind then began to process the information I received at a inconceivable rate. What had just entered my mind were memories. These memories were not of me, they were totally foreign to me as each of these memories--which were at least trillions each second as of now--were that of a person who lived in worlds that was vastly different from mine, but still all of them were Unique. 

 I closed my eyes as I experienced all their lives' as if firsthand through the memories that I deduced were my past lives. How I came to that conclusion, it's really simple. 

 In the memories, whenever I had died, I had ended up in a place identical to the one I am in now. Each of these was followed by me retrieving the memories and reincarnating again with no memories again.

 Names spun in my mind as I experienced each and every one of my lives all over again. Mara Papiyas, Gilgamesh, Michikatsu Tsugikuni, Anos Voldigoad, Jin Mori... the list kept going on and on. Each of these people were distinct but at the core they were all the same person... me. 

 Just as I felt like it was about to end, a new memory invaded again. This one however, was not like the others. It felt far more familiar, as if it was the core of myself. I looked over my hand which somehow seemed to crack like a brittle rock, blindingly bright golden light emerging from them. 

 My body seemed to be bursting apart. Somehow, I didn't feel pain even in the slightest at the sight. If anything, I gave me a sense of relief for some reason. The cracks expanded giving way for more light to leak out, to the point where I was now blinded by it's sheer intensity. 

 Just the next instant, the new set of memories were comprehended by me. And in that same instant, my body exploded.


 The green haired child's skin gave out, leaving the endless amount of energy underneath uncontained. The seemingly unrestrained energy burst out causing a cataclysmic explosion which seemed to destroy the space itself as the dimension itself.

 The energy cracked the empty space revealing something incomprehensible. Something even Gods did not dare to enter. Since what had just appeared was a crack leading to the Vilad, the birthplace of the primordial Origins.

 Origins, the supreme ancestors of everything and nothing having absolute power and dominion over the entirety of Existence. 

 Primordial Origins however are the Origins of the the very principles, of which the concepts reality, existence, beginning, end, etc. are mere insignificant aspects.

 They were the progenitors from which the rest of the Origins came to be ,which were in turn the genesis for all the concepts that would then arise. Each and everything has a Origin from a grain of sand to a hierarchy of realities.

 "Wow. I am basically the avatar of the Author of this World, but I myself needed to actually put some effort to access that, your strength sure is a different breed of monstrosity" 

 The mysterious man spoke jokingly, though there was also a hint of astonishment mixed in his tone.

 Just as the crack opened, it closed as well. Why?

 Because the energy keeping it open just disappeared, leaving behind a man with dark skin and Golden hair illuminated by a complex halo behind his back. His arm equipped with similarly golden bangles which seemed to absorb the aura from escaping him. With 3 eyes having white glowing pupils and sclera darker than black, the entity smirked as it gazed upon the only entity before him.

 "It has been a while indeed, Immortal"

 Izuku Midoriya--or rather as he would prefer--Hajun replied to the other's earlier question. Now he had reconnected to his true self residing out of existence, going from being a powerless reincarnation to the avatar he was without his seal.

 Immortal was curious on why he insisted on taking the form he had, but was more pressed by another matter.

 "Did you really have to release that much energy?!"

 "What do you mean?"

 Hajun asked, an eye raised in confusion. 

 "That burst of Origin Aura would have practically destroyed the Vilad if not for me"

 "What are you so irritated about? I can just create it again if it is somehow destroyed, I was the one that created it in the first place"

 Immortal just sighed at his friend. 

 "So what do you plan on doing now. Since your bored of reincarnating as lower beings?"

 "Why ask when I have already told you?!"

 "Just wanted to ask since you and your true self are the only ones outside my Authority and power. And you like to change change your plans on a whim every since you sealed your Omnipresence and Omniscience"

 "It hasn't really changed, just that I will change the setting a bit"


 "I will base it on tensura"


 Immortal's face brightened, as he wondered just what kind of alteration Hajun would create. Immortal was the personification of the author, but he was still powerless against the anomaly known as Hajun. The difference in them was so vast that he could only narrate what path he took but could not dictate or alter it without his permission.

 This difference itself was nothing compared to Hajun's True self that resided outside and beyond all worlds--which in itself was the True Avatar of Hajun's Ultimate Being--, including the Authors' and only used an avatar because he was too strong for the world's to sustain themselves unlike Immortal-kun who used a avatar because he was just a regular human from a higher narrative reality. 

 Interrupting the conversation, 3 humanoid beings emerged in their proximity. The 3 were all one behind the other and all of them had smiles plastered on their faces though the one who seemed like a dark angel's smile could not be visibly sighted.

 The one in the front sported long hair of a grey-blue texture, indigo eyes and a white lab coat on top a black T-shirt. 

 The one just behind him possessed long white hair and mesmerizing golden eyes, further complimented by a golden coat and a halo of the same color behind his head.

 The third however, even with a humanoid figure didn't exactly seem like it. It seemed like a big shadowy figure with 2 large wings sprouting from it's back.

 "Hey there"

 Hajun turned to the side to see his faithful friends even though they were technically his children. 

 Hajun was the True Origin who created Vilad to serve as the place of awakening of the Primordial Origins of various principles. Even if these 3 were the weakest of them, they were still pretty much invincible outside of their other counterparts and a few others.

 The Shadowy figure was known by mortals as Azatoth, since the name given to him by Hajun was beyond mortal comprehension. Azatoth is the Origin of Existence. The weakest of the trio, though there were not many aside from the Origins who could actually put up a fight against him.

 The one with the Black Hair was Ivarage, the Origin of Destruction. The strongest of the trio.

 The white haired being was--similarly to Azatoth--known as Tiamat by mortals. Being the Origin of Creation, he is quite a benevolent entity. Being one of the Origins of the lowest 3 principles and the only ones even Gods could barely comprehend the surface of, he was the Absolute Authority on Creation, second of to Hajun and his True selves.



 "So, what were you doing?"

 The Origin of Creation asked, curious. The 2 friends smirked before answering at the same time.

 "Discussing what kind of World should we make"


 "It's looking pretty good"

 The other four complemented Hajun while looking at the structure before them. It was a stellar structure completely outside of the the realm of Logic.

 What Hajun wanted was a World eternal in time. So he constructed a structural Base for the World to reside, in the flow of aether.

 Aether is the aspect of existence of which time is a part of. It is similar to time except for the fact that it has an endless amount of layers stacked on top of each other. It was transcendent, so much as even an instant in the lowest layer would be an eternity for time.

 So creating one in Aether was a sure way to create a eternal World.

 Going back to the structure, it contained 8 pillars at the outline acting as the boundary containing whatever was going to be created at the center. 

 The 8 pillars were Pseudo-Origins made by Hajun, to substitute supports for the Origin of this World if Hajun had gotten bored of it and left. They also served to give rise to The Great Holy Spirits of Light, Darkness, Space, Time, Air, Water, Earth and Fire in the subsequent World.

 As soon as the structure was completed and placed properly in Aether, Hajun created a Will inside it which was Omnipotent inside the structure and let it be for almost an eternity. 

 It eventually grew bored as it formed the concepts of Space and Time, allowing the Great Holy Spirits of manifest, before giving up it's Omnipotence and giving rise to a being Hajun took a great interest in.

 The will after losing his power over the World manifested as a Origin of Beginning's--an aspect of the Origin of Creation--avatar for that time, making the 5 even more amused. Hajun however grew impatient and decided to go in himself while the other 4 just watched from above,

 Hajun directly materialized just before the avatar of Beginning, startling the draconic entity. One Hajun had instantly recognized as...


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