
chapter 7:Henry’s POV

Lifting my head from my front paws, I stand to shake off some dead leaves clinging to my fur. I'm shocked to find that I've slept till dawn. Hiding in my mate's back garden isn't the ideal way to ensure a good night's sleep, but it did the trick, as her scent comforted my wolf. I stretch out my limbs, still marvelling at how much better I feel when I hear the latch on the back door click, and the door swings open.

My heart jumps into my throat as Hayley steps out and turns to lock the door behind her. She tilts her head to the side as she slips on her headphones. Waves of toffee- coloured hair cascade over her tanned shoulders, shimmering with sun-kissed blond highlights from lots of time spent outdoors. I admire her slim, toned legs that seem to go on forever, and the tiny running shorts she has on. I never really considered myself a leg man, but I am now. Staying away is going to be tough. She finally turns to face the woods and my breath catches as I get my first glimpse of her face. She is absolutely stunning. Large almond-shaped golden-brown eyes and full pink lips dominate her beautiful face, and my heart soars. She's perfect. I take a step toward her without realizing it and the movement catches her attention. Her gaze locks onto mine and she freezes in shock at the sight of me, an enormous black wolf standing in the trees only thirty feet away.

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