
Something Happened?

Making sure that Asakura is unconscious, Daniel stood up slowly.

"S-Shit.." Standing up, he saw Kiana walking towards her and asked, "Are you alright?"

She looked at him for a moment before saying, "Yeah, what about you?" 

"Still alive."

After saying it, Daniel stumbled, which was quickly supported by Kiana.

"You should stop pretending to be tough." Kiana sighed while holding his arm.

"Right…" Looking at the sleeping Asakura. Daniel breathed.

He wasn't pretending, he was really fine until his body relaxed.

It must be because the adrenaline rush is over, he thought.

"What are we gonna do about her?" He asked.

"..." Kiana didn't answer and just kept staring at Asakura's unconscious figure.


"Let's go. No one would believe it anyway." She shook her head and supported him as they walked.

"Speaking of that. Mind telling me what the fuck was that?" Daniel didn't beat around the bush anymore and asked.

Although he knows that it's Honkai, he still wants to know if she'll tell him or not.

"... It's called Honkai. I can't tell you much about it aside from the fact that it's dangerous." She answered vaguely.

"I see…" 

"By the way, where were you? I've been looking for you everywhere!" Kiana seems to revert back to her silly self.

"Looking for clues for the murder case. It seems that she's the one behind those crimes." He said with a sigh. After leaving the station, he went back to check the records and even go to the neighboring schools related to the case.

All of them have the same history of victims being into girls.

"After hearing that she wants to talk to you earlier in private. I figured that she would also confess just like what she did to the previous victims." Daniel finished.

Kiana wasn't surprised hearing this and instead asked, "Daniel, what are you?" She stopped walking and the hand holding his arm tightened as if she was preparing if he decides to run away 

"Who am I? Just a homeless and penniless person." Contrary to her expectation, Daniel calmly replied.

"But at this point, I'm just Daniel." 

Kiana looked at him for a few seconds before her arms loosened.

"Hmph, I still can't believe how someone just appeared inside a city." She snorted.

"Me and you."

As they were walking, Daniel's instincts immediately screamed at him to dodge.

"What's wrong?" Out of nowhere, Kiana was immediately thrown around.

"Daniel! What…are..you..doing?" She looked at him with horror.

Staring at his now bloodied stomach, he turned his head to see Asakura's claws stabbing through his gut.

Before he could say anything, she pulled her claws out making him fall down.

"DANIEL!" Quickly moving towards him, Kiana tried to stop the bleeding which quickly proved to be futile.

"Ugh.." Daniel coughed up blood. He can barely hear her shouting his name. His body feels heavy.

'Damn, that was a short transmigration.' 

After thinking that, Daniel's vision turned black.

"Daniel, be a good boy. You are not allowed to hurt anyone okay? Promise mommy." He heard a familiar voice.

"Okay mom. I promise." His younger self nodded.

"Is this what it feels to have my life flashing before my eyes?" Observing the two, Daniel closed his eyes and sighed.

"Daniel, you're not allowed to hurt anyone okay?" 

"Huh?" Opening his eyes, he saw his mother in front of him asking him the same question.

"Promise me." 

"... I promise mom." He felt his own mouth moved on its own.

"Good, now go back." After hearing that, his vision turned white.

"Haaah…." Exhaling, Daniel immediately sat up and saw an unfamiliar room.

Looking around, he saw various equipment that seemed to belong to the hospital.

"Hospital? Ugh, what happened?" Holding his head, he tried to stand up but to his surprise, he found various cables attached to his body.

"What the hell?" Slowly removing it, Daniel endured the pain before wobbly standing up from the hospital bed.

As he was about to walk, he saw the door being opened followed by a nurse who looked at him with shock before quickly supporting him.

"Sir! Go back to your bed. You just woke up and you're not supposed to be moving yet." She sat him down.

"What happened?" Daniel asked with a confused tone.

Instead of answering, the nurse told him to wait before rushing outside to call the doctor.

After a few seconds, a middle aged man wearing a coat checked his conditions while the nurse wrote it down.

"Mr. Daniel, do you remember what happened?" Hearing this, Daniel immediately recalled his memories about the event.

"Where's Kiana?! You know, a white haired girl and.." He was frantically describing her appearance.

"Calm down Mr. Daniel, Ms. Kiana is fine and her condition is far better than you." The doctor held both of his shoulders to calm him down and explained.

Daniel sighed in relief hearing that before passing out again. It seems that the fatigue finally caught up to his body.

The doctor didn't say anything about this and told the nurse to take care of him.

It's been a day since he woke up, after some talk with the doctor, they found out that he had recovered physically.

He has a lot of questions but decides to wait for Kiana since she's the one who's with that time.

"What's taking her so long?" As he was groaning, he didn't notice someone entering the room.

"Kid, seriously? I warned you about this and this is what happened." It was Kazuya along with his daughter.

"Kazuya-san." He said in surprise.

"What? Don't want to see me kid?"

"No, I'm just surprised." 

"I heard from that girlfriend of yours what happened. You must be really fucked up if she was crying like that." Kazuya told him what happened.

Daniel was surprised to hear that. Kiana is crying? Just what happened to him.

"What happened to her?" 

"After the ambulance appeared. She brought you back all bloodied. Your girlfriend must be really worried about her there. She was panicking when that happened." 

"I see…. And she's not my girlfriend." Daniel said with a tired voice.

"Sure kid. Anyway I'm just gonna leave these here." He put down a basket of fruits.

"Thank you." 

"Thank Sora, the girl insisted on visiting you when I told her." Kazuya looked at his daughter helplessly.

Hearing that, Daniel stood up and rubbed her head, "Thank you Sora. Sorry for worrying you."

Sora nodded and enjoyed the headpat he gave her.

"Well kid, we'll go first. Sora still has school and there's no one in the station." Gently patting his shoulder, Kazuya took her daughter's hand and went outside the room.


Looking at the door again, he thought that it was Kazuya who forgot something, but to his surprise, it wasn't.


"Hey there, Daniel." She waved her hands nervously.

"What's with you?" He asked, confused.

"Nothing." She shook her head and slowly walked towards him.

"How are you?" 

"The doctor said I'm fine."

"That's a relief." Kiana finally released a breath that she's been holding since yesterday.

"Kiana… What happened that time?" She froze hearing that.

"You don't remember?" 

Daniel shook his head which made Kiana hesitate.

"Hey, did something happen?" He asked with narrowed eyes. He only remembers getting stabbed and blacking out.

"You really don't remember?" 

"I already told you." Daniel shook his head with annoyance.

Instead of getting offended, Kiana only looked at him before, "Hmph, you passed out and I have to carry you to the ambulance." 

She crossed her arms arrogantly.

"What about Asakura Mizuki?" 

"This… after the incident was over. Guys from Anti-Entropy came and took over the situation." She said hesitantly.

'Anti-Entropy?' Although he didn't read the original, he still have some common knowledge about the organizations fighting the Honkai.

"What happened to Asakura Mizuki?" 

"She's dead." Daniel's eyes widened hearing that.

"I see." Daniel sighed exasperatedly. Although he didn't have much interaction with the girl, it still a pity that she died.

"By the way, what's with the hairstyle?" He just noticed it but Kiana is not wearing her usual braids but instead, drills?

"This? It's nothing. I just want to try something new." She replied while touching the tip of her hair.

"Your hair does seem a bit shorter than I remember…." Daniel held his chin in thought. He really can't remember correctly since Kiana's hair is often tied up.

"You're probably just tired." Kiana waved it off.

"By the way, what are you doing here? Don't you have classes?" 

"I'm here to check on you obviously! What kind of question is that?" Kiana glared at him.

"You sure it's not because you want to ditch class."

Kiana glared at him with annoyance. If it wasn't for the fact that he's bedridden then she would've taught him a lesson.

"Hmph, whatever. I'll go now." Stomping her foot, she walked through the door not before leaving another glare.


"Welp, that at least answered some of my questions." Daniel laid down once again.

Outside the door, Kiana is still standing with her back against the door.

"So Daniel is still Daniel?" She held her hands over her chest.

"Then… what was that?" 

Contrary to what Kiana told earlier, there is indeed something that happened.

Although Anti-Entropy came, they weren't the one who defeated the Herrscher.

Yes, after careful investigation. Anti-Entropy classified Asakura Mizuki as a Herrscher, calling her the Herrscher of the Lust.

Unlike Honkai Beast, Herrschers are considered to be the peak Honkai life form and can cause disasters to human kind.

Asakura Mizuki however, is different. Despite being called a Herrscher, it was more in the line of Pseudo Herrscher due to a core not fully forming inside her.

There's also a problem with her power too which begs the question, how did she exactly die?

If Kiana wasn't there in person, she wouldn't believe it but alas…

Looking at the door one last time, Kiana walked away with a determined expression.

She has been spending time with Daniel for a long time. Although she wouldn't say it out loud, he's the first friend she made in this city, and also the longest one to spend time with her.

Due to her origins, normal people wouldn't last long being with her. Not only does she move from time to time but other people don't know the existence of Honkai and thus, it is dangerous for them to get involved.

But Daniel is different, not only did he help her, he was even fine and had no signs of corrosion.


'You're still Daniel right?' Kiana shook her head. Why is he doubting him? 

At that time, it was definitely him but what happened? 

Why did he become like 'that'?

"Mou, Daniel should buy my lunch for the entire week for this." Kiana said something unreasonable again.

Calming herself down, she decided to throw those things at the back of her mind.

Looking at the sache in her hand, she comforted herself.

It doesn't matter, in the end. Daniel is still her friend

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