
Chapter 36

Chapter 36


Hiccup Pov:


 It had been a day since I received the letter and we had sent for reinforcement's. I went back to my island to grab help from the dragons.


 When we got back everyone was moving, I had the dragons fly in low on the far side of the Harbor and Town. We did that as to not spook anyone. I had them stay there and I went back to planning for the attack.


 That night I went to bed since i was the last up other than the guards. But before I got there Astrid came up and asked if she could talk to me at my hut. I agreed and took her there.


 After we got inside she kissed me and said. "I love you Hiccup." She then backed up and I asked. "How did you know?"


 "It was a guess, also the way you were stunned the other day. Plus what Heather said and your Eyes, Hair, and Scar Ryder." She said and went home but before she did she said. "I would like to join you, also I heard about Stormfly thankyou."


 I followed her silently and when she got to her Hut I walked in and said. "I know how you can join me and my friends but I need to ask them first. You remember everything correct." She was caught off guard and said. "Yes."


 "Then simply fake your death like me and my friends. The one we just simply didn't say if he was alive. Just get yourself caught up somewhere and I will have a Dragon rescue you. The one I was going to give you when you remembered." I said and she blushed. "Thankyou." She says as I leave.


 That was heavy. I go to the others and tell them about it and they think that it is a good Idea. I go back to Astrid's house but stop and look away since she is changing. Once she is done I go and say. "They agreed." Spooking her and I leave.


 I go to bed pondering about how it will be in the future and finally sleep.


 Mutism wakes me up at 4:00 saying. "Come on you have to get that Dragon for Astrid remember." "Alright, alright." I say and get dressed and go out.


 Mutism is waiting for me and we leave for the cave where the Dragons are. When we arrive I look for Luna the Lightfury. I find her by Toothless and say. "Hey Luna, I have a friend that you might like. She just regained her memory and was wanting to join us. She will disappear under the water for you to pick up." She is not amused and replies. "Can I see her first?" "Sure." I say.


 We arrive in the village and it is around 5:00 and I show her the hut and we go in. I open the door and Luna goes in and looks at Astrid. Once she is done she says. "Yes, Since she seems nice and you two are in love." She adds some sass to love. We leave and I go to the harbor and meet Dagur.


 "They are getting closer, Won't be long till they get here Ryder." He says. "Yes and my friend from berk wants to join me so they will disappear in the battle. Are you ok with taking some heat from him since one of his best warriors disappeared at your island."


 "Yes but how will they disappear, if it is offshore it isn't my problem." Dagur says and I chuckle. We talk a bit before getting ready for battle.






Astrid Pov:


 The ships are almost in range, but before we attack Ryder comes up to me and whispers. "If it lasts until night, throw this a bit away on deck and light it on fire. Stand back because it will explode. Or just do it halfway through the battle."


 As I look at what he gave me it looks like my tranquilizers but is colored white. My guess is that it has been altered but can still knock you out. I attach it to my waist and get ready for battle.






Hiccup Pov:


 Dagur is giving a speech for the coming battle. I go up to him and the council and say. "If you are ok with it I will take some people and surprise them from behind." They talk with each other before Dagur says. "Sure but you have to take someone from each tribe, To be fair." "Ok, let them know and if they want to they can meet me on the shore." I say and they all nod and go to tell the people.


 I head to the beach and let the others know. they go off to grab some dragons and I wait. Eventually some people show up, Astrid from the hairy hooligans, Camicazi from the bog burglars, Speedifist from the VisiThugs, Thuggory from the meatheads, and some others.


 "Alright our rides will be here shortly, when they arrive we will be going around back of the ships and taking out any leaders there or just people in general." I say to them but then they ask. "What do you mean our rides?"


 I kind of guessed this would happen but before I can say anything Mutism jumps down from probably 35 feet scaring them. "You will be taken there by dragons on water." He says and some run off.


 "For those of you left follow me." I say and we get them on dragons and set off as the battle begins.

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