
Harry, a Threat?

Kevin and the others had returned to the common room to enjoy the remaining holidays. Meanwhile, the professors were still discussing the incident. The giant monster had "accidentally" wandered into the school. Even though a first-year student had managed to handle it, Dumbledore couldn't allow such creatures to remain at Hogwarts.

In the headmaster's office, Severus Snape, with a grim expression, was talking to Dumbledore. "I don't understand why you allowed him to become the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor," Snape complained. Years had passed since he had dreamed of that job, and now it belonged to someone he detested. It was a source of immense frustration for him.

Dumbledore didn't comment on Snape's complaint. Faced with the calm face of the elderly headmaster, Snape seethed with anger but felt helpless. He harboured resentments towards Dumbledore, primarily because of Lily. Snape's betrayal of Voldemort and his allegiance to the side of light had their roots in his love for Lily. However, her untimely death, even though it was an unforeseen accident under Dumbledore's protection, left Snape with lingering bitterness towards the wizarding world.

He didn't want to follow the orders of the old headmaster, but he couldn't disregard them either. Snape continued, "I've checked the fourth-floor corridor; the door was opened, and the three-headed dog attacked the intruder. Furthermore, I examined the giant monster's body. The burn marks and injuries on it are not ordinary and can't be attributed to a simple 'Fire Spell.' You should keep an eye on that new Ravenclaw student, Kevin."

Dumbledore still only nodded. "I understand, Severus. You should have more trust in young wizards."

Seeing that Dumbledore wasn't taking a more active stance, Snape added, "If you suspect him, why allow him to be a professor at the school?"

Dumbledore softly replied, "I have my reasons, Severus."

"You and your damned reasons!" Snape, frustrated and furious, stormed out of the room.

In the following days, Kevin became something of a celebrity at Hogwarts. Nearly everyone who saw him wanted to know about his battle with the giant monster. Even his roommate Stephen came to ask, "Hey, Kevin, I heard you had a showdown with a giant monster that night! Blew up the bathroom, severed limbs everywhere. Is that true?"

This news caught Kevin off guard. "Wow, are you sure you're not referring to the battle of Stalingrad instead of the Hogwarts bathroom?"

Only when he asked Hermione did he find out that, after returning to the common room that night, Ron was so excited that he spent the better part of the night telling stories about the battle. He may have exaggerated things a bit. Still, his tale had spread far and wide, and it even made its way to the Great Hall during breakfast.

Entering November, the weather turned very cold. The mountains surrounding the school were covered in frost and snow, and the lake was as cold and hard as tempered steel. Every morning, the ground was frosty, and the keymaster and gamekeeper of Hogwarts, Rubeus Hagrid, could be seen wearing thick fur as he defrosted broomsticks on the Quidditch pitch. The Quidditch season was about to begin.

During this time, Roger Davies, the Ravenclaw Quidditch team captain, became extremely diligent. He scheduled extra practises, which now took place five times a week, making Kevin busier than ever. Alongside his regular class assignments, he had to spend time in the library, scouring books and searching for valuable items to repair. His first holiday at Hogwarts was approaching.

"Harry Potter is the primary Seeker for Gryffindor's Quidditch team, and he's playing in today's game." On a Saturday morning, Roger Davies, out of breath, rushed into the Ravenclaw common room to share this news. Though the match against Hufflepuff was scheduled for the next day, Davies had been keeping an eye on the conditions of the Slytherin and Gryffindor teams.

"He's only a first-year, and he's already the main Seeker."

"Weren't they saying he was a substitute?"

"So what if he is? We have a first-year starting player too."

"Could it be because of his fame?"

"Of course not!" Kevin interjected. "Do you know about the Trophy Room on the fourth floor? It showcases trophies, shields, medals, and statues, and every Quidditch Cup is placed there. I remember passing by once and finding a name on one of the trophies—James Potter."

"James Potter?" Cirilla was surprised. "Another Potter? What's his relationship with Harry?"

"They're father and son," Kevin affirmed. "In other words, Harry's father, as a Seeker, helped Gryffindor win the Quidditch Cup."

Kevin's words stirred up a commotion. In the wizarding world, Quidditch talent could be inherited, so this revelation wasn't shocking. It was well known that a few pureblood families dominated Quidditch. Seeing the turmoil, Cirilla cleared her throat and declared, "It's just another Potter. Are you all afraid now? Regardless of the opponent, victory belongs to Ravenclaw."

Her determined gaze conveyed her thirst for victory. "You're right. We're up against Hufflepuff tomorrow, and victory will be ours," Kevin chimed in.

Thinking about Kevin and Cirilla's partnership, the Eagle House members started to ease their concerns about Harry. However, after watching the afternoon game, the "Harry Threat Theory" made a resurgence.

In the first game of the season, the Slytherin team played extremely dirty. They almost played Quidditch like American football, constantly committing fouls. This made the Gryffindor team very uncomfortable, and they were losing throughout the game.

In the end, it was Harry Potter who saved the day, risking the danger of an out-of-control broom to catch the Golden Snitch and secure the win. After the match, there was a minor incident that made it seem like Snape was trying to frame Harry.

But regardless, everyone had witnessed Harry Potter's skills. Now, the hopes of Ravenclaw rest on their new players having the same talent as Harry.

Early the next morning, the weather was clear but cold. The tantalising scent of sausages filled the Great Hall, and everyone was looking forward to a thrilling Quidditch match.


Answering a reader's question: The main character shares his original spells because they are simple and basic, so there's not much of a threat in sharing them. Spells like [Invisibility], [Light Dance], [Ice Arrow], and [Fireball] are considered basic and common in other worlds, and their limitations are well known. Teaching these spells to others doesn't pose a significant risk.

Additionally, the main storyline is about building a power base, not a solo power-up journey. The main character, an orphan without a family, needs to gather talented people for his cause. Even if he finds outsiders unreliable or dislikes romance, Hermione could be seen as a potential future ally, not just a romantic interest.

Translation is hard; cheer me up!

Mustafa_Ecreators' thoughts
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