

"We got Potter! We got Potter!" When the Sorting Hat announced Harry's house, cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table, and the little lions rushed to shake hands with Harry, considering it an honour. Ron was the second-to-last to be sorted, and he, too, was placed in Gryffindor. His older brothers clapped and cheered, which helped ease his slightly green face.

Kevin glanced over to the adjacent table, and both Harry and Ron looked at him with a hint of regret.

For Kevin, this outcome was acceptable, but the critical factor to consider was Dumbledore's perspective.

In Kevin's view, Albus Dumbledore was undoubtedly the greatest white wizard, but he wasn't necessarily a suitable headmaster. His excessive focus on the battle between good and evil led to several decisions that didn't fit his role as headmaster. His attitude toward Dark Arts, the Forbidden Section of the library, open support for Harry, and yearly hazardous adventures for him were all evidence of that.

However, within the Hogwarts confines, Kevin believed that he could keep Dumbledore's interference to a minimum. Dumbledore was primarily concerned with the prophecy concerning Harry and Voldemort. If Kevin maintained a normal interaction with Harry at school, refraining from excessive contact, Dumbledore likely wouldn't perceive him as a threat to the prophecy. He had no intention of being a sidekick to the protagonist, but rather, to live his own life at Hogwarts.

Kevin wasn't planning to keep a low profile at school. Teachers in Hogwarts always favoured the top students, didn't they?

"Do you know Harry Potter over there?" A boy's voice suddenly interrupted Kevin's thoughts.

"Yes," Kevin responded without much explanation, and he extended his hand to greet the boy.

"I'm Stephen Cornforth," the boy introduced himself.

Kevin recalled that this name appeared in the original story, but Stephen had no substantial role except for his name. However, this ordinary NPC had now become a living presence in front of him. At this moment, Kevin's understanding of this world deepened once again.

["You are increasingly integrating into this world, and the impact of your arrival on this world will gradually become apparent, revealing the anomalies caused by you."]

"How has my arrival impacted this world? What kind of impact? Why haven't I noticed?" Kevin wondered, but he didn't have much time to dwell on it as Albus Dumbledore stood up.

It was time for the headmaster's speech. If it were in his previous life, Kevin would have considered eating something to ease his hunger. Still, at Hogwarts, there was no need for that. Dumbledore looked at the students with a wide smile, spread his arms, and loudly said, "Welcome, everyone, to the beginning of a new school year!

"Before the feast begins, I would like to say a few words. They are: 'Fool! Crybaby! Scum! Tug!' Thank you, everyone!"

This strange greeting left everyone puzzled, but Kevin had heard a theory. The term "Fool" referred to Ravenclaw, as the students from this house were often seen as the most intelligent, believing that the students from other houses were fools and idiots.

"Crybaby": The term is often used to refer to someone who is "chubby," and unfriendly children use it to insult and belittle their overweight or less physically fit peers, such as the Gryffindor students. Most Gryffindors consider themselves brave and believe that students from other houses are not as courageous as they are.

"Scum": This term also refers to the leftover pieces of cloth and is typically small and unsuitable for making useful items. Slytherin students are known for their pure-blood ideology, emphasizing purity and unity. In the eyes of Slytherins, students from other houses are not true witches or wizards and are considered useless scum.

"Tug": Hufflepuff students have little in common with the previous three types. They include both non-intelligent and non-brave students, and there are many students of mixed Muggle heritage. However, Hufflepuffs manage to bring everyone together.

Viewed from this perspective, the good headmaster's intention is to remind students from different houses to avoid prejudice and unite. However, he didn't entirely live up to this ideal himself. From this angle, Kevin was glad he wasn't sorted into Slytherin.

Then, Kevin noticed that Stephen's eyes widened suddenly, and within moments, the empty tables were filled with an abundance of food. There were roast beef, roast chicken, honey-glazed chicken legs, honey-glazed spare ribs, pork chops, lamb chops, steaks, sausages, boiled potatoes, roasted potatoes, potato chips, mashed potatoes, fries with tomato sauce, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, meat stew, pumpkin juice, orange juice, pumpkin pie, meat pies, apple pies, and even mint candies.

The plentiful feast quickly lifted the spirits of the students. Stephen immediately started devouring the food, and Kevin didn't hold back either. It was the most sumptuous meal he had eaten since arriving in this world.

Halfway through the meal, Stephen leaned over and asked, "Kevin, why are you using two wands to eat?"

Other Ravenclaws also turned their attention to him.

Kevin replied, "These aren't wands; they're chopsticks. As a person of Chinese descent, it's entirely reasonable for me to use chopsticks for eating. Don't you believe me? Ask that senior." He pointed in the direction of a beautiful Asian senior named Zhang Qiu.

The girl nodded and said, "Kevin is right. I'm of Chinese descent too. My mom taught me to use chopsticks at home."

The main course lasted for about half an hour. Just as Kevin was contentedly holding his stomach, the remaining food on the tables disappeared, and dessert suddenly appeared. There were various flavours of pudding, ice cream, apple pie, syrup pancakes, chocolate sponge cake, fried jam doughnuts, alcohol-infused fruit pudding, strawberries, jellies, rice pudding, and more.

Both Kevin and Stephen let out cries of despair as the two food enthusiasts had already filled their stomachs during the main course and weren't prepared for another wave of desserts.

During dessert time, there was a commotion at the Gryffindor table. Nearly Headless Nick, the Gryffindor ghost, suddenly emerged from the table, which almost made the young lions' vomit on the spot.

Finally, dessert time came to an end, and Dumbledore began his closing remarks. "Now that everyone is well-fed and refreshed, let me say a few words before you go to bed. At the beginning of the school year, I need to remind everyone of a few things...

"First-year students, be aware that the Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits to students. Some of our older students should remember this as well."

As he said this, Dumbledore cast a brief glance in the direction of the Weasley brothers.

"Also, Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to remind everyone not to use magic in the corridors during breaks."

"The Quidditch trials will be held during the second week of this term. Any students interested in trying out for their house team should contact Madam Hooch."

"Finally, I must inform you all that if you want to avoid accidents and a painful demise, do not enter the fourth-floor corridor on the right-hand side."

Kevin listened to this with a somewhat baffled expression. If there was any way to make everyone want to do something, the best method was to prohibit it entirely. Dumbledore was clearly doing it on purpose.

"Now, before we head to our dormitories, let us sing the school song together."

After Dumbledore's announcement, most of the teachers and older students seemed to stiffen, but they complied.

Dumbledore lightly waved his wand, and a long golden ribbon emerged from it, forming lines of text in the air above the high table, twisting and turning like a snake.

"Each person can choose their preferred tune," Dumbledore said. "Ready, sing!"

The Weasley twins, known for their mischievous ways and disruptions, began singing the song with a funeral march melody, making the students' voices even more chaotic. Finally, everyone completed the school song under the guidance of the prefects and left the Great Hall in an orderly fashion.

Just then, in the crowd, Kevin spotted a face that shouldn't have been there. Gray hair, green eyes, a tall forehead, and a face with a regal charm, but the only concern was the absence of a lightning-shaped scar.

In astonishment, Kevin couldn't help but call out the person's name, " Cirilla!"

Translation is hard, cheer me up!

Mustafa_Ecreators' thoughts
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