
That's gay

[Third Person's PoV]

Junpei laid in bed thinking about his previous discussion with Yuji, "The value of life will become ambiguous and I'm scared of not even knowing anymore the value of people I treasure"

Junpei kept repeating the words Yuji said over and over as if trying to memorize it.

'People have no such things as hearts. These were the words mahito said to me and I've been saved by that thought. I have been given power."

Junpei then thought of his mother…

'But if that soul became tainted because I killed someone… then I can't kill people' Junpei thought to himself thinking about what to do with his new power that was awakened within him by Mahito.

Meanwhile Junpei's mother who was still sleeping on the table with a blanket over her suddenly woke up.

When she did she saw a strange object in front of her, "A Finger?"

But it wasn't just any old regular finger, It was a special grade cursed object Sukuna's finger, which attracted a curse spirit who appeared right behind her without her knowledge.

Nanami and Yuji were seen discussing the matter of their mission.

"Being a child is by no means a crime. From today onwards I'll have you monitor and observe Yoshino junpei" Nanami said, giving Yuji his orders.

When Yuji noticed that Junpei wasn't in his house the next place he went to was his school.

When he entered he saw that everyone was unconscious and Junpei was holding one of the students by his shirt collar.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUNPEI!" Yuji yelled out.

Junpei just looked at Yuji with an emotionless expression, "Stay back, sorcerer" Junpei demanded coldly.

Yuji wrapped his hands in curse energy and ran towards Junpei.

Junpei summoned his Jellyfish shikigami and covered his body in it protecting himself from Yuji's punch.

Although it protected him from any real damage, Junpei was still sent flying backwards destroying the wall behind him, sending him into the school hallways.

Junpei quickly recovered and got back into a fighting position.

'A jellyfish shikigami, it looks like it's resistant to physical damage, I'll just have to see how resistant it truly is' Yuj thought.

"I'll say it again, stay back sorcerer!" Junpei demanded once again. He made a sign with his hands causing him to gather more curse energy, "you have nothing to do with this!"

"That's not something for you to decide!" Yuji said as he surrounded himself with curse energy.

He pushed himself against the floor causing it to crack sending him sprinting towards Junpei seeing this had no put to attack.

He sent the spiked tentacle of the jellyfish towards Yuji trying to poison him, but it wasn't poison to him it was just poison to slow him down.

Yuji ducked under the coming tentacle and sidestepped to dodge the other one while running forward. Yuji wrapped his hands around the extended tentacle and tried to pull it off of Junpei but the Jellyfish just swung its tentacle slamming him against the lockers causing them to dent on impact.

Yuji didn't let go and got slammed on the floor as a consequence. He quickly stood up and gave the tentacle a good yank, making it leave Junpei's body, leaving him defenseless.

Junpei then started yapping about his philosophical views in which he wanted to believe in but the author was too lazy to type it out.

Yuji ran towards Junpei and tackled him to a side window, sending him flying and crashing onto a lower roof section of the school building.

'He touched it! So why? Why isn't "Moon Dregs" poison working on him? Why is he getting in my way? Just why?' Junpei thought as he rolled on the lower roof before standing up and getting into a fighting stance.

Junpei un-summoned his previous shikigami and summoned another one behind him, when he saw Yuji jumping from the window he thought he had the perfect chance to attack.

He sent the two tentacles to attack but Yuji simply twisted himself mid-air and dodged the attack which shocked Junpei.

When Yuji landed on the roof he didn't hesitate and immediately made a run towards Junpei.

Junpei brought the tentacles of the Jellyfish together to stop Yuji's punch but he was simply too strong, one punch with his curse enhanced fist caused the jellyfish tentacles to pop due to the force.

Yuji punched Junpei in the stomach knocking the air out of him and punched him in the face causing it to be cut slightly Yuji punched him again which caused Junpei's lips to bleed.

He then punched Junpei across the face which sent him flying through another window, sending him back inside the school.

As he landed between two staircases Junpei used his curse energy to heal and restore the tentacle that popped. Junpei immediately made the Moon Dreig whip its tentacle towards the window, causing which just so happened to be at the same time that Yuji tried to jump back inside following Junpei.

Due to being whipped Yuji was sent flying into the ground, which didn't hurt Yuji in the slightest as he surrounded himself with curse energy as he flew to the ground.

When Yuji approached the ground he crashed and rolled and used that momentum to jump back up right from where he came from causing the ground to break apart due to the force Yuji used.

"I have no idea what you were yapping about" Yuji said as he entered the place he was thrown out from.

"Splitting hairs like that, it just means, you want to think that you are right, don't you? I don't know what your motive is Junpei. I'm sure you have your reasons.

But does that mean you'd go as far as throw your life away? You previously said something along the lines of people's hearts being fake, can you say that in front of that person?!" Yuji yelled, referring to his mother.

"People don't have hearts!" Junpei stubbornly said.

"You're still saying that?!" Yuji asked

"They don't!" Junpei shouted, "If they do! IF THEY DO, ARE YOU SAYING MY MOM AND I HAVE BEEN CURSED BY PEOPLE'S HEART" Junpei cried out with tears running down his face. "Something like that is too much"

Junpei then wrapped his shikigami's spikes with curse energy "What's right or what's wrong, i simply don't care anymore" Junpei said in a shaky voice.

Junpei then sent out a spike expecting Yuji to dodge but he didn't cause the spike to impale him. Leaving Junpei looking at what he has done in shock

"W-Why didn't you avoid it…?" Junpei asked with a shaky voice

"Sorry" Yuji said, bleeding from his wound. He crouched down to Junpei's level, "Tell me what happened. I definitely won't curse you or anything, Junpei!" Yuji said while looking at him in his eyes.

Junpei looked at Yuji with tears in his eyes. He started explaining his situation and what happened to his mother…

Yuji took a hold of his hands (A/N: That's gay) and asked "Junpei come to Jujutsu High, will ya? There are teachers there that are unusually strong and they are comrades that are pretty reliable… even though one of those comrades is a monster that would torture you until you beg for mercy."

Yuji said the last part like someone with ptsd before continuing what he was saying "If we joined forces together with everyone im sure we will be able to find the guy that cursed you and your mom

I'll punish that guy for sure, let's fight together" Yuji finished with his bro moment with Junpei.

Meanwhile Mahito was looking at everything from the top of the stairs with an amused expression.

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Shadow_D_Monarch3creators' thoughts
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