
Chapter 10: Eastern Forest (Part 3)

"Get him!" Creating ice on the ground with the magic he had borrowed from Gray, he created a roller on the ground, which, with reduced friction, knocked the perky monkey to the ground. Such a carcass could have easily crushed some stone from such a load, but the ice withstood it without any problems.

Wakaba wasted no time, enveloping the latest nightly beast with his smoke magic. It was the fifth one they encountered that day, and this one put up a bit more of a fight.

In truth, vulcans weren't powerful enough for us to worry about killing them, but they were a valuable resource to us. We had to kill them carefully, without damaging their hide. Cornered creatures tend to be more desperate, especially the vulcans during this period.

Not only were they physically superior to the average human, but they also possessed transformation magic. It allowed them to change their appearance and, as a bonus, gave them the ability to control those whose appearance they imitated. I was even caught off guard by one of them using this method. Fortunately, Wakaba was there and explained what to do in such a situation.

To let a vulcan enter your body, all it required was a touch and the vulcan's desire to overpower you. To expel the intruder trying to enter you, you just needed to muster your willpower and win the mental battle. In addition, you could repel the monkey's magic with your own magic.

The only thing that remained unclear was why he didn't share this information sooner. I couldn't have known about it myself, but in fairness, my fault in this matter was also substantial. I believed I knew enough about them and didn't seek information either in books or from others. I needed to change my attitude toward missions.

For these reasons, killing them required careful use of long-range magic. This was a bit more challenging, as I didn't possess magic that wouldn't eventually harm their hide. Only lightning, which had to be used to roast their brains, was suitable, but you couldn't get close to these creatures. That's why I came up with a new method after an unsuccessful attempt with the previous test subject—an approach involving water!

I had to study water magic from a book and a brief demonstration from some Magnolia resident a couple of days ago, so my mastery of it was quite low. Nonetheless, I was content with my rapid progress.

Focusing my magic on the tip of my index finger, I initiated the process of transforming its structure and properties into water, after which I shot it directly into the eye. It had enough power to pierce through the visual organ and reach the brain, but not enough to break the skull.

The book about magic for novices was telling the plain truth. Magical energy strives to be obedient to its owner, much like someone close who tries to adapt to your wishes but still has their own that they won't violate. So, just like a person, you had to give magic something equivalent in return. You couldn't just take. Magic and its user formed a symbiotic relationship. It lived inside you, adopting your colors, your personality, and your physical data, like pure natural ether that adhered to you and became magical energy or mana, whichever term you preferred.

As a result, a creature couldn't master all types of magic at an equally high level (magic copying is an exception). This wasn't just about time; it was the influence of a person on magic, making it more like them. That's why fiery magic was natural for impulsive and relentless individuals like Natsu. For the cold and somewhat detached, there was ice magic. Max, who could be quiet, lively, and even hyperactive at times, had control over sandstorm magic.

A person who was perpetually calm and cheerful couldn't produce flames out of thin air, but if you kept provoking them for a long time, they would boil like water. This was figurative and somewhat exaggerated, but it was still a fact. The same went for me. I could copy almost any magic and reproduce it perfectly, even enhancing and improving it, but I couldn't reach the same heights in fire and earth magic as I could in water and lightning. I wasn't like Natsu, and I wasn't as incredibly patient and unwavering as a stone. I was more like the wind, adaptable and easily taking the shape necessary for smoother interactions with myself and others.

From the fact that my water magic had learned so quickly to the point where it could kill the likes of the Vulcans.


"Whew, I think that's it for today," Wakaba sat down on the grass, lighting a new cigarette. I wonder if it's the effect of his magic, or how he's still alive and not coughing up blood? "Ah, magic is not infinite after all... and you don't seem tired at all? You're quite the little monster. You used up much more magic than I did, but I'm the one who's exhausted," he yawned, scratching his head.

"No, I won't last much longer either," he sat down on the grass next to the vulcan's body. I'm not strong enough yet. My body can't take it. I lack physical training, and I have to rely on magic to avoid collapsing prematurely. My head is starting to throb, and my eyes are stinging, weakness is creeping into my body; it's time to rest.

But I'm grateful to all the gods for the incredible control over mana, which takes its efficiency to an unbelievable height for the vast majority of mages. And for the enormous reserves of mana in my body. According to my master, I have more magic in me than anyone in the guild, apart from him and Gildarts, and a couple of other veterans.

Wakaba, on the other hand, is short on reserves, but he's physically unmatched by most. So we make a pretty good team.

"Alright, I think it's time. Can you use your magic to handle this gorilla? If I do it, I'll run out of strength halfway," his partner asked, and I didn't refuse, as his magic is quite demanding; you need to keep the smoke under control and prevent it from scattering. "If your legs get tired, I can carry you on my back."

"No, for now, I'll walk. When we capture the second one on the way, you can carry me," he agreed, standing up, but declined the offer for now. "It's so wet. If I hadn't bought those boots and a special fishing suit, I'd be soaking wet," I adjusted my clothes and began the activation of a spell, focusing on the cast, even closing my eyes to direct my magical gaze on myself. After about five seconds, I felt a blow to my chest, or rather, not a blow. A rather large hand grabbed me. Opening my eyes, I saw a pink vulcan with green patterns resembling playing cards. He took me in his hands like a little doll, and then he began running on all fours, separating us from Wakaba.

Looking in Wakaba's direction, I was unpleasantly surprised. Several other vulcans attacked him. "What the hell?" Since when do they band together like that? These aren't the right time and circumstances for that. Did they lie to me?

"Let go, you bastard!" I shouted, trying to free myself from his grip, but he just squeezed his hand harder. "Kha," the air was painfully forced out of my lungs. I couldn't breathe properly, but there was enough oxygen to keep me from dying. If this continues, I might pass out. "What to do?" If I use lightning, he might unintentionally crush my hand, turning me into a crumpled mess. Wind and earth won't help, and fire would harm me. I might be quite resistant to my magic, but it still takes constant effort.

"Water Gun!" I yelled to make him look at me and fired a fully charged H2O bullet at his brain area. It took at least fifteen seconds to prepare it, focusing in uncomfortable conditions. It flew off my finger, pierced through the front and back of his skull. Right now, I don't need to keep an eye on his fur. Surviving and not losing my life is my top priority.

The beast fell lifeless, and I rolled over to stop from hitting a tree, finally catching my breath. "Whew, I need to recover and head back. They dragged me pretty far. The vulcan was trying to escape as fast as possible, but that left clearer tracks."


"You did great! You handled my pet well," a unpleasant male voice came from somewhere behind. I quickly turned around and found two men, if you can call them that. Some kind of creature with a staff that looked more like a goblin with its unhealthy skin color, and a muscular man without any weapons. "The 'Tamer' and the 'Hand-to-Hand Fighter,'" I noted to myself about the opponents, standing up. Though he might have a dagger or strong magic somewhere. You don't go into battle with bare fists. Weapons and magic are stronger, so they compensate for the lack. Natsu and Erza are like that, people whose magic serves only for convenience and support.

"And who are you?" I asked, focusing on their every move, trying to assess their abilities and formulate a plan in the limited time available.

"It doesn't matter!" the man with the bare torso replied aggressively, making a leap towards me with his fist raised for a strike.

The opponent turned out to be quite fast, but with Mira in her devil form, and especially with Laxus, he couldn't compare. As he approached me, I glanced at the tamer. Judging by his expression, he didn't seem to be planning to take any action, which was somewhat reassuring, though I shouldn't put too much trust in it.

The fist passed by my face, the first time, the second, the third. The movements of the tanned man with tattoos were rather elegant. The guys in the guild couldn't boast of such finesse. "But what's the point; I can dodge...!" I thought but was hit in the face.

"What just happened?" Jumping aside, I wondered, not understanding what had happened. Stars appeared in my eyes, but I continued to dodge, sending lightning to try to distance myself and weaken the opponent a bit. When lightning makes contact with the body, it paralyzes the nervous system, even if it's magical lightning, its properties don't change. Although strong and skilled fighters can resist spells, there's almost always some effect.

He didn't stop, continuing to attack. "It was obvious; he's a close combat mage." As he aimed his fist at my face at a speed fast enough to dodge without much trouble, I thought, "What's the point; I can dodge...!" But at some point, his fist smoothly, yet rapidly, even for my eyes, accelerated. I couldn't keep up with it. His maximum speed for my eyes was almost comparable to a regular punch for normal eyes without Rikugan. My habit of slowing down to perceive opponents, although not conscious, but my reluctance to train in close combat without this advantage, played a trick on me.

I began to miss his blows. Disregarding my thoughts, I poured more magic into my eyes, making it a bit easier to keep track of him. This didn't provide a significant advantage, but it did make it easier to land counterattacks.

Lightning charges crackled on my hands upon contact with his skin. The opponent clearly didn't like getting hit by lightning, but in the end, I still ran out of steam.

I, exhausted from the day's battles, pressed against the tree in desperation, and he just stood there, looking at me as if I were garbage. I froze; it was as if the world had stopped. My head hurt, but I paid it no attention. I remembered how my new journey had begun. The asteroid and my helplessness in the face of that giant rock.

I needed to put everything into my final strike, and I would leave that damn guy to Wakaba. It's a shame I can't replenish my reserves like Satoru, and the limitless power isn't available to me yet.

Yes, compared to my former self, I now have strength, but I'm still the same. Like a monkey with an automatic weapon. As soon as the bullets ran out or the enemy hid behind a shield, I was powerless and useless.

The realization of this relaxed me. For now, I'm not as strong as Satoru in the canon. He wasn't the strongest from birth, and I shouldn't sit idly by, as well as the beings living in this world.

But despite my enthusiasm, I'm still human. My brain urgently increased the strength of my eyes to find a way out of the situation, not consulting reason. Gradually, the power of my eyes waned so that the strain wouldn't kill me, but it didn't really matter anymore. He knocked me out with a punch to the jaw.


"...!" The man stopped, seeing the wizard falling unconscious.


"It was a good fight! It seems this girl is very skilled, but she can't compare to the leader."

"There's nothing good about it! She's weak, and she's out cold," the leader replied calmly, slinging the girl's limp body over his shoulder as if she were a sack of potatoes.

"But she fought quite skillfully, don't you think? Am I not right?"

"It's magic. I don't know what kind, but she's an amateur. Be ashamed that you didn't understand the truth!" he scolded his subordinate as they headed back to camp.

"Well, I'm not a close combat fighter, after all. It's more effective for me to let my dolls fight," the friendly subordinate replied. "By the way, my second and third toys are already dead; should we do something about it? That bandit will be here any minute."

"No, we'll just leave. He's not interesting to me."

(Note: In the harem, there will be: possibly (high probability) - Selena, Irene - definitely, the others are currently uncertain, but it's possible that Erza and Mirajane will be included by default. Additionally, Virgo, the Zodiac Spirit, is likely to be a part of it, and possibly Cana.

He'll be without the Lacrima

A copy of someone else's magic as a secondary power)

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