
Chapter 11: Danger on the Route

“Uncle, when will you be back? Why did Papa do this? I don't like it,” Princess Rae demanded, throwing a tantrum as we stood by the castle exit after we bid King Astaroth and a smiling Prince Boris goodbye. 

“I have no idea about Princess Rae, but I promise I will be back soon. Keep out of trouble, please.” He rubbed her hair and tears formed in her eyes. 

“Is she for real?” Vuk whispered as his eyes widened in surprise as he gawked at her.

“You have no right to speak in my presence,” Princess Rae snapped at Vuk. 

“She is feisty.” Vuk laughed. 

“Who is this shameless man? Leave my kingdom and never come back,” Rae screeched as she took off and disappeared. 

“Are all the royal women in the East Kingdom this hot-tempered?” Vuk laughed and Randale smacked his head to shut his mouth.

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