
Ch 63 Road To Yggdrasil

(Chill Ch)

In the morning Skade and I ate breakfast along with my men and soon enough one of Borgs Captains walked in.

"The Jarl would like to continue conversations with you after your meal." The man spoke and I nodded.

"We have just finished, take us there." I spoke and the man nodded.

We all stood and Balgrud patted his belly. "THAT GOAT CHEESE WAS FANTASTIC....ALMOST MADE THE RIDE ALL THE WAY HERE WORTH IT...BUT I MISS MY KYRA." He spoke a bit sadly.

"We'll be back soon enough Big Guy." I spoke and patted his huge shoulder as we entered Borg's study.

All of us sat down and drinks were served for us. 

"I hope each of you enjoyed your rest and my hospitality." He spoke while looking at each of us.

"We thank you again, it was much needed." I spoke and he hummed in agreement.

Then Jarl Borg took a few long moments as he gathered his words carefully.

"I take it, from what you said yesterday,That The Whoreson Horik is prepared to compromise and offer some deal regarding those lands of mine, which he still illegally occupies?" Borg spoke slowly and carefully.

"He is prepared to pay you to renounce your claims on those lands....you say he illegally occupies....he says you illegally claim them.....at the end of the day words or blades will solve this issue and I will try my best so that it is words." I spoke and he nodded.

"Tell me what that pigs abortion offers me for my lands?" Borg asked.

"He knows of your attachment to it so he asks that you name a fair price." I spoke and sipped on my chalice of milk.

"The land is priceless, which is why King Horik wants to keep it for himself even though it is rightfully mine." Borg spoke.

Then rollo interrupted.

"Every piece of land has a price, just like every human." He spoke idiotically, Borg looked at Rollo for a long moment then asked.

"Who is he? Is he also a messenger from That Cunt?" Borg asked while eyeing up Rollo.

"Nay, this is Rollo Sigurdson, brother to Ragnar and I...but he does not speak for Horik." I spoke and gave Rollo a glance as if telling him to shut the fuck up.

Then Borg turned to me. 

"Thenn, you must understand my position....This is not a small plot of land on which to grow turnips and onions. We're talking about a vast swathe of land, and on this land, in the earth, are minerals, things of great value." He spoke while pulling out a parchment from his desk and handing it over to me.

I unrolled it and saw a crudely drawn map with distances markers, mountains and towns scribbled on it crudely....the region marked was a huge arena around Örebro.

"If these are accurate I'd see why you don't want to give it up so easily..." I spoke as I eyed the map over.

"Why else would I assert my claim? The reason Horik is so greedy for it, is the vast wealth held under it's earth....that Cunt is trying to take what is rightfully mine." Borg spoke angrily....if I were him I'd also be pissed.

"Horik resists your claim, but still, in good faith, he is willing to settle with you...I know it is hard but please try to name a reasonable price." I spoke and he gritted his teeth and thought for a long moment.

"I will not lie to you Thenn, At the moment, my price is King Horik's ugly head mounted on a spear."

He spoke with anger in his heart to which his men who sat nearby laughed at.

"It seems war might be inevitable if we continue like this.....but what if there was another way?" I spoke and sighed before sipping from my chalice.

Borg's interest seemed peaked at my words.

"Do go on, I am listening." He spoke and leaned closer.

"Let me start off by saying Horik did not agree to this offer, he only agreed to a single payment....but I'd like to get the ball rolling so we get somewhere." I spoken and he nodded coldly.

"I understand, it's better than nothing." He spoke.

"What if your claim was acknowledged but you were willing to lease the land back to the king during his lifetime?....if that is not suitable, what if judgment was deferred on ownership, but shared the mineral rights?" I asked and his eyes narrowed.

"But it's my fucking land, I don't want to share with that Fat Cunt." Borg spoke angrily.

"I understand your position....but If the land is as valuable as you say, it would be far better to share in it's bountiful wealth rather than see each other killed or have your power severely weakened..... you have no Heir at the moment, It'd be better to solidify your standing before even thinking of a war which might see the end to your line." I spoke and he grimaced but nodded.

"I am amenable to these ideas but we must still find out if Horik thinks the same....That Cunt is at Gamla Stan...I can send a guide with some of your men to notify him....it will take a bit more than a week." Borg spoke and I nodded.

"Then it seems we can negotiate, I shall send a few of my men to deliver the message." I spoke and he nodded.

"Very well, since you will be waiting here for a while....In the meantime, why don't you and your men go and visit our famous ash tree?

It is reknown not only for its tremendous size but because it never loses its leaves, summer or winter."

Borg spoke convincingly and I could see Balgrud twitching with a desire to go see it.

"Sounds interesting." I spoke with a raised eyebrow as I patted Skades head.

"Some people even say it's Yggdrasil, the tree that holds up the sky.....And I will provide you an escort to show you the way." Borg spoke amicably but I could see a coniving glint in his eyes.

"Very well, I will take you up on that offer." I spoke and I saw Balgrud grin madly at my words.

Then Borg turned to me once more. 

"I only have one, very small request....I would like one of your men to stay behind here as a kind of security....I hope you understand." Borg spoke.

"Very well, My brother Rollo will stay behind." I spoke and Borg grinned and let us out of the room.

I walked outside with Skade and made my way to the barracks where my men were staying.

I found them wrestling in the grass beside the barracks while betting silver's on the winners.

I waited til the match was over before walking up to them.

"I hope you all enjoyed your rest and your home cooked meal....We ride for a sacred Grove said to House a Tree which might be Yggdrasil." I spoke and they all grew excited and began badgering me with questions.

"Get ready to move out in an hour." I ordered and they all nodded and hurried off excitedly while shoving and yelling at one another.

"They treat you as if you were their father...Even though you're so young." Skade spoke cutely.

"Aye, I don't mind it....they know that as long as they follow my orders they'll become richer, more famous, and likely survive through whatever we endure." I spoke and kissed her soft cheek before heading to the stables to check on my horse.

I found him laid down on the floor with his tongue sticking out....i thought horses slept standing up, he must be exhausted.

"Get up you Big Bastard!!!" I yelled and immediately Ignu sprang on all fours and neighed angrily for a few moments before seeing that it was me.

Immediately he stopped neighing and just chuffed in my direction to express his displeasure.

"Oh don't be a damn baby, I can smell all the mares you mounted so don't even complain about being sleepy." I spoke aloud and Ignu knickered and let out a happy noise as if remembering last night.

Then I turned to the stables slaves.

"I need him ready in an hour, no bridle." I spoke and they nodded vigorously before I left to oversee the preparation of my men and to restock on our supplies for the journey.

I bought some new arrows for Skade since many had broken during the night ambush after being lodged into those bastards.

Soon after we mounted up and a guide sent by Borg came up riding on a gray horse.

"It will be about three days ride My Lord, I know plenty of places to camp on the way." The man spoke respectfully and I nodded.

"Very well, let's get going." I spoke and soon we rode off northwest on a dirt trail which quickly ended but we continued on.

The wonderful scent of pine trees and sap mixed with the fruity scent of Skade as we rode on through the forest.

Eventually the land changed around us and became rolling hills with cliffs on its borders, we found a crystal clear river and followed along it.

It was a boring and long ride along the stream which broke off into smaller rivulets, Eventually the sun began to go down so we stopped and found an area beside a cliff to set up camp.

We all dismounted then began cutting down trees and digging holes quickly, between the twenty five of us it was finished in forty five minutes.

Everyone piled in and we took our provisions from our packs.

Smoked sausages and dried fruit was out appetizer...but the main course would be much better.

Balgrud had brought a live Pig from Töreboda and lugged it all the way here inside of a sack.

 The Giant Berzerker walked over to his saddlebags and untied a large canvas sack that had been squealing for much of the journey.

He set the bag down and untied it, his huge hands reached in and he pulled out a sixty or seventy pound hog out with a wide grin.

"OH YOU'RE GONNA BE SO TASTY..." Balgrud spoke aloud as he patted the dehydrated and weakened animal on its head.

It had been in the sack since the morning and it was barely concious now.

Balgrud pulled the large Seax Dagger he carried and placed it under the hogs armpit as it snorted softly.

The sharp blade moved almost effortlessly as it jabbed deep into the pigs heart as it let out a haunting squeal with all of its remaining strength.


The hog kicked and screamed out for a few long moments before slowly becoming limp as the life drained from it's eyes.

Balgrud cut open its belly and pulled out all of its guts skilfully without nicking anything.

Once the chest cavity was clean Balgrud grabbed both of its hind legs at once and held it up as the last of it's blood poured out.

Before long be carried the carcass back to prepare for roasting.

I joined him in singing off the hairs in the firey coals.

Once the hair was burned off we began scraping the skin clear off any charred epidermis and hair follicles until it was perfect.

After that we used a few pails of water from the nearby stream to clean off it's skin carefully...no one wanted dirt in their barbecue after all.

 I took my dagger and began scoring the flesh with my dagger both inside and out.

Skade walked up with Salt, oil, and wild bears garlic that had been ground into a paste.

She used her little hands to rub the seasoning all over the carcass just as the sun was falling over the horizon.

We skewered hog and tied up it's ankles before setting it on the flames which kissed it's well seasoned flesh.

Balgrud sat next to the fire and slowly turned the spit on the hog as it's delicious aroma slowly spread out and filled our noses.

Two hours later the pork soon was crackling and spitting grease while the flesh beneath let out copilot amounts of steam.

Everyone ripped off a few handfuls of flesh and shoved them inside of the small loaves of bread we brought from Töreboda in the morning.

Skade and I took turns feeding each other it the torchlight, then Ragnar spoke up.

"Brother, What would you say if I entered into the service of King Horik, at Uppsala he made mention to me that if I ever wanted to I'd be welcome to join him...." He spoke hesitantly.

I looked over at him for a few long moments, I could see his nervousness.

"I would see no issue In such a matter, so long as your blade remains sheathed against me you shall always have as place in my Hall." I spoke and he nodded with thanks.

He wished to make a name for himself, not that I minded.... Dogs always come home after all.....

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