

The whale looked at the hero without any emotion. Only a soft reflection filled his mind; in a minute, he would be completely recovered, and his mind would stabilize. Then, all of the queen's will would return. Everyone's lives on the planet were at stake... and Ruri had given him this one chance to solve the problem.

'How?' The question was directed at himself, without will or desperation. 'The queen is above everything and everyone. The only thing capable of coexisting with her is an equally supreme power.'

It took five seconds. Then, without any fluctuation, the Yin and Yang tattoos lit up. Two stars on the whale's fists pulsed at full strength, becoming the center of the whole planet. All forms of life instinctively felt the desperate moment; in one minute, it would definitely be the end.

'Union... Domination... Harmony...' The whale murmured in his mind; those were levels two, three, and four of the Yin and Yang Supreme Qi Collector.

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