

The timer on Kai's mind was hitting too close to the target.

'I can't delay this any longer,' Kai thought.

Waiting outside, when Kai saw the first plain-looking guy with a blue shirt coming from Arena, he struck up a conversation.

"Oh, hey! Do you have a second… I'm kind of in a hurry."

Before receiving his answer, "Sure." Kai was already holding his hands, taking him somewhere.

After getting away from prying eyes, Kai's tone changed, "Do you know Where the weaponry is?!"

That question got him unguarded, the guy replied, "Huh? Why are you asking that? Don't you know no one is supposed to go there?"

Gale never interacted with Chris before, it was the first time he had ever spoken to him, and it was a weird topic too. No one talks about weaponry these days.

Zeff was starting to lose it, ["Just reminding, they'll be here soon."]

'I know, ' Kai smiled, as much courage as it took him to do so, he said, "Ah, Miss Hilda just asked to bring something for her. Please, Just tell me where it is."

"But you'll need access codes dude, and they'll be useless unless there is a squad captain to verify the fingerprints. Doesn't she know that already? And why would she ask for those things under analysis? She should have plenty of data and assistants."

Now, Kai was about to lose it, 'Calm Down, me. He is not a punching bag and I am no wrestler. Let's Deal with this like gentlemen.'

As luck would have it, Kai had to pick the guy who was most stuck up. Whether for rules or his ego, he wasn't sure.

"Alright let's do this one more time," Kai said, smiling through his lips, but his cold glare gave away his mood, it said, 'Answer me if you don't wanna die.'

"Where is the weaponry?"

This time, knowing what was good for him, Gelene conceded, "Behind the arena, " gulping his fears, he pointed toward the arena.

"Oh, And did you say something about a passcode?"

Gale answered immediately, "225368!", closing his eyes.

Kai didn't need to worry about the fingerprint scanners, he could gain access to something like that without even trying. It was one of his quirks. (explained later)

After the information fishing, Kai met another obstacle just before he reached the door.

It was Michael, "What are you up to right now?"

Kai heard a voice just then, ["Incoming! I'm sensing bloodlust!"]

It wasn't coming from the front, it came from behind Kai. A small projectile, aimed at his head.

It was too fast, 'I can't dodge it in time, ' Kai thought, gritting in his mouth.

"Damn it!" Said Kai cursing inwardly, 'I don't have a choice.'

Kai held his hand out, focusing his surrounding mana, a black sword manifested in his hand and immediately, he focused the strength in his arm to swing it faster than sound could follow, cutting through the wind.

Like swatting a fly, Kai changed the direction of impact by hitting it from the side.


The bullet hit the metal wall with a heavy force, sparing Kai from a hole in his head.

["Idiot. You're pushing your limits too far by using a Seodt a second time."]

At a far-off distance, smoke sizzles in quiet as the one who fired the gun clicks his tongue.

"Tch." Robert was an elite soldier, and this was the first time he ever missed his mark. His sniping skills are second to none, so he couldn't believe his eyes that the enemy survived his attack.

"He's strong," Robert made a mental note on his mind, as he finally regained his cool after firing his outrage through the bullet.

There is no turning back now.

Using a Seodt was draining Kai's energy, sapping away at his strength at each passing moment, the handle of the sword was glowing with blue arcane runes.

'I can't undo the summon.' Kai thought. 'Not before making full use of it. Otherwise, all this spent energy would be wasted. And he had a feeling the next attack was coming soon.

And taking his luck into account, his cover would be blown in no time, making his exit impossible.

'I have to reach the Weaponry before then.' thought Kai, turning back and making a run for it.

Robert was recording his gun, "I won't miss it this time."

Kai lifted the sword slightly above as he ran, the next moment, striking it on the ground with forceful penetration.

The runes on the black sword started to glow brighter, making it visible in the center of the white Arena.

["You should've done this when I told you. You're too soft on these strangers"] Zeff commented.

"I hope I don't have to use this! I'm running out of options here." Kai said.

He never stopped running as he reached the stairs stretching down, Kai could almost see the metallic door leading to his destination.

but just before he stepped on it, Robert fired another bullet.



Angelina was in the depths of dark hell. She couldn't see a thing, couldn't hear anything, all her sense of touch gone like it was never there.

She couldn't feel her skin, only the sense of smell keeping her conscious.

"Where am I?" her voice said.

There was also something else. An unbearable pain in her stomach. She found it weird, even with every sense in her gone, the sense of pain still managed to reach her brain.

Just then, The smell pocking at her nose intensified. Angelina Recognised it, it was too common three months ago when the world fell due to the wrath of gods. It was The scent of blood.

Her memories came rushing in, the attack on the base, Code zero, what the infiltrator did to escape her trap.

"That b*stard!" She cursed.

Her strength slowly returning, she picked herself up. She was still inside the base, Angelina was sure.

As she started to walk with staggering steps


"The commander is not responding," Sands said to Gyrs, holding his communicator at hand.

After the whole thing with Trial 5, his men were more exhausted than ever, Sands was standing at the edge of the Hatch. Waiting for the guys on the other side to open up the entrance.

"What happened?" Gyrs questioned. He knew how strict the military protocols were, so it could mean one of two things when the guy on the other side is not responding.

Either the commander's comms was not working, or there was something more important that required his attention.

The latter could mean trouble for them. Worse, if the hatch didn't open, they would be stranded in a world filled with monsters.

"Hey, The Sun is coming up," Gyrs said.

The dusk is starting to settle on the horizon of the post-apocalyptic landscape as it casts light on what is left of humanity.

The cityscape of once the most vibrant city in the world, now in ruins, was a sad sight to behold.

As Gyrs reminisced on his homeland, he saw something.

A moving figure at a far distance.

His eyes widened, and Gyrs saw several moving figures slowly walking in their direction.

"I-It can't be." he stuttered, "Are more of those things coming?" he took a step back, surprised at the sudden turn of events.

Now Sands, left with no other choice, took up his weapon and the remaining ammo. He instructed everyone to do the same.

But they soon realized. That was no hoard of monsters. It was humans, with all of them wearing dark hoods over their heads.

They were walking in unison.

"Who are they? Survivors?" Gyrs asked.

The guy walking in the front quickly removed his hood, when he saw humans at a distance.

The man had red hair with piercings styled on his ear and mouth. He had a tattoo of a Spade card on his cheek.

"This is the place? We walked all the way from California for this?" he asked the man next to him. "Zeff sure loves to give us hard time. If he just listened…"

But the man next to him interrupted, "I'm itching to burn it down."

The red-haired guy didn't mind it, "Sure, after we take what he came here for. It's all yours."


*If you find any mistakes in the chapter, comment below so I can fix them as soon as possible.

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_Akiran_creators' thoughts
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