
Rescuing Mission 5 (A Pig to slaughter)

Austin and Shiranui went to the underground floor to find many rooms that were luxurious and extravagantly decorated as if in a high class hotel.

They were walking in the corridor with the rooms on both sides, but one thing was strange or grabbed their attention.

It was the moans of the women and girls coming out of the rooms, and as you guessed, the people in the rooms were having sex.

Austin used his magic on his eyes and looked at one of the rooms.

Suddenly, his eyes could see through the walls of the room and what he saw made him feel disgusted.

He saw a middle-aged man with chubby disgusting figure bounding a woman that had a slander and slim figure, she had lifeless eyes as if she gave up on her life already, she wasn't even resisting.

While the man had a perverted smile on his face while the masses of fat on his body were jiggling while moving his hips, it was the most disgusting thing Austin had ever seen between a man and woman having sex, no this wasn't sex it was rape.

But then he looked at the woman beside him, Mizuki Shiranui, his wife and woman, and thought it was better to save Yukikaze and burn down this place along with everything inside.

So he decided to continue his way, but before that he pointed his free hand at the door of the room he was looking at and formed a shape of a gun with his fingers, then a tiny ball of mana appeared on his finger, and then he made a gesture as if he pulled the trigger of the gun and shot the door.

The tiny ball of mana went through the door and hit the chubby middle-aged man exactly in his heart making his heart explode right away without any warnings.

The man coughed a mouthful of blood before he fell face first on the woman under him.

The woman seemed surprised and shocked, but immediately she moved his body off her and started wearing her clothes on hurry wanting to escape.

Austin didn't care about what she was doing and continued his way along with Shiranui.

She noticed what he did, but didn't care about it unless her husband told her otherwise, it didn't matter.

If her husband talked, she would listen carefully without any interruptions.

After some time walking, they found themselves in front of an elevator leading down to another floor.

Now if Austin looked carefully, this building has three floors underground.

The first contained the rooms, the second had the place where the auction would be held and the third was prison.

And Austin went straight to the prison as he found Yukikaze was there in one of the prison cells but she was so injured with wounds and cuts over her whole body, making him angry and annoyed, but he was so calm that if one looked at his face he wound found only expressionless face with no feelings, but it was just the calm before the storm.


The elevator reached the third floor and both of them went out.

They found a place that was built with stones, there was also disgusting smell mixed with blood.

It was so horrible.

Austin felt Shiranui tightened her gripe over his hand, making him look at her to see her worried expression.

"Calm down, I'm here with you." He said with calm yet soothing voice, make her calm down.

"Um." She nodded and looked at him with a smile, thanking him inwardly.

The more they walked, the more the smell became stronger.

The place was dark with only come light candles on the walls illuminating the place, giving the place a creepy feeling.

Then, they arrived in front of a metal door that was the only door around with nothing else but stone walls.

Austin used Transparent eye to see behind the door, and found two guards standing behind the door.

He then looked further and found so many prison cells with people caged inside.

And surprisingly, all the people inside were women and girls that seems at the age of 16 or more.

How he knew their age?

It was based on his observation of their bodies.

Simple, right?

Anyway, if Austin and Shiranui opened the door right now, the guards would notice, after all it was the only door here with no people beside them, so it was easy for them to notice that something was off, unlike before when they entered the brothel, there were so many people around so it was easy to move.

His spell only made them unnoticeable but not transparent like ghosts as a spell like that was a higher version and of course it costed more mana, which wasn't a problem for Austin, but this world had a very small amount of natural mana which was the trigger for the spells to be casted, and Austin's mana was so pure that it couldn't be used to cast a spell unless there was a natural or intermediary mana available in the air which was something that this world lacked and had only very small amounts.

But Austin's mana could be used to strengthen his body or any part he wanted whether it was internal or external or enhanced an object like a grenade to make its explosive power stronger, but it must be his body and no one else or it would be useless, unless the air was filled with natural mana and this world, you know lacked it hard. Before we noticed that he used Teleportation, right?

Well, this was the only spell that didn't need any intermediary to be casted, but it sure costed a lot of mana, the same was with Inventory.

Anyway, he could kill those guards like he did with the chubby middle-aged man easily with that tiny mana bullet, because it was a very basic spell that needed a small amount of mana.

So he, under the same process like before, shot two mana bullets that went through the door and hit the hearts of the guards, making them fall like lifeless dolls on the ground.

The women and girls inside the building didn't react at all to the two guards death as they had the same lifeless eyes like that woman from before.

Austin immediately opened the door as he knew that if they were late, the reinforcements would come and surround them, as he knew that there was some kind of alarm that would be triggered when the guards were dead.

When he and Shiranui entered, he walked with her toward a certain prison cell at the left side.

Shiranui immediately knew that this cell was where her daughter in, but she tightened her gripe on her husband's hand showing her nervousness.

When they arrived at the cell, they saw a woman with small figure and tanned skin with long brown hair tied in two pigtails laying there on the ground and chained to the wall.


When Yukikaze heard the name that her mother used to call her with, she felt she was dreaming, but then heard the door of the cell being opened, so she looked up to see two figures getting inside.

One was walking, while the other was running toward her.

Then the person who was running toward her, immediately hugged her tightly while trembling.

Yukikaze felt the warmth of that person that reminded her of her mother, making her open her eyes widely and looking at the person who hugged her.

"M-mama?" Her body started trembling and her eyes became red with tears falling down on her cheeks.

"Yuki, I missed you so much! How are you?! Are you okay?! Oww how your body can be like that! Damn I will destroy this place with my hands and kill the one who kidnapped you, but you don't worry, just relax in my arms and everything will be okay~" Shiranui said all of that in one breath proving how worried she was about her only daughter with tears falling from her eyes.

"Hick... Mama, I'm hurt *Hick* I felt like I'm dying, mama *Hick*"

"Shhhh, you did a good job by enduring all of this till now, I'm proud of you Yuki, you can relax here in my arms~"

"Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." Yukikaze began crying like a little girl feeling the embrace of her mother and the warmth of her body, and her mother's words that reassured her and made the dam in her heart explode and finally cry at the top of her lungs.

Austin smiled warmly at the reunion of the mother and daughter as he found the scene in front of him was worth all this effort till now, that until he heard the voice of the most disgusting pig he had ever met.

"Well well well, what we have here, a pair of mother and daughter, while the daughter can make a good price, but the mother can be used as a breeding cow for the demons, their numbers aren't that much after all."

Austin's body tensed and the air around him changed and became dangerous that it started trembling.

And then with deep yet calm horrifying voice...

"You came at your time, pig!"

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