
Chapter 9: Killing Yourself

With a measured stride, Lee strolled through Konoha, as if he were a triumphant figure in life. He whistled a pleasant tune and calmly made his way to the Ninja Academy, where an important Genin exam was scheduled to take place today. This exam determined a lot for the future of young boys and girls. However, Lee wasn't worried, why would he be? His plans were not about taking regular practical tests in Ninjutsu like the other students; it was something different, entirely different...

The demonstration of Rankyaku!

Yes, Rock decided to achieve his Genin rank a slightly different way, an alternative way. It might seem strange, but it was practical and common among people. Moreover, unlike the result he achieved a month ago, Lee didn't stand still; he improved the Rankyaku technique that he had drawn from the famous Rock Lee style, making it less energy-consuming and easier to use. Now, this technique consumed about 10% of his chakra reserves, which was significantly less than before. The strain on the Tenketsu was also less pronounced and quite manageable.

However, Lee couldn't hope for anything better; he could only wait, watching the clock, and play with time until the inner core of his body gradually expanded with physical age, like a sapling growing into a sturdy tree on fertile ground.

Nevertheless, it would be worth briefly, or perhaps not so briefly, explaining what results Rock was able to achieve in Taijutsu after a whole month of incredibly intense training of his foundation, which passed like a fog, obscuring his eyes...

He did push-ups, around five hundred or so, biting his tongue until it bled. He squatted until the annoying sound of cracking joints irritated him, worked his abs on rocks, beating his back, and repeatedly banged his head against the bark of trees every time he wanted to give up and rest for a few minutes, engaging in self-deception and tempting himself with the weekends, which were empty and essentially unnecessary.

So, it's logical that he was plagued by nasty doubts that clouded his mind as much as any enemy's Genjutsu. But if Lee hadn't cast aside such annoying mental negativity, he would be a weak-willed idiot rather than a karateka who had passed a series of trials.

However, in the end, Rock had managed it, proudly deciding not to rest on his laurels and continue conquering the heights of the Shinobi world.

During his training, Tenten and Naruto often watched him, the only close acquaintances aside from his father, Son Lee, who was constantly away on missions. They watched with admiration because the burly young man tormented himself as if he were torturing even his enemies. They sometimes questioned his masochism. For example, when Rock learned to coordinate his movements extremely well in one moment and achieved a high level of overall body flexibility, not quite like a snake but close, he began doing push-ups and handstands, and even attached weights to his legs like ankle weights. A couple of times, he almost twisted his spine this way, but fortunately, he escaped unscathed thanks to his good luck.

So, while observing her classmate go through these grueling training sessions, filled with self-inflicted suffering, Tenten found herself deep in thought during one of their lessons. She realized that there was a true monster walking beside her, someone who showed no mercy, not even to himself or his enemies.

However, Tenten also couldn't ignore the fact that she wasn't trying hard enough. No matter how much of a monster Lee was, he was still human, just like Tenten. That meant she had no excuses for her laziness and helplessness.

Seeing Rock's dedication, his classmate began to allocate more time to her own training. Moreover, she used to think that she had plenty of time and took her training lightly. But Lee always seemed to be preparing for something dangerous and threatening to the peaceful life, which drove him to train even harder, inspiring her to do the same.

And Naruto...

Uzumaki was just thrilled to hang out with Lee and exchange banter with Tenten, always beaming with happiness over his friendship with the burly young man.

"I'll become Hokage, dattebayo! And everyone will recognize me as the coolest ninja!"

Those were the promises the blonde in the orange jumpsuit constantly threw around, and when he and Rock had dinner at Ichiraku Ramen in the evening, the boy would say with a laugh:

"When I become the Hokage and the head of the Hidden Leaf Village, I'll give both of us an endless supply of free coupons for any ramen we want! We'll feast together every day, Lee, isn't that awesome, haha!"

Such fond memories brought a warm smile to Rock's face. It felt like he was raising a younger brother or a martial arts student with great potential. They weren't related, they weren't brothers, just friends, but that was enough for Lee. He didn't want to spend his whole life as a recluse without friends.

However, what wasn't quite as pleasant and companionable was a particularly memorable incident that occurred during his training. Lee had finally mustered the courage to attempt one of the three hellish exercises of his system, and to be more precise...

[Endure five full-strength blows from your holographic clone]

It had happened a week or two ago, it was hard to say exactly. He had stopped by the training grounds, specifically the secluded area near the dense trees and the river, without any dummies in sight. He didn't want to risk someone like Might Guy seeing anything unusual or strange. So, following his mental command, a semi-transparent, bluish, smoke-like double appeared before him, perfectly mirroring his appearance and height.

"No time to relax, it's the System of Hellish Exercises, damn it! I don't think this clone is holding back; it's probably stronger than me! There's no room for complacency in my life anymore; I have to work like a devil!"

With these thoughts in mind, Lee took the first blow, assuming a defensive stance with one arm covering his head and the other protecting his torso. However, the holographic clone exceeded all of Lee's expectations. With a single punch, it caused his limbs to go numb and a lingering crack to reverberate through his body. The clone followed up with a second strike, this time a kick aimed at his head, frightening Lee even more. An attempt to crouch was interrupted by another lightning-fast attack, this time directed at his stomach, almost inducing nausea.

Two. Three. Four.

Only one blow remained.

By this point, Lee had a split lip, and a bruise was forming beneath his clothing around his liver, as well as near his knee. Maintaining a constant defense was impossible; his arms couldn't handle it, and the stress and pressure were unbearable. Lee couldn't even raise his limbs, and it was all due to his digital holographic double, which displayed an emotionless face and an empty gaze that only served to aggravate him.

Finally, the clone's last assault. Lee gathered his willpower into a fist, his black eyes gleaming with what many would describe as an ephemeral spark. His teeth clenched, and his thick eyebrows furrowed. The clone propelled itself off the ground with its clenched fist raised high, while Lee accepted the blow straight to his forehead. Quite literally to his forehead, more precisely, with his forehead, mixing the sweat and blood streaming down his face, along with a mild concussion.

Yes, it's also worth adding that after such an ordeal, Lee had a noticeable bump for quite some time. Fortunately, by the time of the Genin exam, it had healed, thanks to a healing salve. So now, Lee was in good health and received a new technique from the system's bronze chest as a reward. This technique was essentially a stance, based on pure Taijutsu, which Lee found quite appealing in its simplicity and effectiveness.

"Right hand, right foot, right stance."

By tensing all the muscles and assuming a special position in which the right hand, shoulder, thigh, and leg are positioned in front, the user of this stance delivers rapid strikes, not directly at the opponent but at a distant "point" located far behind them. This increases the chances of hitting even if the opponent retreats or increases the distance from the attacker.

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