
Uncovering Secrets

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As of now, it's been a month and a half now. Commander doing positive things on the island that created a positive impact on the Girls and a positive impact for him.

Meanwhile in his office.

*Cookie is Calling*

Yamatomo: Hello?

Cookie: Hi it's been a while! How's it been?

Yamatomo: Great as ever. So what are you going to talk about today? It's been a while since I had contact with the outside world. Or OUTSIDE OF THE FUCKING ISLAND.

Cookie: Well at least you're still alive and not insane. By the way, have they ever broken into your office?

Yamatomo: No?

Cookie: Well before you are not around and any other commanders present. Some tried to break into the office to try to find out who we were gonna send. Even though we already removed everything from it. They still want to break in.

Yamatomo: In other words?

Cookie: In other words they want to find out who you are. They already know us but you are not.

Yamatomo: Well what's the concern? I don't mind giving them my details as long it isn't personal.

Cookie: no I really like them to play a game called "Find it out". By finding every secret you have.

Yamatomo: .....

Cookie: Hello?

Yamatomo: So you made them uncover my secrets just for you to know? I'll play your game Crackers. But damn they will have a hard time doing it. Try me.

*End of Call*

Meanwhile in the base.

It's a shocking record that the Commander has been here for 1 and a half months. Other commanders can't even survive a month.

However, he didn't do anything to them because he is still in "social distancing" mode. So whenever they will pass him it's obviously he would change direction or try to move away from them.

And they don't even know him very well enough. All they know he is smart, strong, and is capable of fighting the Sakura Empire's strongest Swordsman Yamatono realizes she is the second strongest, the strongest is Hakuryuu.

So they will do their past strategies. Breaking into his office.

But that will be difficult because he rarely gets out of his office but he somehow has a pattern or schedule.

Every Sunday he would leave his office just to go to the hill to do whatever he is doing Usually takes a whole day. Every Wednesday or Thursday he would go for a Jog or go to the Gym and it takes only 4 hours to go back.

And in Fridays, he would monitor around the base to check if things were OK.

So that means he can't leave his office on Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday. Leaves his office for 4 hours on Wednesday or Thursday. Be monitored on Friday. And him going on the hill on Sunday.

That means they have four days of an opening.

But they did plan strategies but it wasn't According to plan.

Like the Sakura Empire who sent four ninjas that almost got discovered and KILLED.

*During that time*

As Yamatomo was reading some reports he had heard some noise on the ceiling. He knew there was open space there so he expected rats. Stabbed rats that is.

So he stopped what he was doing and got his sword.

As he unsheathed it he started tapping the Ceiling.

Meanwhile inside the ceiling.

Four IJN ships by the name of Kirishima, Akatsuki, Shouhou, and Abukumi are crawling in the ceiling. As they noticed that they fucked up Kirishima who is the leader of the group gestured them to keep quiet.







The Sakura Empire Ninjas looked at each other in confusion.





Yamatomo started to stab the ceiling.

The four were in a panic but stayed until the final stab almost hit Shouhou's head.

It stopped for a second until a muffled voice of him was heard "Did I kill any pests? I hope not Hahah!"

And then he went back to tapping.

The four retreated and reported back to the Sakura Empire.

They say it's a close call. Yup, make sure nobody is in the ceiling. Until you accidentally stabbed a monster that was about to scare you in your dreams.

So they devise a plan. Sakura Empire style.

They first built a festival-like area in their section of the base to make it look like it was the festival of Japan. And after that invite him in.

As they built their intended festival they sent him a letter of invitation and here is the answer.

"Kaga-san! Here is the letter from him!" A SE submarine called I-168 came running.

"Give it to me."

As the sub gave her the letter Kaga read the letter.

The letter says.

"Lmao, it's already September already not July 17. Sorry, but I'll refuse your invitation."

Kaga then burned the letter with her magic. She didn't realize it was September, not July.

Another attempt and it's a risky and bold one.

If they try to seduce him to get him out of his office. That might work.

Time skip.

"So how did it go?" Kaga asked them.

"The moment he saw us the second he immediately closed the door on us."

Kaga sighed in defeat.

Well, they don't have anything else now.

But the Sakura Empire isn't the only one who is doing this. The Royal Navy, Iron Blood, and Eagle Union did the same.

The Royal Navy faked an invitation that HMS Queen Elizabeth wanted to meet him in person.


Reason: In the middle of a Group meeting.

The Eagle Union did this pathetically because they just barged into his office only for them to get kicked out and their dishes will be banned for two weeks.

For the Iron blood, they are no different.

They devise a strategy. Make a ruckus on Friday that makes him check it out. Then there would be someone near his place to see him go out and enter.

And it actually worked.

There was a little fire outbreak in the restroom. Yes, a restroom. So as they predicted Yamatomo checked it out.

They didn't expect it would actually work and they entered his place.

Only to find his office locked.

Though breaking in is a bad idea. And even lockpicking is impossible because there are few people here who know how to lockpick.

So they retreat for now.

They are this close to glory.

( Yamatomo is now two months here on this island. )

If the girls wanted to know him better they surely wanted to go the way of the Iron Blood because it actually worked. So all of the factions team up.

They will not gonna set fire to a restroom again because he might suspect somebody is doing this on purpose.

So they are gonna sacrifice their important facilities. And that is the cafeteria. But that won't start there. They need keys.

In observation, there are four keys.

Two keys on him. One inside his pocket. And the last one is where Cookie holds it but she is not here.

The three keys that are on him are difficult. It's impossible to pickpocket the key in his pocket so the two keys that are strapped on his hip like a night guard is the only solution.

But how are they gonna remove it?

They're gonna make a duplicate one of course.

By using any means necessary to them.

So as he was eating breakfast. Note in their observation, that every time he wakes up he may not think very well and may not move a budge.

So as he was eating breakfast a genius ninja managed to make a blueprint of the keys.

As they received the key they started to make a duplicate.

In just four hours it's done and they made another one in case the other is broken or lost.

In just two days they tested it on the door and it worked but they are not ready to move into his office yet.

So the plan begins.

On a Saturday morning. Yamatomo is sitting on his chair beside his desk.

Then the phone rang. As he picked it up.


"What?! I'm on my way!" He then rushed outside of his office but he didn't forget to lock the door.

As he was lured. Six people, two SE, Two IB, and Two EU ship girls go to the door.

"Do you think this will work?" Said one of them.

"Of course!"

As they inserted the duplicate key the door unlocked itself.


These six are...

Akagi, Kaga, Enty, Essex, August von Perseval, and Roon.

As the people here look around they found his laptop.

They already know what electronics are so it's easy to use.

And they don't have to deal with the password because it is still open.

As they looked into the laptop he saw schedules. A lot of schedules. But as they look into it. It looks like it's only shipments that are coming here.

So they move that aside and move into the files.

They then go to a file that says "Personal Information".

As they clicked it, many file images were in.

First his information.

Name: Yamatomo "Mohashi" Mazuhashi

Signature Name:


Age: 26

Height: 6 foot 3 inches (191 cm)

Weight: 172 lbs

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Heterochromia

Left Eye: Dark Grey

Right Eye: Black

Date of Birth: December 10, 1996

Birth Place: Takayama, Japan

Occupation: Navy Officer, Air Force Officer

Rank: Admiral (NO), Colonel (AFO)

Service / Agency: Navy and Air Force

Though this his information papers. They move on.

They then encounter some recordings.

Recording #1

"Recording 16th. September XX, XXXX. The progress in this base is splendid. Almost like a utopia. For the girls of course. While I still suffer from being discriminated by them because I'm a "male" commander."

"Well, I don't blame them. Those previously literally just wanted to make a good caretaker suffer by leaving a stain. Damn if there were any evidence of attempted murder they would be stripped from their rank, Dishonored discharge, and even life imprisonment. But they Didn't."

"Currently I've been contacting outside of the island now so that's great. Many things, great things, I have missed but that will wait for another year."

"In this recording, I have to save some of my observations."

"Observation 1: Sakura Empire - They are like Japan in the Edo period to the earliest 20th century. And their Bushido mindset is still there for sure and as a Japanese man it's ironically concerning."

"One of them I have observed is the carriers there. Yeah, a white-haired fox girl injured me by sending a kamikaze plane on me, severely injuring me in the process and I walked out like a champ just a week after my injury."

"For this, Miss Kaga just wanted to protect her friends and sisters. And I don't complain. It's just that her level of overprotectiveness of her's is beyond the level of Zexi when his little sister visited the homeport last year. Hehe, "keep of a fucking distance" what a fucking scary siscon."

No matter how Yamatomo said it. It's true Kaga is overprotective of her sisters and friends.

"What I notice about her. She is the only one who has a massive grudge against us "male" commanders. So I don't see a way for her to make me look different than other Shikikans. *Sigh* Well it's impossible and the only way is just keeping a very good distance from her."

"I also noticed she is somewhat of a single-target sadist. She wanted to see me get hurt REALLY BAD, I mean I noticed she was confident in Takao's fight but her confidence just plummeted when I started toying around Takao during the fight."

Kaga blushed with a mix of anger when he said she was a Sadist. Though it's true she wanted to see him get hurt but she is not a single-target sadist.

"Well moving on. Everyone is fine. I'm fine. All is good."

"End of Recording"

As the recording ended. They move on.

They then are in the picture section and more information.

What they found that is interesting is this. Likes, Dislikes, and "afraid".

Well, there are a plethora of things on what he liked, loved, or hated, but afraid?

I think they found a video.

The video they saw is him sleeping in his office at night. Maybe tired of all that paperwork that is present. And his friends wanted to prank him by scaring the shit out of him. The girls don't know what's going on but somehow this is an edited video.

There are subtitles.

And the only subtitles that appeared are...

"Yamatomo is afraid of a Biwa girl."

As his friends were in position they played a specific note on the Biwa that Yamamoto would recognize.

This made Yamatomo wake up. He had a very deep fear of the Biwa Girl. A Childhood Trauma.

As Yamatomo woke up he rubbed his eyes and said "Hello?"

A 30-second silence ensues until his friends played another note on the Biwa.

"Who's there?" Yamatomo asked on the video.

As he stood up, he picked up a metal bat.

"Is anyone there?" (Yamatomo)

As he reached the door. The door opened slowly.

"Uhh, fuck no. Stop doing this, I'm begging yah."

As he stepped back a bit another minute of silence ensued.

As Yamatomo had the confidence to go to the door.

"BAH!" His friends jump-scare him.



"That ain't fucking funny you goddamn assholes. Fuck off, and get out. Piece of shits."

His friends are still laughing.

What a "harmless" prank.

It's been 40 minutes that the girls are inside his office. They got everything they needed so they got out of there. And locked the door on the way out.

Time Skip. The next day.

The Cafeteria had been fully repaired and fully operational. Everything seems normal.

The girls somehow didn't sleep last night because they were too "busy" literally just seeing Yamatomo's pictures and information.

From his personal information to him in a boxing ring with visible abs that made them a little horny. Yeah, naming his Bokken "Bonkken" is a good idea.

And this picture that makes them laugh.

( Imagine this is Yamatomo. )

Until the speakers were turned on.

"Hello-Hello. Good Morning everyone and everybody here in this base. I'm not that good at announcing in the morning but let's get straight to the point."

"I want the following people that I mentioned to be at my office. NOW."

"From the Sakura Empire, it is Miss Kaga and Miss Akagi."

"From the Eagle Union, it is Miss Enterprise and Miss Essex."

"And finally from the Iron Blood faction. Miss August Von Perseval and Miss Roon."

"For these six people mentioned please come to my office now. We'll have a little chat, please."

As the announcement ended. They are all shocked.

Most importantly how? They all saw him go outside.

But they think they could lie their way?

As they arrived. They saw the commander. Eyes closed and smiling at them. And his Aura somehow changed.

"I knew this is a bad idea to be with you," Perseval muttered to Kaga.

"Shut up."

What will the commander do to them? To be continued...

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