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A week later.

Now he removed his bandages but still his injuries have not healed yet. But that didn't stop Yamatomo from punching his chest and he felt only faint blunt pains. "Perfectly healed as all things should be."

In his office. He had been wondering for a long time now. And that is...

"I f*cking forget these are ships. Century old ships. God, I'm a f*cking idiot." He silently muttered.

"What do they even do, other than lazing around? They are military ships from World War 2. Military! There is no war being fought there's no conflicts being fought. There's nothing!" He gently sighed in disappointment.

As he stands up and stretches.

"Guess I'm gonna walk around in the gym but I might create a misunderstanding. *Sigh* You gonna do what you have to gonna do Yamatomo." He then walks out to his office and goes to the gym.

Time skip.

As he arrived, the people who mostly used this were Eage Union shipgirls.

The place wasn't that packed. He only found 5 ship girls exercising.

Well, he had nothing better to do today as he hadn't received any news from outside of the island. So he went back to his office and changed clothes.

Jogging pants, a tracksuit jacket, a white t-shirt, and running shoes.

As he goes back to the gym, now there are 3 people left including him.

He picked a spot, getting a far distance from the Eagle Union shipgirls here, and sat down on a bench.

He then removed his jacket and put on some Bluetooth earphones.

Music Playing: Night Escaper by Blacky.

Ahh, listening to intense piano music is soothing in the ears.

As I started to exercise I first did some lifts.

What is he going to do?


50 barbells count.

100 dumbbell counts.

100 pushups.

100 squats.

100 lifts.

And finally to soothe the mind and relax treadmill. Depends on how many kilometers he did.

What an intense grind in the gym innit?

As for not his eyes completely no distracted by the beautiful bodies of the girls here, he did this.

He wore his jacket the opposite way and used the hoodie to cover his face.

mmm Brains.

After the exercise.

While he was doing his intense exercise he didn't notice there were watchers here.

I think they are entirely shocked by the exercise he is doing. But he didn't care a bit.

But I think he attracted a lot of attention.

However what he doesn't know is that the Eagle Union ship girls like to have a challenge.

So a bold enough ship girl approaches him.

"Hey, you!"

"Hm?" Yamatomo looked behind him and saw a tanned woman wearing only short pants and a crop top towers him.

"Uhh... hi?"

"Hello, there "commander". I would like to have a challenge with you by doing a weightlifting competition." The girl said.


"Oh, also my name is Alabama. USS Alabama."

"Mazuhashi." He told her his name "Mazuhashi Yamatomo. May I ask why you want to have a challenge?"

"Well, we saw you exercising in a way that is not normal. I mean, we can't even go beyond 30 lifts with a barbell, and over 50 in push-ups and squats. But! I am no exception! I would like you to challenge me in a weightlifting competition!"

Yamatomo was silent at first as he looked behind her. The girls seem excited to see him and her challenge in a weightlifting competition.

"The hell I just wanted to exercise, why did it turn out like this?" He thought as he sighed.

"What? Afraid of defeat?" Alabama said arrogantly.

"Hey! I'm at a tactical disadvantage because you're a ship! A USS motherfucking Alabama ship! How could I even win against you?! But when they said they can't even do 30 above squats maybe they are part human? Huh."

"So what's the catch?"

"If I win, you will have to clean our dorms for a month!"

"Please, my big sister punished me by cleaning two super aircraft carriers by myself, this is insultingly low."

"And if I win?"

Ahh... No answer.

"Heh, you just opened up a window of opportunity for me. If I win you, and I mean not you, ALL OF YOU EAGLE UNION SHIPGIRLS, will have to clean your dorms, FOR A YEAR. And if you don't do what I say, no American dishes for you all."

"What! A year!? Preposterous!" An Eagle Union shipgirl exclaimed.

"Look, it's not that entirely bad other than me meanwhile, I have to clean two supercarriers by myself and those carriers are twice the size as your dorms so don't complain if it's a year."

"Give me 30 minutes resting and I will challenge you."

A challenge accepted. The news about Alabama challenging the commander spread like wildfire.

Many excited and curious girls flocked to the gym and saw Alabama and Yamatomo side by side ready to lift the weights.

The referee is none other than Enterprise herself.

Meanwhile, she is shocked that the commander is challenging himself to go against Alabama despite the injuries that Kaga created.

"Are you sure you're gonna do this?" Enty said to Yamatomo who drank cold fresh water.

"Yup, I ain't backing down to a challenge. As I say, her winning condition isn't outrageous other than mine." (Yamatomo)

"But your injuries-"

"Miss Enterprise, my friends once, no, twice tied my legs at the back of a motorcycle and then they dragged me into the academy's hallways. There's even a horse version of that. They Literally taped my room in the dorms with flex tape. Once fell from a carrier. I have plenty of outrageous stuff that I have to name it. But cleaning? That's insultingly low and boring."

"You know what they say, no pain, no gain." Yamatomo smiled confidently.

As he stands at the side of Alabama confident of her strength. Enty announces.

"Alright, if any one of you lifts the barbells over their heads and holds it long enough till one of you drops it WINS!"

*Crowd Cheering*

Both players hold the barbells.

"Players! Ready? GO!"

Both of them lift the barbells in height and then seconds later, in unison both of them lift the barbells over their heads.

The girls all cheered for Alabama but no one supported the commander.

This only made him chuckle as it was funny and a hurting sight to behold.

One Minute and they still not giving up.

But it's obvious who is gonna back down because Alabama is struggling and another 30 seconds later Yamatomo too is struggling.

"What? Tired yet?" (Alabama)

"Please! I already burned out my energy and I'm moving to my reserves! Don't drop them~. Hahaha!"

Two minutes.

Alabama's arms are now weakened and so too is Yamatomo.

"Go Alabama! Show what you got!" She cheered.

"Teach the commander what you got!"

Still, no one supports the commander.

This only fueled his adrenaline.

2 minutes 30 seconds.

3 minutes.

"Good lord, they are still at it, even if it's already 3 minutes." Enterprise is shocked beyond belief.


"Fuck my back!" He forgot he got back pain after that misunderstanding but he ain't backing down!




"Aahh! I give up!" Alabama dropped the barbells and she also dropped on the floor signalling that Yamatomo had won the weightlifting competition.

Yamatomo also dropped the dumbbells but he didn't fall down like her. No, he is still standing.

"I- *pant* win! *Pant* I actually fucking *pant* win!" The pure happiness on his face says it all.

"Well, it's my win, Miss Alabama. You'll have to clean your dorms for a year!"

The next day.

Yep, he wasn't actually serious in his win.

He doesn't care if they do it, I mean the Manjuus will take care of the cleaning of the Dorms but when he arrived at the Eagle Union section of the Dorms.

"Holy hell, they actually took my condition very seriously." He was utterly speechless.

He saw all of the Eagle Union ship girls cleaning their Dorms.

He then pitied them.

He asked an Eagle Union ship girl.

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

"Cleaning? What it looks like. Baka." Siad a certain white-haired neko that almost looks like she is wearing a maid costume.

"I never would have thought that you guys would actually take the L and do it. I mean I don't care but what the hell."

"What's your name by the way?"


"Hamman, USS Hamman. *Mutters* baka-shikikan."

He just nodded.

He then ran and found Alabama just to tell her and everyone to stop. Because it is wrong to do it.

Well, he did it successfully in just 3 hours.

After that, they went back to their daily lives.

"What a chaotic day..."

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