
*Revelations and Interactions

(This takes place in season 4 episode 2, and it will be mostly focusing on Isaiel's relationships with the angels, God, and the Winchesters learning more about him. And please remember that this is a fanfic and it's is not to be taken seriously.)

(Disclaimer: there will be talks about religion and Jesus in this chapter so you have been warned and i hope you don't take offense. )

I opened the iron gate that led to the pathway to get to the cleansing pavilion, the main base of operations for the Seraphim.

The place was beautiful and serene, with lush gardens and elegant landscapes farther than an any dimensional size or shape, and flying aurond the building were the Allay.

The Allay were small wisps of fire that served as servants for the Seraphim, they could also turn into small luminous creatures with wings, and were insanely cheerful about their tasks.

The location of the pavilion was only known by myself and seraphs, and any fool who tried to enter without permission would incinerated without mercy by holy fire.

When I entered the pavilion, every angel gave me a nod of respect and admiration, six of the seraphs were outside sparing with each other as the rest were doing missions or supervising their individual sections.

There were 22 Seraphim leaders, 10 were the ones I created in the beginning, and the rest were the 12 disciples that I chose: Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Matthew, Thomas, Judas, Bartholomew, Simon, Paul, Stephen, and Mary Magdalene.

All of the seraphs were completely loyal to me and Father, and were in charge of battalions of angels, when I entered my office Peter and Abel were already there waiting.

Peter took the appearance of an light-skinned man with a black beard and brown eyes, and he was wearing an ivory business suit.

Peter had an no-nonsense attitude when it concerned anything about his fellow seraphs, and he was mostly known for his overzealous loyalty for me and his hatred for traitors.

"Greetings lord, it's such a blessing to be in your presence once again while doing the work of God." Peter greeted me as he bowed his head in respect.

"Raise your head Peter, and give me the latest status report about the missions." A warm smile was etched on my face as Peter gave me the report.

"Yes sir! Ezekiel and his battalion are nearly finished annihilating Lilith's high-ranking members and their forces, Andrew's and Matthew's battalions are protecting numerous seals, Raguel is investigating and capturing any angels that have switched to Lucifer's side, and the rest of the seraphs are on standby for further orders." Peter finished his report as I was thinking of our next move.

"Very well, send additional battalions to defend the seals, and prepare a list of high-value targets that Lilith might strike, and assign a seraph to guard them." Peter gave me a nod, but I could there was something he wanted to say, but was hesitant.

"Lord, If I may be so impudent? I see no reason to send battalions of angels, to protect the seals when it is the job of that garrison captain Castiel, and his garrison."

Peter had nervous look on his face, as if I was going to be upset over the question. "Peace be with you Peter, the reason i send those battalions was due to how many seals were exposed. With the amount of seals that Castiel's garrison has to defend against the enemy, it will be difficult to cover all of them without suffering severe casualties."

Peter nodded in understanding and flew off to relay my orders to the rest of the seraphs, as Abel sat down in front of my desk.

"So Abel, how's life as an angel been treated you lately? Beginning our routine talks as Abel took a piece of candy from my bowl.

"It's been alright for the most part, aside from the remarks I get from angels walking in the hallways, calling me a winged monkey and how I don't deserve to be an angel, but that was before John kindly made an example of those angels, on what he'll do to them if they utter something like that again in his presence." Abel giving me the rundown of what's been happening since I was gone.

At first, I was angry with what the angels were saying, before giggling as I heard what James had done to those angels, ever since Abel became an angel, he's been seen as the youngest and more protected even when he is considered an unofficial member of the Seraphim.

We continued to talk about life and about how similar the Winchesters are to Cain, Abel, and Seth.

After Abel went back to training with the other seraphs, I teleported inside the house of Chuck Shirley, the latest vessel that my Father was using in his journey to explore humanity and was masquerading as a prophet.

Chuck was sleeping on the couch as the floor was covered with trash and books, all flung aurond in a completely messy manner.

I wrinkled my nose as I smelled all the actions that my father did in the past week, I snapped my fingers as the trash disappeared and the books were returned to the shelfs, and that I went to the kitchen to brew some coffee and breakfast for Father, when he woke up.

When I finished brewing the coffee to perfection, I heard my Father groaning, as he stood up and looked at me in the kitchen.

"H-Hey son, how are you doing? Is that breakfast for me? Father began to yawn and start reaching for the plate of food.

"Hello Father, I'm doing alright, I'm just adjusting returning to heaven after all this time, and yes, the food is for you since I don't need to eat." Passing him the plate and coffee as I sat on the sofa.

"Mhm, this is so delicious even for me, but besides that, can I ask what are you doing here? I sense Raphael watching me, and we both know how he is with his duties."

"Yeah, about that, starting now I am in charge of protecting the prophet from harm, and while we are on that topic, how long are you going to use that body Father?

"What do mean son? This face is super cute." Chuck pointed to his face looking offended.

"See that, the Father I knew would never act so vain, the personality of that human is starting to corrupt and change you." Chuck looked from eating and raised his brow in confusion.

"We both know when an we take a vessel or attached ourselves to a human, we not only get their memories, but their personality as well." Remembering how Lucifer acted in different vessels than when he was in Sam.

"I'm well aware of that, but that's still no proof that my personality is being altered." Chuck resumed eating but was reading one of the Winchesters gospel books.

"See that's my point." Pointing my finger at the book. "Your becoming the persona of a terrible writer, who plays with his characters and who thinks himself as some cruel, capricious God, and if you still don't belive me then explain what happened in Germany." As we both grimace recalling the full-blown rage that Father showed that day, even the children weren't safe.

"Now son, why did you have to mention that incident? I understand that I did some questionable and unethical things to the people of Germany, but when a group of Nazi sorcerers try to brainwash one of your sons to become some kind of superweapon, then mercy goes out the window." As Father created a deck of cards to play solitaire.

"And your sure that your emotions that day weren't just Parental rage and righteous fury, rather an extreme case of Jealousy." Raising an eyebrow as Father gave me an Anoyed look.

"Jealousy? What reason would I have to be jealous of a bunch of humans who had the most cliché motivations for their actions, and even if I was jealous as you claimed I was, I did say that I was a jealous and wrathful God." Father gave me a smug look as he quoted Exodus 20:5 as I scowled.

"Besides, I am God and you are one of my angels, my children, and as your creator, I'm the one who decides what your purpose is and who you serve, and that is me! Only me! Not some Nazis who wanted to control you so that they could win the war and become immortal, No! This is my story and only I get to choose what happeneds to my to__ "

Father paused as he registered the words that he was currently saying, and widened his eyes in horror. "Oh my me, I sound like some egotistical control-freak, that can only see everything as toys. Okay, I see your point about the Chuck persona, and how I'm going to far deep with this." Father slumped in his chair as he looked depressed.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and reassured him that he wouldn't go to the darkside,and unbeknownst to me some of my energy transferred to Father as he looked surprised and then worried as I received a mild headache.

"I invoke and request the aid of Isaiel, Servant to the Most High, Keeper and Judge of souls, Chief of the Seraphim, and Son to the Holy Trinity." The voice of Sam echoed in my mind, as he completed one of the incantations to summon me.

I teleported to the location where I was being summoned by Sam, it was a shack near a cemetery, I appeared in the circle that was drawn as Sam looked perplexed, and began to look in the notebook in his arms.

"Vincent? I thought that you were dead, no you're not Vincent are you? Who are you? Sam grabbed a demon knife as I gave him a are you seriously look.

"It takes some serious level of stupid to summon an angel, and then question his presence in appearance. My name is Isaiel, a angel of the Lord." I let the light flow from my body as my six wings illuminated the dark room, as Sam looked at me with a mixture of amazement and fear.

"So, you're an actual angel, oh my God, didn't mean to say that." As I shook Sam's hand and gave him a smile.

"Wait, if your an angel and this book is used to summon you and in this book It says that your apart of the holy trinity, so does that mean__"

"Yes, you are correct Sam Winchester, for a time, Jesus of Nazareth was a form I took and quite enjoyed, it was such a disappointment when my sacrifice and teachings, were used to start wars and stray people from the path to salvation."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, is that how you feel about Atheists and people who worship other gods?

"It truly depends on the Atheist Sam, in my eternal life I have seen anglic Atheists, and monstrous believers who sins are so evil, that the devil himself would be surprised."

"Regardless, the freedom in choice was designed with the potential for disbelief, with many humans arguing over religions that are just names to worship the same creator; Islam, Christianity, judasim, Catholicism, and Protestantism. "

"And as for your question about other deities, as Jesus, I respect and tolerate many of those gods for their teachings, however I despise and curse other deities for their perversion in my Father's realm, giving birth to the very monsters that you struggle to hunt every single day, And creating chaos and strife in the hearts of men, even humanity is guilty of this sin." As Sam looked almost ashamed and apologetic.

"However, speaking as an angel, We the servants of the Lord do not take kindly to humanity's disloyalty to the creator, and many intend to wipe the slate clean, despite my efforts to less the sin on the cross." Sam was about to say something, but I cut him off as I was completely serious about my next words.

"Listen Samuel Winchester, unlike castiel and so many of my angelic Brethren, to me you are simply one part of the world, and it doesn't revolve aurond you or your brother."

"My mission as an angel is to protect humanity and honor God's will, all 8.1 billion of your kind is under my protection, and I don't care about the apocalypse, because I have seen an infinite amount of those, as the only true ending that Is planned for this universe is when everything is gone, and I do mean everything, with God being the only thing left as he given the answer to his first question and everything fades to nothing."

After I was finished, with a look I burned the notebook, and warned Sam that if he and his brother ever try to force me to chose between them or humanity, I would erase them from every timeline, past, present, and future and in every single universe that so much as mentions their names, before flying back to heaven for a meeting.

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