
will of the executioner

 TW/mentions of r*** and murder read A/N

"Rahab," I said, shocked at his arrival and allegiance to the Mother of All, I looked at his angel sword and told him. "Stay your blade, Brother, even if you are a traitor." "No blood must be shed today. "

"You know the law to raise your blade against one of your own is punishable by death." 

He didn't say anything and charged at me, ready to strike and kill me I blocked it, and the sheer impact of our swords clashing managed to destroy the landscape completely around us. 

We continued clashing with our swords and I managed to get behind him and slashed at his back, he followed up by kicking me and then throwing energy blasts to fight me. 

" I was tired of watching these humans I saw how weak and pathetic they were especially the Women, they knew that we were not their Husbands, and they tried to run away from us, but they were just humans and then we grabbed them and.....

" I figured that if I opened the portal to Purgatory and freed The Mother Of All, then both you and our Father would see how weak these bottom-feeders ARE." Rahab roared coming at me. 

I felt pain in my heart as I had to fight Rahab, "Please Brother stop this if you do I will speak to Father, and see if you and the rest of the Grigori can be redeemed and come back to the host." 

No Brother, there is no redemption for us Grigori, we have already broken our oath to both you and Father, and I don't want redemption I want to rule humanity instead of watching it." 

"I want to enslave these weak pathetic Women and have my way with them again you should have seen it Brother, all the crying, begging, and then complete silence as my will-----."

Before he could say another word I grabbed him and threw him to a couple of Mountains, and before he could react I bonded him in chains, holding him in place for his execution. 

"You know I tried hard in hoping that there was hope in all of you even when you betrayed both my and Father's trust. But looking at you now I see that none of you feel shame or regret just satisfaction, and for that Rahab, you were such a fool to decline my answer and tell me this." I said with no emotion.

"In the name of our Father, I will be your's and the rest of the Gigori's judge, jury, and executioner." "Our father and I have judged you Rahab, and I am here to deliver your punishment." 

Standing right in front of him I hovered my hand above him, similar to a Rit Zien, however, their way was merciful, this way was not at all merciful it was just, and it showed the Wrath of GOD to any unfortunate sinner to experience it. 

 "This is the ultimate punishment, for any angel who transgressed against the Lord, רצון התליין, taught to me by the lord God himself." Good riddance to his damn existence." Rahab angel of the abyss, was no more.

What was that move? Said Shem, curious about the Fate of the filth.

"He is gone now forever, that move is pure nothingness, developed by the Lord for satisfaction for the wronged and pure damnation to the guilty."

"They go to a place of nothingness, where there is no Heaven, Hell, not even God. they go there forced to experience the feelings and agony of their victims, as every part of them is ripped and torn as they die a slow and long death. Erased from the Book Of Life itself."

Just then I felt an angel coming at me at a fast speed and I teleported to the top of a tree and smiled "I was wondering when you were going to show your face to me, I wondered who out of the four angels, I told about the spell to open Purgatory which one would have told Rahab, Uriel.

"So you knew it was me oh well no matter it will not stop your death." Said Uriel charging up a beam of holy fire.

I didn't even move as the beam was coming closer to me, I just let the beam connect with me, and then Boom!

Uriel, laughed confident thinking that I was dead, but stopped when he saw that I was still alive, my face unamused by the attempt.

"Uriel, did you forget who I am, I am the one who created you all, the one who can easily destroy all of you. I'm the First Seraph Uriel."

he tries to move and use his abilities by realizes that he can't even feel his grace, much less the rest of his powers.

"I negated your grace and your power Uriel, there's no hope in struggling against me."

I had already read his mind to figure out his reasoning, for all this I teleported Uriel, to Heaven's prison and made Raguel look after him.

I then looked around trying to sense the presence of the Mother of all, and found nothing in purgatory then I looked at the closing portal, and widened my eyes as I quickly went through the portal to Earth.

/anna pov/

We have been waiting patiently, for new orders now as my garrison orders, were to secure and protect the special human named Enoch, who was going to be the mouthpiece of God.

We were ordered to hide him in the Desert as he was communicating with our Father and make sure that no human was aware of his location.

My vessel was a dark-skinned woman with Dark Brown eyes and brown hair. Just then I sensed an angelic presence near us when we looked we saw that they were the Grigori.

"Everyone assemble near Enoch, in a defensive position, and prepare to fight we are dealing with the Rouge Gigori."

"Peace sister we mean no harm we simply wish to speak with the prophet Enoch." They dropped their swords and kneeled on the ground refusing to look at the sky in shame. 

We surrounded them and I made Balthazar, watch over their weapons and the rest of the garrison brought them to the Prophet, and watched them.

"Prophet we know that you speak with the almighty, please intercede on our behalf and the behalf of our children, God is merciful and kind we beg to return to our place among the heavenly host. Said Samayza the leader of the rogue Grigori. 

Just then lightning flashed in the sky, and the prophet's eyes glowed bright Light and I knew that it was the voice of God, speaking through the mouth of the prophet.

 "you beg for my forgiveness when it was you who disobeyed my explicated commands and abandoned their post and forsook their duty to me," God said rage booming through the voice of the prophet.

"You will never be accepted back into the host nor will your children be spared their fate, you will watch as all of your children will slaughter themselves this is my decree."

Then archangel Michael and a battalion of angels appeared and captured the Gigori and we all witnessed archangel Gabriel, convinced the Nephilim to slathered the rest of thier brethren.

/Isaiel pov/

I quickly locate the Mother of all presence near the place where Adam and Eve Were exiled from the garden. And there I saw the most horrific thing, the mother of all merged her being with Eve's soul.

Suddenly Abel appeared and understood the situation as his mother, was taken over and his father was completely overwhelmed by Hellhounds.

In his rage he immediately attacked the Hellhounds and smite them with bright light, he first dealt with the hellhounds surrounding his Father and then charged at Eve but a Leviathan was behind him attacked him.

I immediately decapitated its head and burn the body with holy fire turning it to ash.

However Eve manage to escape and Able was about to chase after her but I stopped him as he wouldn't be able to fight her with his current strength.

Then I went to the desert where Michael and the rest of the other angels were present and waiting on my orders. I first looked at the Gigori everyone except Tamiel, Sariel, Kokabiel, and Sachiel.

I ordered the angels to execute the rest of the Gigori that wasn't a chief, and then I walked in front of Samyaza and told him.

"You know when our Father tested if the Gigori would be compatible with humanity, he made me human and told me to work alongside humans."

"So I did, the man I was instructed to serve for the next five years was horrible I wanted to leave but my father wanted to know if I had given my word that I would work for him. "

"I said that I did so told me to stay and at the last day of those five years told me no one has stayed this long, and gives me the most valuable thing he had his best lamb. And I learned the most priceless lesson about life."

"Value loyalty above all else. Looking directly at all of the Gigori."

I then gave them their sentence for their crimes against God and Humanity. As I was the executioner.

AF, was sentenced to experience the agony and pain of the victims of the Gigori and Nephilim actions.

Penemue, was sentenced to be encased in stone and marble as a living crying statue pouring out ink until the sin drains from her.

Turiel, was sentenced to be chained under a mountain and his form would be apart of that mountain to hide his glow from the Lord and humanity.

Chazaqiel, was sentenced to be locked in a dimension completely covered in mist and her wings were to be broken so that she may walk never to reach the air again.

Bezalel, was sentenced to become a demon due to his evil and heinous crimes and have all memories as an angel stipped from him.

Samshiel, was sentenced to chained in a pit of fire that would continuously burn him alive for every second the sun was up.

Ananiel, was to be turned into a sea creature and to be chained in the darkest depths of the sea, and his movement would cause storms.

Armos was the most painful as she wasn't granted an once of mercy, until the last magical human and pagan God,cease to exist she was put in a state of permanent crucifixion.

Still alive and forced to witness every tragedy that would happen with the power of magic.

Samyaza, the leader was the last and the most cruel punishment awaited him, his punishment was so cruel and sadistic that even my brothers and sisters thought that it was more than even Samyaza deserved.

His punishment for being the leader and the one to propose the plan, he would have his eyes and nose removed and set ablaze with holy and hellfire.

And he would experience every single sensation of the other Gigori's punishments, and would be fuse to a tree with spikes stabbing him profusely.

His voice would scream for miles to any angel nearby as an example for what will happen to them if they disobey and procreate with humans.

And every time Samyaza bled more spikes would grow and if he lost all of his blood then it would immediately return again to restart the cycle.

I then picked up Enoch and brought him to the presence of Father to speak to him.

in the show, Uriel was introduced as a regular angel so I made him a seraph that got demoted to a regular angel and also I would appreciate it if you guys could give me suggestions for the seals for lucifer's cage.

and the flood will happen next chapter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Nonstop_Hamilton85creators' thoughts
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