


The Album was placed on the bed, he kept staring at the pictures of his birth Mom.

As he flips to the next page, The number was staring him right in the face,

He hasn't told Dave or Mary about all that transpired between him and Jane.

He brings out his Phone, dials the number and let it rings

"This is Pamela Residence." An elderly Voice rings out sweetly.

The voice startles him, What was he expecting?

Would she believe him if he told her who he was?

" Good day, Ma'am, This is Philip." He tells her.

"How can i be of help to you?" She asks him.

Philip immediately considering, If She would even know himbifvye explains further.

"I don't know how to put it," Philip pauses, breathes in and continues

"I am Rachel's son, The one she gave away."

Philip didn't hear any word from her anymore, There was loud silence for a while.

"I know it might be too much for you, right now, You can give me a call anytime you're...."

Philip tells her,

Her lover just died, it was insensitive of him.

Pamela cuts him short "No--oo--". She is stammering

"I am in shock right now, Please give me a moment." She tells him.

Philip could tell she was Trying to control her breath.

"How do you, Philip?" She manages to ask.

Philip could tell, She didn't know what to say.

Maybe this was all too soon, He thinks.

"Well, I am hanging in there." Philip didn't want to lie.

Pamela was about to say something, When he cuts her off.

"I am really sorry

You must be feeling very devasted on the her death "

Philip had to mention it

" Yes Philip, Yes." Pamela answers in sniffles.

"You don't have to be, Philip,

Did they tell you, She died of Cancer. " Pamela asks him.

" No, I had no idea." Philip surprised at this new revelation.


You should come around the house one of this time." Pamela tells him.

"Okay." A smile spread across his face,

"I will be dropping the Address in your inbox." Pamela tells him.

The line cuts off.

A message chimes into his Phone, He smiles as he sees who it is from

"We've been quite busy,

How have you been?" Magedelene had text him.

Philip breathes out this time

"I think am having mixed feelings about everything right now."

Immediately Magedelene responds,

"It really isn't easy to lose someone, I totally understand."

Philip gets her Message, as soon as he relaxes back on the bed

"It really crazy that,

I didn't get to even get to meet her and it's having this much effect on me." He replies her.

" Yeah,

I guess that's the beauty of it." Magedelene response comes in.

"How was the whole family like?" She texts again.

Philip reflects back on that day,

He could tell, They all felt he was still a child, except from Aunt Jane.

He had actually felt he would get to be close to the Men there, They should be in right position to know how he felt.

Philip looks back at the text, as he responds

"I think I have a favourite already."

"That should be good right?" Magedelene text back.

"Yeah, it's,

Well it my Aunt, She did let me have my Mom's Album." Philip replying to her, with smiles on his face

"Oh, That's very kind of her, Philip,

Am I allowed to get a peek one of this days." Magedelene texts him back with a pleading sticker.

Philip lets out a chuckle as soon as he reads the message

"No, it's meant for just me." He teases her.

" Oh, so that's how it is now ." Magedelene teases him back.

Philip replies with a laughing sticker

" Your Mom she must be beautiful, I can tell." Magedelene texts again.

"Wait, Are you insinuating that I am handsome gene from her." He replies, teasing her again

"Hell nah, I don't know where you got your genes from,

but I know your mom was a beautiful Person." Magedelene also teasing him.

"I know you don't want to admit it." He replies back with a smiley sticker.

" How have you been."

He hadn't Heard from her since the Sam incident.

"Well, Have been hanging in there,

But I have good news tho."

Magedelene texts him back.

"So, let's talk about the good news first." Philip eager to hear what she has to say.

Atleast one of them, had something good to share.

"I am officially a member of the Art company." Magedelene texts him.

"Wow, that's a very big news,

We should celebrate you know."

Philip replies with a big smile on his face,

He saw how dedicated she was to the company.

"I told you could do this, I am really happy." He texts her again

A text comes in from Magedelene

" Thanks for the support, All thanks to you."

" Nah, it all thanks to you, You did it all by yourself, with a little,

Just a little support from me."

Philip texts her back.

" I just hope Sam been a good boy, unless am going to have a man to man conversation with him."

The Sam incident crossing his mind again.

"We got to talk, and I can tell you, He's been avoiding me." Magedelene texts him.

"Well, that's great

So have the company sold off your Art?". Philip trying to bring back the conversation to be about her.

"Not yet, Well the last time I and the boss had a conversation,

He said they were looking for the highest buyer or something like that." She texts him back.

"Ok, Don't forget, that's where I come in okay." Philip reminding her,

He had never trusted People, especially when it comes to Money.

" Sure,

Take care of you, okay." Magedelene writes back

He could from this last message, She was in a hurry, because she immediately went offline.

He was about to ask her if they could hang out.

He heaves deeply, as he drops the phone on the bed, and he flips through the Album, staring at his Mom,

Philip wishes he had gotten the chance to even meet her once,

He picks up the phone again,

Pamela had sent the Address to her home.

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