


Philip moves closer to her, their face facing each other "My parents came visiting".

Magedelene withdrew back "So how did it go", She asks as leans into her couch.

Philip breathes in deeply "I think the reasons they kept this from me was actually valid". He stares into her eyes.

Magedelene nods her as she agrees with him. They both turn their head towards the door, as it rings.

"It must be the food". Philip says still with his eyes in the door. Magedelene opens it, it is the delivery guy.

She goes over to the couch, handling Philip his, He places it in the table, turns his head towards Magedelene who had started munching into her food hungrily.

" You must be really starving". He smiles at her her

Madegelene nods "I had literally lost count of time, due to all this". Pointing towards the Sketches.

"You should eat, yunno". She says, as she notices he hasn't touched his.

" I will, it just it hass--". Philip replies looking at the sketches.. Magedelene looks over at him, holds his hands gently "It going to be okay, all these will soon pass".

"Yunno, My biological Mother, wrote me a letter". The words came out of his mouth

" Oh, when did that happen ". Magedelene ask with her eyes a little bit open in a surprise and also dipping the chip in the ketchup.

"I really don't know, My parent gave it to me yesterday". This time Philip faces her as he speaks.

" Ok, have you read it, Do you wanna talk about it". She asks as she drops her food down, gulping down the milkshake.

"Nope". Philip pauses looks deep into her eyes again " I was hoping you could read it to me".

Magedelene eye goes wide open " Me ?". She places the milkshake on the table " Are you sure about this?".

Philip goes over to his School bag, brings out the envelope, as he brings out the letter, his hands is shaking,

He hands it over to Magedelene eyes is on the letter, she collecye it from him.

She couldn't think straight, She didn't know why he wanted her to read it to him. She opens it, she hears herself as she reads it, she could feel the intensity of Philips' eyes on her.

"Do you know why I gave you that name 'Philip', that's my dad name, Who did everything he could to provide for I and my other siblings.

But that isn't the reason for this, Philip, I just couldn't keep you, I am too damaged for you, Seeing you as a baby, My baby, I knew you were too innocent for you to come into my world.

I wasn't mentally, physically, financially capable of taking care of you. So I will be entrusting you with Mary and Dave who are capable and willing to take you in.

Please Do not look for me, I don't want to be found".

Magedelene eyes didn't move away from the letter until the last word came out from her lips. Tears already building in her eyes, She looks up at Philip who's face was already red.

She moves closer to him and hugs him tightly, as they both cry in each other hands.

She could feel him, She could understand him,

The letter had hit her just like it had hit him. She is him and He is her.

The difference is, She has always felt this way and He is just getting accustom to this kind of Pain.

"Please Philip don't cry again". She manages to mutter, the sentence makes him cry harder. Philip clings his arms around her harder, "I just don't know if I'll be able to cope with this kind of pain, I just wish I didn't get to know all this".

Magedelene hugs his tight too, She didn't know what to say anymore, she is devastated for him and for herself. They are both two hopeless child, with loving Parents who took them in.

Magedelene holds his face, making Philip look at her "Hey, look at the bright side, We both have Parents who love us, even if we don't belong to them". She speaks to him gently.

Philip nods his head gently, looks over to her " Thanks you so much". He wants to say more

But Magedelene cuts him off "I know, it Fine".

Magedelene stands up to get him a tissue, She hands it over to him, then sits besides him. He sniffles and cleans his tears,

Opens his hamburger and bites into it, Magedelene goes back to her food. They both sit in silence together as they munch into their food.

"Yunno, that letter sprung up something in me". Magedelene speaks first.

"Is it about your dad?". Philip manages say with his mouth full of food.

"What if he doesn't want to be found too, Yunno if he could just dump me in that shelter house without him trying to get to me ever since". She looks at Philip like he knows the answer to that.

Philip nods his head in a way that indicates like he was thinking of something. " What if" He pauses as he sips his drink

" What if, We go looking for them".

Magedelene eyes goes wide "I don't think it's a good idea". She says

"Why?, Is it because my Mom says she doesn't want to be found and you're assuming your dad don't want to be found too?". Philip asks her as he muches into his burger.

" Yes". She answers his questions as she wanders if he could hear him self talk.

"Magedelene". He goes ahead to hold her hands gently "Deep down, We cant lie to ourselves like we aren't seeking answers". He pauses as he search her face for support.

He didn't get one, so he Continues

"They're the ones that don't want to get found, deep down you and I both know we want to be found by them or we are going to find them ourselves". Philip explaining this Magedelene like his life was on the line.

She removes her hand from his " I am happy where I am right now, the yearnings to look for my dad has long been gone, I don't have that kind of yearning anymore". Magedelene looks away from him

Philip brings her face towards his, She could feel that he knew she was lying, but he goes on to say "Maybe not you, I really want to know my mom and why she did what she did".

Philip goes to kiss her deeply on her forehead, Stands up with his food, looks over to her " Thanks for having me over, See you at school". Smiles, grabs his bag then leaves.

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