
The Abbey By Night

I kept the string with me and dangled it once I reached the top of the steps, I was surprised that I was now shaking, the adrenaline was building, all I could hear is my heartbeat in my ears

The makeshift pendulum swung in a circle. No matter which direction I faced, it would not give a location to Quinn.

I shook my head in frustration, "We will have to split up. She's somewhere around here."

"I'll take the graveyard and church," Lathen volunteered, walking away.

"I'll go around the history building and the wall of the abbey," Leo said.

"Be careful, don't approach them alone," he warned

I agreed and kissed him, "Call me if you find anything."


Sneaking past security was easy with a quick Obscuravale spell. Walking towards the abbey, it was pitch black, even the spotlights that would light up the ruins were turned off. No shadows lurked; no people stood—just silence.

Normally one would find a picturesque quiet night, bliss. However, a missing friend and vampires out for blood ruined the mood.

"Illumi," I whispered blinking.

A spell I came across in my grandma's Bos, slowly the grounds became clearer, a spell to see in the dark better.

I lifted the necklace and with a small rush of magic, it spun… and spun… still nothing. I sighed and decided to move forward towards the ruins.

Cold metal touched my neck, and I froze as an arm wrapped around my abdomen, halting my step. I small gasp escaped me and I internally cursed myself for not paying attention.

"Hello, Lexi," they greeted.

"Megan," I replied, putting my hands up in defeat, "Where's Quinn?"

"She's fine for now. Luckily, you showed up. We need another supply."

She words sent a cold shiver down my spine…

'Another supply?'

The bad feeling I had, grew tenfold…

Megan moved forward, picking my neck with the knife. I hissed in pain and felt a small trickle move down my neck. I let her guide me from behind.

"How did you get tangled up in all this?" I asked, calmly.

"Shut up," she hissed, "I always knew there was something off about you."

"How's your grandmother?"

Megan did not reply only sighed heavily and pushed me forward a little bit too roughly.

We came to the large doorway south of the abbey.

She stopped us at the entryway. I looked down the vast grassy area. It was empty, there was still only us two around.

"Dracula," Maddie announced.

The blank archway shivered and seemed to melt away. I scoffed internally at the irony as the concealment lowered. I had to blink as it got brighter.

Behind it was a scene that would haunt my dreams for life.

There in the centre, Quinn laid. Her hands and legs were bound behind her. Her neck and jaw were covered in her own blood. Her eyes widened as her eyes met mine, she realised another joined her. Her loud words muffled by tape, but she was protesting.

The pendulum now swayed thrashing against my hand. The concealment threw off Quinns location. I should have realised sooner.

I took in the ruins, a bonfire lit most of the structure and a few torches lit up the rest.

There were several people standing all around the ruins. Casting my senses, three humans, yet to turn, four vampires, including Megan and… another witch?

I glanced up beyond the small steps. They were covered by a black cloak obscuring their face and locked up in a cage. I swallowed thickly, would I join them waiting to be the next 'supply'?

"Ahh, there she is!" A man dressed in finery, seemed to welcome us with open arms, my stomach turned at his bright smile, it was evident through long fangs he was a vampire his teeth looked pinkish from blood.

Another vampire approached, with a blood-stained chin and bound my hands together. I hissed as the ties seared my skin—pure iron.

While iron could not kill us, pure iron burned the skin and trapped witches' magic.

My sight returned to normal, I could only see as far as the bonfire's light would reach.

I was forced down to my knees by Megan, and she laughed gleefully, moving to the welcoming man.

"You found her friend! Well done, Meg," he cooed, taking the slightly bloody knife from her hand and took a strong sniff.

"This one is strong. She'll do nicely…" He charmed.

Megan stood beside him, sharing a malevolent smile whilst looking at me.

I inspected Quinn before me. Her complexion was pale giving a stark contrast to the rich red neck and arms. It was clear she was tired, near defeat. Yet her wide eyes watched the man with defiance and disgust. She still had her spark, it gave me hope that we could make it out… if we played our cards right.

"You must be the Sire of all these?" I spoke aloud, returning my attention to them.

"That I am. Cornelius," he said proudly introducing himself with a slight bow of his head.

"What's the plan then? You've already broken the treaty and nearly killed my friend. What, are you going to rage war on the werewolves?"

He laughed harshly, "First, I need to get rid of my Sire. I have had enough of her and all the rules. Vampires should not have to hold themselves back or be oppressed. Then, I will move onto the council. We shall see who stops us."

"Of course, to do that, I need numbers. You know witches are hard to come by. I have to take what I can, you have no idea how long I have been searching... Luckily for me I met Megan, a wonderful informant!"

"Can't imagine why a witch wouldn't help your plan," I said looking to the cage pointedly.

"Indeed." He turned to the cage, "She is a different case entirely... I think it's selfish to hide your power away when it is so… delicious."

Megan disappeared like smoke, and I felt the knife once again biting my throat; this time, Megan intentionally cut lower down near my shoulder.

Cornelius came closer, and Quinn's muffled voice cried out in protest. I felt disgusted and tried to move away as his slimy tongue licked the wound.

"Ah, a fire witch. Where are your friends?"

"Like I'd tell you," I spat.

"Fair enough. We have plenty of blood from you both."

He turned away and gestured to one of the humans, "Now is your chance. Sean, take the red head. Dean, you can take the first bite of the new flesh. Do not overdo it, boys. We may be able to keep them for a while."

They both approached him, each holding out an arm, and Cornelius took a bite out of both, injecting them with venom. The last ingredient needed to make a vampire.

Dean approached me, and I swallowed thickly, tensing up. I had to wait for the right moment.

I turned my head away and braced for the pain.

It seared like hellfire as he took blood, and I screamed, pulling a knee up. I hit a sensitive area and tried to run for the entrance as he groaned and collapsed.

I was, of course, caught before I made it out, but I had to try for both of us.

I screamed, "LEO!"

"Shh, Loverboy can't save you here," Cornelius whispered, "Stay calm, Dean. She will get what's coming to her…"

Cornelius dragged me back to my original spot. Dean has recovered quickly, and I could see he was tense and angry.

Dean bit down again.

At the church

"Leo?" Lathen called out.

"Yeah, it's me. I couldn't find anything."

"Me neither. Is Lexi back yet?"

Leo shook his head. Something in him felt off, he felt calm and reaching out, he couldn't feel Lexi…

Something was wrong.

"I think we should go to the Abbey; check it out."

Lathen agreed with a nod and together, they kept their eyes and ears open.


I no longer had the strength to scream. I don't know how long I laid there. But it felt like forever, it hurt to breathe.

Megan had to stop Dean from overdoing it. It didn't take a genius to see he was rough, especially when a kick met my stomach. I'm sure he cracked a rib or two…

I lay on the ground, feeling dizzier than before. The ties cut in more, making my wrists sore, my magic trapped beneath my skin, trapped once more. The feeling was frustrating.

In my blurred vision, I looked over at Quinn. The tape on her mouth was ripped off, her eyes looking far away. Cornelius stood over her, he slowly leaned down and placed a hand to her neck.

It dawned on me; he was checking for a pulse.

"No," I whispered weakly.

"Damn it! We have pushed this one too far," He angrily shoved the new vamp away, "What a waste," he muttered in displeasure.

Quinn's eyes started to darken, and she struggled to focus on his face. Adrenaline fled through my veins once more. Heart racing, the dizziness increased tenfold.

"Quinn? No!" I screamed.

"I know. It's such a shame. Here, I'll let you say goodbye," Cornelius sighed and he clicked his fingers.

Someone grabbed me by the arm, hauling me over to her.

"No! No, Quinn please…" I cried.

Shoving me down to the ground, my knee cracked on a stone slab, I ignored the shooting pain and I shimmied up to see her face.

"Quinn! Keep your eyes on me… Stay! Please!"

"Devan…" she muttered.

The light in her eyes began to fade.

A mask of death overtook her face. They were right. She was at deaths door. I was there when my grandmother passed away, the face of death is unforgettable.


My shoulders felt heavy as the weight of grief stuck me and my chin warbled. I clenched my fists, determined not to cry for their entertainment. Something they were probably betting on.

"Quinn. I'm so sorry…"

I became overwhelmed by the unfairness of it all. I felt the tears drip down onto her skin despite by best efforts. Each silent tear was a scream of frustration, a desperate plea for relief.

I sniffed, and I could hear their taunting snickers.

How dare they. How dare he do this to her. To us.

The anger buzzed to rage, I felt my magic dance below the skin and the chain binding my wrists began to hum, fighting back.

"A-Assholes." I choked out.

'You know what you must do.'

I fought against the iron. It was not as painful as the lock I once had. I slowly leaned back onto my knees and took a deep breath. Eyes blurred with tears, I pushed my magic through overwhelming the iron, pain shot through me and red flames ingulf my hands. Twisting around the iron.

I should have tried this earlier.

"Oh no, you don't," teased Cornelius as he stepped forward.


Too late. The ties snapped to the ground.

I closed my eyes as the knife returned. It instead melted against my skin as the crimson fire rose to the surface. I heard a hiss behind me as the vamps hand was charred, I could smell the burning flesh.

I slowly stood while staring at Quinn, my sight was still blurry. They would pay, no more would be hurt.

"You fucked around and now you find out," I muttered darkly.

Shifting my eyes, I unknowingly stared at Sean. Lifting a hand, I twisted it in the air. His neck twisted with a satisfying crack. My hand quickly engulfed in flames and with it fire engulfed him.

His body turned to ash before it hit the ground.

"Shit," Megan gasped.

'Shit indeed.'

I didn't think about what I was doing. It was subconscious, and my magic willed it, and I let it free.

"Time to go," Cornelius announced, stepping backwards.

He turned with Megan and ran. I flung a fireball, hoping to sear them.

Dean, not looking where he was going, tripped over his friend's burning body and caught himself aflame—a shame. I rolled my neck as his neck snapped.

Various squawks and squeals came from every direction, as I flung fire and encircled prey. I felt myself reveal in the feeling of vengeance.

I enjoyed it.

Chasing one last vampire out, the abbey was abandoned by the blood suckers. The bonfire was slowly dying out, but provided enough light to see the blood soaked grass.

My eye caught the iron cage in the corner. Flicking a finger towards it, the lock popped open.

"Get out of here," I muttered, not giving them a moment more of my time.

"Thank you. Restorignum Dracula."

The ruins shimmied, and the cover from the Abbey fell.

Grass was still burning from my magic as I kneeled at Quinn's head. Her pulse was too weak, her breaths were barely shallow, and her skin deathly pale. She still clings on to life, fighting, muttering Devan's name.

I acted on impulse.

'Quickly Lexi…'

I ignored the soreness in my throat and the sting in my eyes. Fire encircled us as I chanted the words written in Keiron's book. The words came so quickly and the felt smooth on my tongue, but I felt my magic dwindle.

Pain tore through me, I had reached the limit. The lock was holding me back.

'I've lost too much blood. I must push.'

I pushed through the lock. I must save Quinn.

Leo and Lathen

The sun was barely rising at 4 am. They walked cautiously through the grounds facing the abbey; the ruins were bare. There was not a soul to be found.

"It's too quiet," Lathen mumbled.

Leo agreed they had circled around three times now, even looking through the ruins of the abbey twice. Nothing could be heard. Lexi couldn't be found. Had she returned home? Was she looking for them?

They heard fast footsteps approaching, too fast to be Lexi.

They ducked down, "Obscuravle," Leo breathed, covering them both.

"That's Megan," Lathen said, surprised, "I bet this is her vamp family…"

Megan and the older man were near the car park, running from the ruins as a few others scattered behind them. They swiftly moved to the other side of the grounds and disappeared from view.

The smell of burning caught on the wind. Leo felt a sense of impending doom. Lexi was in trouble.

"Something is wrong. Let's go quickly," Leo said hurriedly.

As he spoke, the abbey began to shiver and slowly glow red. Ribbons of magic could be seen with characters swirling around.

"Vitamortum," Lathen breathed in astonishment.

A scream echoed around the grounds, and the crimson glow ceased rapidly, and Leo's blood ran cold. His chest felt heavy; something was missing.


He rushed forward.

He pleaded with the deities, Not now.


This was a new level of exhaustion, I tumbled face down to the ground, next to her. I felt cold, and my vision was spotted.

'I overdid it.'

They had taken too much blood, fear spread through me as I remembered the words of my uncle.

"Anyone who has tried it, has died and no one has been successful in completing the spell."

I pleaded with the deities, 'Please let this work. Let her live!'

I faced Quinn and watched her head loll to the side blinking blearily. It worked, that's all that mattered.

I smiled as my vision greyed; black spots appeared in my vision. I was numb to the throbbing pain in my head and chest. The lock was broken. I didn't have long left.

"Lexi?!" Quinn hastily got to her feet and rolled me over.

She looked picture-perfect and healthy.

"Quinn…It worked" I murmured weakly, I felt the need to cough, and turned my head.

I heard her gasp as I did so and looking fresh blood spilled from my mouth. I was coughing blood.

"The lock broke. I'm sorry."

"What? Lexi, Stay with me. Stay awake," she demanded.


"Leo is here; you'll be fine, do you hear me?" A helpless smile came to her lips, she was trying to convince herself.

I felt colder. I had no more fight to give and I watched Quinns tears fall.

Then I was hauled up slightly. I was awake enough to see Leo holding me.

"Lexi, don't you dare," he warned, his hand pulling my face to make me look at him, "Don't you dare prove my mother right."

His voice brought comfort, and I smiled weakly.

His tears landed on my face, "I'll meet you again," I whispered weakly.

The evening sky turned grey, and I felt the weight of my body sink into the ground.

The world faded to black.

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