

Leo and I trekked through the forest on Sunday morning towards the Great Oak tree. Waiting at the base of the tree was Tiffany. She was hopping from foot to foot and slowly paced.

Her anxious energy came off in waves.

"Hey," I greeted, getting closer.

She jumped, "Hi! Thank goddess, you're here… I didn't think you'd turn up."

"Witches of our word," Leo pipped in.

I nodded in agreement, "So… You said your healer might have a plan…?"

She nodded, looking down, "He has not told me that it's the first he has seen, but it is documented. He said he would need the help of witches. He was shocked to hear we already knew some." she smiled and shrugged,

"We will try our best," I smiled back.


She took us around the edge of the crater. It dipped down into the crook of a valley. We entered with Tiffany.

"In advance, sorry," she said apologetically, "The pups tend to get hyper around new people, and everyone might sniff you…" her face turned into a grimace while Leo and I laughed.


 While she walked us through the Wolfen grounds, I could not help but admire the simplicity of the area. It reminded me more of a camping ground without the tents. The wooden cabin looked much larger than initially thought and was more extensive than an average house.

Beautifully carved log benches surrounded a fire pit, and I could only assume an open bar and seating stretched on the other side of the cabin. It bustled with people entering and exiting the house through a side door, giving out food and drinks.

It was surrounded by mother nature, neat grass, and abundant wildflowers. Except a few chosen pathways stayed trodden.

Tiffany led us to the large bonfire pit. Jack and another wolf (I assumed the healer) awaited us.

"Jack," I greeted, tilting my head in greeting,

"Glad you could make it," he said.

Leaning back, he waved over some other people. The same female we saw before and another unknown male.

"Alpha," Jack greeted, standing, bowing his head slightly.

The rest followed his lead. Leo took my hand. I looked up at him; he seemed relaxed on the outside, but his tension said something different.

"Welcome!" said the female, "I'm Cheryl, Luna of this pack, and this is Dominic."

'Ah, Alpha and Luna…' 

It was customary to be greeted by the leaders before discussing any other matters. No doubt the Alpha was informed of everything already. Nothing would occur without his knowledge.

I greeted them with a head tilt, and Leo followed my lead. Cheryl gestured to the carved benches, and we sat beside Jack.

"I thought we agreed only one witch is necessary," the healer pipped up.

"We come as a pair," both Leo and I said at the same time.

I couldn't help but smile.

"You heard 'em," Jack gruffed, "Plus, I heard this one has a fainting problem." His thumb pointed to me.

My face fell, and I turned to Leo, who found the trees more interesting. Wow. I sneakily elbowed his ribs. Tiffany snorted quietly.

"It's alright," Cheryl reassured, "I say the more the merrier, no such thing as too much help."

"Agreed," came a gruff voice.

Alpha Dominic continued, "I also hope we can rely on you both in the future. Cornelius is proving himself dangerous."

My face scrunched, "What's happened?" I asked.

Jack and Dominic shared a look before Jack answered my question. No doubt they were going to withhold the truth.

"Some brothers are reporting more sightings of him. He's on the move. I have still not heard from his Dame, but some have said he is… injured."

My head tilted, thinking, "So, he's fleeing from something and recuperating his losses."


"Lexi? Did you hit him with something that night?"

"I told you, I tried, but he got away."

Leo pointed out, "It could have caught him without you realising."

"Hm." My mind doubted, "It could be his dam."

Jack nodded to this, "That's what we are hoping. But his minions are picking fights they shouldn't be picking."

My eyes narrowed, "With the other packs?"

"And then some." Cheryl crossed her arms, her happy mood now serious.

I could only assume she meant with the fae and possibly leaving a trail of humans in their wake. Leo's hand squeezed mine.

"Where was he last seen?" Leo asked.

"South. Near Devon." Jack replied, "With how fast he can move. He could be here overnight. Keep your garlic close," Jack said, easing back.

I couldn't help but gently laugh at his statement.

The healer rubbed his hands before announcing, "Shall we move onto why we are here?"


As asked, I told my recollection of my encounter with Tiffany's wolf. The healer's arms crossed in disbelief.

"You gave a wolf wolfsbane? Don't you know how-"

"Poisonous it is to wolves? Yes," I stayed calm, "I gave her a small amount to make her high. Not enough to kill."

He grumbled under his breath. Tiffany's eyebrows scrunched together. I don't think I wanted to know what he said.

"I don't think you're skilled enough to do this," he stated.

"Skilled enough?" Leo asked.

"You young ones are far too weak to do this kind of magic."

Jack leaned forward, rubbing his face. It seemed this conversation had taken place many times before.

'Should we?' Leo murmured, whispering to me. I nodded.

"What was that?" The healer asked as our language changed.

"We don't like to flaunt," Leo stated.

Jack grinned with a smug look, "Brace yourself."

We relaxed our magic fully, all at once.

All heads turned in our direction as every wolf felt the magical shift. Our magic quickly overtook the crater. It even stretched to the Great Oak. I could sense the shifting portal and leylines beneath our feet, glowing white and powerful. The bonfire that was slowly dying out came to life again.

As Tiffany predicted, the younger pups gravitated closer, and every nose wrinkled, scenting the air.

A deep growl overtook the air; we quickly pulled our energy. The Alpha felt threatened.

He cleared his throat, "Excuse me."

I shook my head, "Sorry," I apologised.

Cheryl clapped her hands together, "Ah! You're mates! Even better. Now that's sorted. Are you happy, Carl?"

A slight blush rose to my face at her words.

Healer Carl wiped his sweat away from his brow, "Yes. I suppose these will do."


"During the next full moon," Carl started, "You'll need to perform this."

He pulled a book out from his backpack, opened it to the bookmarked page and passed it over to me. Glancing over the words, my eyebrows furrowed.

"This is the spell to make a werewolf?" I asked.

"Yes. It can also be used to awaken a werewolf," he confirmed.

It looked like something out of Da Vinci's Journal. The Vitruvian Man was depicted next to a Wolfen version. There were various anatomies of a wolf present.

The ritual was drawn almost step by step, including chants and items to use and when. Although it was detailed, the steps were pretty simple. I could see why a powerful witch was needed. To coax out a wolf was no easy task, it seemed.

I noticed a few typos in words and herbs. It seemed whoever had copied this over did not pay attention.

"Okay," I nodded slowly, "The next full moon isn't far away."

"Correct, it's in three days."

"Four," I corrected, "The full moon peaks in four days."

"Don't tell a wolf when the next full moon is," he glared.

I tried not to smile, "Every moon phase lasts for three nights. The moon is at its fullest in four days, but if you want to do it at 97% luminosity, that's fine."

I said, taking a picture of the entire page on my phone before returning it to him. Carl practically snatched it from my hands.

"Fine, Witch," he retorted, "Four days it is."

Alpha Dominic gave a warning, "Speak of this to no one. Until we know why this has happened, it is pack business. Understand?"


Tiffany led us back out to the Great Oak. She would not stop thanking me for taking it on. She was giddy and laughing at my attitude towards Carl.

"You have no idea how much I have wanted someone to put him in his place!" she smiled.

I smiled cheekily, "It was fun," I admitted.

"Will you two be okay from here?" she asked, stopping just before the Great Oak.

"Not a problem, we got it from here."

We waved goodbye and made the long journey back to my home.


"You realise your birthday is in four days, right?"

"My birthday…?" I trailed off.

'I've shot myself in the foot.'

"You've forgotten," Leo laughed and continued to walk ahead of me.

"Damn it!" I said, "Oh well, I can celebrate it at the weekend instead."

"You can. The coven won't."

I stopped, "What do you mean?"

"Lexi, It's your eighteenth and a Thursday."

'Circle night,' I facepalmed.

Leo chuckled, "It's alright. I'm sure they will understand. I will have to share you over the weekend instead."

"But will they? We can't tell them why either…"

"Well… There's always the couple card."

I raised an eyebrow to him. What?

He winked and swooped an arm around my shoulders, and kissed my head. Putting an arm around his waist, we walked the remainder back home.


Leo was quiet. His mood and aura gave off a sombre air. He was deep in thought. Aimlessly following me through the back door.

I could feel his absence through our bond. He was conflicted. I silently took his hand and led him to the sofa. I sat him between my legs and snuggled his larger torso from behind.

"Something you want to talk about?"

He was silent as his eyes narrowed as he stared into the wall, slowly relaxing with my massaging hands.

"I have no idea what to write."

His head dropped back onto my shoulder, finally giving in and relaxing.

"You mean write to Morgan?"

He hummed in response.

"Well, we could work together. Plus, what if we give her a short 'We need to see you. We will be up at yule' kind of thing. Doesn't need to be long or affirm anything…"

He groaned as I kneaded his shoulder. I couldn't help but giggle and give kisses on his face.


"Thank you."

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