
198 Marvel Zombies: Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds.

What was different between this world and another Marvel universe? At first glance, nothing. If you looked at the Earth from space, you would never know what was happening. This was true for several space stations that didn't realize until it was too late.

Of course, it would only be a matter of time before Sentry, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, or any space-capable zombie decided they wanted a vacuum-sealed snack.

Putting that aside, Allen's battle ended, and now he found himself in a predicament. Would ending all the zombies end the hunger virus? who knows.

Allen's knowledge about "The Hunger" is limited, and he can only think of two methods: the first is to destroy all the infected, which is the simplest and most effective method.

The second is to investigate if there is a way to stop them. However, Allen doesn't have much hope about it; it's as if the world itself desires this to happen.

Intelligent characters like Reed Richards, Hank Pym, Tony Stark, and Bruce Banner couldn't think of anything before being infected, and when they were, none of them thought about ending the hunger.

Very powerful characters like Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, god Hawkeye, and gods in general, also couldn't prevent the end.

Powerful and also intelligent characters like Dr. Doom, and Dr. Strange, among several others who specialize in dealing with these apocalyptic things, couldn't avoid the end.

Finally, let's not forget how Hulk and Deadpool got infected, which makes no sense.

Originally, in less than twenty-four hours, Earth had been swept away. How? It's not like eight billion people are a few, a thousand heroes and villains should not be able to eat all those people in such a short time, of course just infecting them with a virus is different and this is what Quicksilver was doing, but that is crazy because it is a waste of food.

This could mean two things: that the versions of all the relevant characters in this world were nerfed or that something intervened for this world to end like this.

Perhaps destiny, perhaps the will of the world, some mysterious entity that no one knows, all these questions flooded Allen's mind as he opened a portal to Earth.


Allen crossed the portal and saw the Earth. Unlike the DC Earth, the Earth in front of him was a carbon copy of his own world, making him feel empathy for all those people.

Allen wasn't born special; if it weren't for these powers, he would be just a young man like any other, living without knowing that one day he would wake up in the middle of a zombie massacre.

Maybe he would try to run, but what good would it do when his enemies have superpowers? This is the reality of billions of people who unfortunately died before Allen arrived.

Thanks to Strange and Kamar-Taj with their portals, the zombies attacked large cities all over the world, so no country didn't suffer millions of deaths.


Astronaut: Control, this is astronaut Smith. I have an unusual situation at my observation point. I see a young man with white hair and a bright white cloak floating in space near the station. He seems to be contemplating Earth.

A man spoke to Houston, waiting for a response from NASA.

NASA Control –...

However, from NASA, he only received static. The astronaut was afraid of the latest reports he received about a global crisis; after that, he lost communication with control. Smith didn't know what had happened, but he was afraid for his family. In his panic and helplessness, he plunged into the worst thoughts; in fact, he believed he was hallucinating.

Astronaut: No, it doesn't seem to be interfering with the mission. He's just there, calm. But his presence is... unsettling.

NASA Control – ...

Astronaut – There's no direct communication, but his gaze seems filled with melancholy. He seems... just to observe as if he's lost in his thoughts.

NASA Control – ...

Astronaut – Control? What control? Nobody's responding! What am I doing?!

The man laughed at his actions, feeling desperate, he truly felt like he had gone mad.


The man looked incredulously at Allen's face. "Hello, sir, I was wondering if you wanted to come down to Earth?"

The astronaut's face could have been photographed, framed, and entered into the Guinness World Records for the most surprised people in the world.

Allen, of course, noticed the space station, and although it was strange that there was only one astronaut, he decided to help him. To be clear, NASA should already have ceased to exist, this man cannot come down to Earth without support because it would be like flying a plane blindfolded.

His fate is to die or wait, and hopefully, in some time, someone will rescue them, if there is still qualified personnel.

Allen gave an apparent smile but his eyes were not laughing, while the story focused on zombie superheroes, this man, like the general population, is the true victim.


On Earth, Artoria continued her fight against the Scarlet Witch. There was no clear winner; in fact, Esdeath had arrived in time and offered to help, but Artoria refused and continued fighting.

Rebecca landed on a building after fulfilling her mission to hinder Reed Richards. To be honest, if that zombie had been serious from the beginning, things would have been much more difficult for them.

On the battlefield were Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor facing Hank Pym, who had lost an arm and a leg.

There were corpses everywhere; the battle ended with a total victory for Allen's side, except for Artoria, which wouldn't surprise Allen because the system warned him to target Wanda after finishing off Sentry.

"Are you happy, Stark? Hahaha, it's your victory!"

"I don't know what kind of relationship we had in this universe, but for my part, it's nothing but pity, pity for all the people who died, pity for the versions of my acquaintances," Tony looked in a direction; there was the Tony Stark of this universe completely burned by Thor's wrath, "I feel pity for the fate that befell my version in this world, and more than anything, pity for what you all became. I can't imagine how agonizing "The Hunger" is but I know none of you would be monsters had it not been unintentional."

"Hahahaha, you want to know a secret?" Hank Pym tried to get up but fell back to the ground, Hulk growled, and Thor got ready.

"It's incredible that even with all your power, you still take caution with a decayed zombie. Hehe, I don't know if I should feel flattered or frustrated..."Hank stopped talking and stared at Tony. "I love the taste of flesh..."

"HUUH?!" Tony responded indignantly.

Hank fell silent after what he said and looked up at the sky, "... It's not because I'm a zombie or so I think. I believe that even if things returned to normal, I would become a cannibal."

Hank Pym's declaration made many people feel sick.


Hank Pym in Allen's universe felt disgusted and began to destroy his workshop.

"Damn it!! Damn it!! Damn it!!"

Hank Pym is a very intelligent man; with his research, the world could be a better place, and he always believed that. But seeing what his variant had become, he knew how dangerous an evil version of himself would be.

"No, who assures me that I'm not like that?! Who's to say Hank Pym isn't just a monster?!"

"Damn it!"


"Stop saying nonsense!" Tony shouted.

"In the name of Odin Let's put an end to this monster!"


The three were ready to finish off Hank Pym, and in general, the Chat supported that idea. Everyone wished for it.

In this situation, Rebecca remained silent, feeling strangely anxious, and Esdeath felt the same, looking at the sky with a sense of unease. Artoria felt it too.


"It seems you missed your chance!" Hank said, smiling as he looked up at the sky.

In the eyes of everyone, a colossal giant with purple armor appeared, emitting cosmic energy so vast that it made Silver Surfer's energy look insignificant.

"Prepare to be devoured in the name of Galactus."

"My Hunger is at its peak, but I must pause a moment to ask: Where is my herald?"

"Where is my servant, The Silver Surfer..."

Galactus's declaration filled everyone with terror; this was extremely powerful.

Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds, is a cosmic entity of massive power in the Marvel universe.

His imposing presence and insatiable appetite for planetary energy make him a formidable and legendary force in Marvel's cosmic mythology. Galactus has carried out impressive feats that have left an indelible mark on the cosmos.

Galactus travels the universe in his gigantic ship, Taa II, seeking worlds to consume. He uses his formidable cosmic power to absorb the life energy of planets, leaving them as barren wastelands in his wake.

Galactus often grants power to individuals chosen as his Heralds, who act as his agents and search for suitable worlds for their master. Among the most famous are Silver Surfer and Terrax, whose actions have led to destruction and redemption in equal measure.

Unfortunately, Silver Surfer has already been devoured by the zombies.

Galactus has fought monumental battles against very powerful enemies. His clashes with Titans have shaken planets and altered reality itself.

Galactus is an entity of enormous cosmic power in the Marvel universe, and his abilities are immeasurable.

Galactus can manipulate and control cosmic energy at will. This allows him to perform feats such as teleportation, telepathy, creating energy barriers, and projecting destructive cosmic energy.

Galactus is practically immortal and cannot be destroyed by conventional means. Although he can be weakened or temporarily defeated, he always finds a way to regenerate and return to his full power.

He can alter matter on a molecular level, allowing him to transform objects or living beings at will.

Galactus possesses cosmic knowledge that allows him to see events across time and space, as well as understand the complexities of the universe in its entirety.

These are just some of Galactus's most notable powers, but his true extent of power is practically unlimited and can vary depending on Galactus's variant.

This makes him a monster in any universe, and this could be transmitted to anyone who sees his imposing presence.

However, everyone's attention was elsewhere, so even with Galactus, they dared to pay attention to something else.

"I asked you, where is my heral-."

Galactus's words were cut off, and his cosmic clairvoyance was activated. This surprised the World Devourer.

He then looked to his right, only to see someone standing on his shoulder. Even Galactus, who had lived for billions of years, had never experienced such a lack of respect; the impact of something like this was such that he couldn't react for a few seconds.


Hank looked at the young man here, "In the end, it wasn't Stark, Hulk, or Thor, it was that boy, wasn't it," said Hank Pym, growling; all his plans were ruined. He couldn't even enjoy the flesh anymore; Hank felt that if he had known earlier, he would have eaten Tachala.

"I guess this is the young and brilliant savior? Will this boy destroy us and save the world?! Is he an angel sent from God?" Hank mocked without fear, but strangely, no one paid attention to him.

Everyone's attention was on Allen; he looked the same as always, although he wasn't smiling. In fact, the atmosphere around him had changed.


Galactus began to emit a vast amount of cosmic power, which alarmed Hank Pym but not the others, who had their eyes on Allen.

Allen frowned and, without taking his eyes off the trio of heroes and Hank, slowly pointed his palm toward Galactus's face, sending chills down everyone's spine.

Without hesitation, without thinking, without asking for the slightest mercy.

Galactus opened his eyes, and his clairvoyance activated. "My death?" asked the cosmic colossus incredulously.

The sound of the world disappeared as a colossal burst of energy shot out from Allen's hand straight at Galactus's head.

The massive attack didn't even stop until it left the Earth and continued advancing through space without leaving the solar system.

Allen's gaze never left Hank as his hand pointed, but by this point, there was nothing to aim at anymore.

Galactus was dead...


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