
An Mission From HQ...?


"Mom...?"  A small Balck haired boy asked he looked at the crouched shilloute  in the dim darkness of the room,

He tried calling her multiple times, and even tried going towards her but as he got near her,

"It's all your fault..." Almost a whisper, but the boy heard it nonetheless.

"I-I..." The boy, in a way or other knew, he knew that it was his fault...

" Stay away from me you monster !" The women crouched in the darkness shouted as she got up and held her head while screaming,

"If-If only your weren't born?!!!" Almost animalistically , the boy...While nothing more than a naive and innocent child at that moment knew...His life wouldn't be the same ever...













[ Location : St.Freya, No.8 Dorm ]


Kate opened her eyes , swollen and wet in tears while gasping as she held her head.

"Shit man... This is 15th time of me dreaming something about that after all the things that happened..." That dream- No that nightmare had reawakened the elements of her past which she tried to forget...

"Hah..." Kate could only sigh heavily as she got out of her bed wobbly and made her way towards the bathroom.

"Augh....My head feels heavy– way to heavy...." Almost an inaudible whisper she spoke.

As she looked at the mirror of the bathroom she saw that her eyes her swollen and red- But the next thing was what caught her off-guard...

Drip     Drip     Drip


Small drops of blood started falling on the sink as Kate's nose started bleeding,

"Damn it..."  Kate could only say confusingly as her vision started blurring before she succumbed off her consciousness...







Meanwhile Kiana, who's room just happened to be the next door heard the sound and decided to check on her sister...

"Sis...?" Kiana looked around the room and saw no one and immediately knew something was off.

" Sister?" This time she spoke more audible-ly  to make sure that if Kate was present she would respond.

...But as she heard no response she finally went towards the bathroom door which happened to be open and saw...


There was Kate collapsed on the floor with a small pool of blood around her head...


Her voice was heard throughout the dorm- meaning the girls alongside Theresa and Himeko had heard the shout of Kiana and rushed towards the room it came from,

" What happened...?!"

Theresa was the first to reach the room belonging to Kate and saw Kiana holding Kate while looking at her...

"Get the First Aid kit !" Theresa said to Mei who was right behind her.

"Yes!" Mei , also seeing what happened went ran straight down to bring the First Aid Kit.

A/N : Pretty cliché ain't it...?







[ 2 Months Prior ]


With a burst on the door Himeko opened it while saying,

"You all have a mission !"

The quartet of Kate, Kiana, Mei and Bronya looked at their teacher with raised brows,

"But didn't we just completed a mission 10 days ago...?" Kate questioned while her gaze was fixed at the homu-station she was playing a game on.

"That's true..." Mei nodded at her words.

And it seemed the others agreed aswell.

"Yeah...While that's true this came from the headquarters itself."

Himeko, as the lazy person she is , was also not happy with an extra mission but it was an order, from the headquarters no less.

And this is what intrigued her, but she could assume who gave this order or why it was given.

"An order from the HQ itself ?! Maybe they finally saw the worth of my powers and decided to test it by themselves !" We can all guess who said that...

"Da Bronya wants to know where this mission is..." With her monotonous voice Bronya asked,

"Yeah where is it..?" Kate followed the question as well,

"Well..."  Himeko begun,

" It's in– "








A jet silently flew over the cloudy and cold skies of Siberia,

"Hm...This place is pretty beautiful yet ....creepy..." Kate commented while looking through the wind shield of the Jet at the dark lands of Siberia.

Blare Blare

Blaring sounds started to itch in her ears as she looked over at Bronya,

" You ready ?" She asks as Bronya looked over her gun.

" Da..." Bronya nodded.

[ Valkyries, we are about to reach the destination in 1:05 , get ready for drop.]

Himeko's voice was heard through the comms as she barked her orders to Bronya and Kate.

" Yeah , Yeah..." Kate rolled her eyes slightly while listening to her commander/Captain/Teacher speaking.

[ Drop in 2 minutes ! ]

Himeko continued as the duo of valkyries started checking their gear for a last time check.

" Well then..." Kate spoke as her visors came online...


The hatch opened and,

[ Valkyries Go !]

Both Kate and Bronya jumped out of the Jet as it vanished into oblivion.

A/N: Now imagine that promotional video of Kiana jumping out of Hyperion ( I think it was Hyperion or was it Helios ?)....

The sudden increase in wind pressure hit Kate as she looked at their landing spot.

Her visors started working and she was able to see things clearly even at the darkness of the sky...

She started tilting towards that side while trying her best to slow down her flight.

Bronya's voice sounded in her comms and Kate opened her parachute.

With her speed descending and while she swiftly controlled her parachute both Kate and Bronya detached it from their bags as soon as they neared 30-25 metres above ground.



While Kate landed with a dull and low sound , project Bunny helped Bronya land.

"...hah, No matter how many times I do it I still feel a little scared..." Kate sighed while trying to look for any movements in her surroundings, which was not needed as Project Bunny was actively involved in it.

" The Bronya thinks you should have some confidence on yourself..." Bronya looked at Kate while saying it.

" Yeah...Will try that..." Kate nodded without much seriousness and Bronya noticed it but didn't say anything.

"The comms of Bravo 3 and 5 are online..." Bronya spoke while looking at a terminal attached to Project Bunny.

" Then what are we waiting for? Connect to them." Bronya nodded at Kate's words and connected the links.

Many sighs were heard simultaneously.

Kate questioned.

Kate tried to appear strict while saying that,

Kiana's voice was heard again,

' It seems Mei and Bronya want me to deal with it...' Kate's mouth twitched slightly while this time she said,

And while Kate was pretty sure that Otto wouldn't allow that due to it interfering with his plans she used it as a tool to make sure Kiana was obedient.

Now Kiana appeared a little scared ,

Kate nodded while saying this,

Kiana started speaking seriously,

'Woah...She really knows how to handle her...'

. . . . . . .

"Damn...She really knows how to handle her..." Himeko was really happy that Kate always seemed to have a way to make sure Kiana listened to orders.

" That's a Big Sister for you..." Theresa nodded aswell, while both of them looked at the live feed of the 4 Valkyries.

. . . . . . .

Kate asked for the last time as they all got in position while looking at the Reasearch Lab at the distance.

Different responses came but with the same meaning,

" Well than..." Kate spoke, while smirking as if she was going to say something very interesting,

She adjusted her visors and it seemed to shine green,


Hey bozzos sorry for the late Chapter and I have an announcement to make,

...This is going to be the last chapter of this story, I have my final exams approaching and I won't be able to write or do something along those lines, while I will be active to Wattpad/Webnovel, I won't upload/ update my stories.....This is a good Bye...Thank you all for being my viewers...Adios...

That is...For 4 months...

Adios My viewers...May we meet again after 4 Months...!

Eminence_01creators' thoughts
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