


Kitanna sat in front of her mirror, brushing her hair gently. Just as Nix had told her, he didn't show up for dinner. She looked at her reflection, just then a soft knock came on her door.

"Who?" Kitanna asked; she was not expecting anyone by this time. Or did Nix come to see her? The thought warmed her heart, but her expression changed when she heard a female voice.

"Princess Kitanna, it's me, Larel. Can I come in?" The young woman whispered like she didn't want anyone to know of her presence.

Kitanna got up from her chair and went to open the door. She was surprised to see the former queen standing in front of her door. Anything that must have made her come this night would be important, Kitanna thought. Even though after the betrayal, their relationship had been strained. Larel was still someone Kitanna held as a very important person.

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