
Chapter 86: Thor vs Wonder Woman

Guys, sorry for the lack of chapters. Life has been hard for me this month. 

First, I just quit my job. A job that exploited me, made me sick and where it made me feel like all my hard work and effort was worthless.

Yes, it took me a long time to get out of there. That job consumed me because I worked 10 hours and came home only to have dinner and sleep. It was horrible. 

The second was that I had writer's block. Well, rather, it was as if my life was becoming monotonous or boring, the result of the bad time I had in my life.




Thor's Hut, Yakutsk, Russia, June 21, 14:50, 2017

"Are you sure about doing this?" Clark worriedly asked Diana, who was preparing to fight the opponent that perhaps, would be the toughest she had faced to date.

At this moment, outside Thor's hut, the battlefield was preparing to host what would be known as a fight of biblical proportions. Two powerful opponents, both with divine blood in their veins, expert fighters and, above all, powerful.

Diana was surrounded by the group of superheroes who were helping her prepare. There was no need to help much, since, under that winter clothing she was wearing, and with which she had arrived, she was wearing her Amazon armor. Her weapons were also inside Batman's jet, with which they had come all this way.

By this time, she was already preparing to fight, as she swung her Hephaestus-made weapons. Her sword, so sharp that it is said it can cut through atoms themselves. Her shield, so tough that it can withstand the power of Zeus' lightning bolts. Also at her waist was ready the lasso of Hestia, which she knew would be of great use in the coming fight.

She had experience of fighting titans, powerful mythological creatures like the Hydra and the Minotaur, and powerful metahuman villains, but she could swear that Thor, from what their stories told of his power, beat them all hands down.

Thor was the god of Lightning, thunder and force in Norse mythology. His stories, legends that remained of his great deeds, were only the tip of the iceberg of the true power that this god had.

According to the stories reviewed by the Amazons, when Thor was born, the sky was stormy reacting to his divine power to command storms. This was an indication that he was born with great divinity and tremendous power. What only greater gods, such as Odin and Zeus, could do in their births.

At the age of 10, he had killed his first mythological beast. He did not do it out of necessity. Nor did he do it out of Asgardian custom. He did it for fun.

He, who grew up listening to the exploits of his father and the Asgardian people in combat, ran away from the castle at the age of 10 and found this lone beast in the forest. A steppe wolf of more than 3 meters that it wandered in the forest eating the livestock of the Asgardian farmers.

When his caretakers realized that the prince had escaped and went to look for him in the forest, they only found the prince of Asgard full of blood with the corpse of a giant dismembered wolf next to him. The funny thing is that the blood, which covered the entire body of the prince, was not Thor's, but was the wolf's. The boy Thor, the only thing he said when they found him was:

"Hopefully for the next one, I'll find something bigger and more troublesome. This wolf bored me to death"

From there his legend began.

At 15 he killed his first frost giant. At 18, no Asgardian, not of the royal line, could beat him in combat. When his younger brother Balder was born, Thor was 30 years old and had already been part of numerous legends that put him on the same level as his father.

These stories and more, which were known to the Amazons, only reminded Diana that this god should not be underestimated. On the contrary, these stories were only a reminder that this fight would be the hardest fight she had ever had.

Hippolyta, who also knew this god well, knew that he was even more troublesome in hand-to-hand combat than Ares himself. Something that made her quite worried about her daughter. However, her daughter showed no concern. There was only determination on her face.

Diana knew the hard fight that awaited her, but she had no doubts, no fear, only determination. The future of her friend and the fate of the gods' situation depended on her victory. She was ready. Without a shred of doubt, she replied to Clark.

"I am, Clark. Not only am I ready for combat, I'm preparing to win. Our friend depends on it"

Clark couldn't answer the Amazon, when at that, Thor's voice was heard, speaking to the Amazon. His voice, which had a deep, raspy and thick tone, only denoted excitement for the fight. Like that of a child, going to Disneyland for the first time.

"The battlefield is ready, princess. 10 acres of flat field to fight on" there Thor revealed that the great forest, full of giant pines where he chopped the wood with the axe, now lay flat, the fruit of the god cutting down all the trees and crushing the ground and the snow with his big hammer.

"Is it okay to fight here?" asked Diana, who could not hide her surprise at such a drastic change in the terrain.

"Yes, yes, yes, don't worry. This land, and all the surrounding hectares, are mine. All legal, by the way. Besides, the trees were planted with a spell my mother, Freya, taught me. I can replant them again without any problem. By next month, it will be just as lush a forest as before, don't worry about that. In short, we can go crazy in this place"

"Understood. So, I'm ready. But I don't know if you are…?" asked Diana hesitantly, as she pointed to his outfit. He was wearing the same lumberjack clothes. She wondered if that was how he was going to fight. It didn't bother her, but she knew her armor gave her an advantage in this situation.

"Oh, right. Because I was concentrating on flattening the earth I was forgetting that I hadn't transformed..." Thor scratched the back of his neck, while smiling shyly. "Sorry about that. Let me get ready"

Saying that, Thor raised his hammer and a strong bolt of lightning erupted from the sky. With a loud, "BOOM," the lightning struck Thor's body, raising heavy smoke and fog from the melting snow. When the mist dissipated, everyone could see that the god was no longer wearing lumberjack clothing but Viking battle armor.

His clothing was silver-colored iron armor with gold trimmings. His gloves, his belt tied around his waist, and his cloak, were of a deep golden color, shining in the sun like the purest gold. His helmet, a traditional Viking helmet, was adorned with two golden wings that made him look heroic and powerful. Like the greatest Viking, ready for a fight.

His aura had also changed. His long hair, fluttering in the wind, added to his electric lightning aura, made everyone feel like mere ants. At this moment, legends were coming to life, bringing this heroic and powerful god out of stories.

"Now I'm ready, amazon" with that, he flew away to the flat ground several miles from the hut. Diana was about to follow him, but just before she left, a hand stopped her. It was Edgar's hand.

"Edgar, I know you're worried, but-"

"I'm not worried. Nor do I have any doubt that you're going to win, Diana. I know better than anyone that, when you fight for a just and good cause, that's when you become the strongest. And this time, you are fighting for the fate of your friend. That will give you the motivation and the power to win against this opponent. I just want to tell you that I am proud of you. Of your strength and your power. And I want you to know that, above all, I trust you"

These words made Diana's serious face melt into a face full of love. She gave Edgar a big hug. Everyone was worried, she knew that, but she didn't want that worry.

She just wanted words of encouragement. Words that told her that they trusted her. Edgar, who knew her better than anyone, felt this and stopped her. This only reinforced the love she felt for him. He always knew what to do or say to make her happy, and this time was no exception.

"I love you, my beloved one"

"I love you too, honey" they both gave each other a passionate kiss. When they finished kissing, Edgar smiled and said, "Now go kick that god's ass and show him who's boss, sweetheart"

"You bet"

With that said, Diana flew straight to the battlefield, where a smiling Thor was waiting for her. He smiled because, the affectionate display, reminded him of the enormous camaraderie the Asgardians had before a fight. The support they always gave each other before battle. With a smile, he asked the Amazon.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes...but I just want to know something before the fight"

"Sure, ask away, amazon"

"Why me? - and, above all, why fight? Diana finally asked. She didn't hesitate to fight, but wondered why she had been chosen when opponents just as strong as her were in the group. Superman would be an equally 'fun' opponent to fight. Thor, seriously, replied to her.

"Putting aside that I haven't had a fun fight in hundreds of years, I must admit that the thought of fighting a daughter of Zeus makes my Norse blood boil. We, Asgardians, have always been known for the thrill of fighting strong opponents. But I would be lying if I said that's the only reason I chose you. There's another reason, but... I'll tell you if you beat me"

"So, now I have another reason to beat you" Diana swung her sword and got into a fighting stance.

"So it would seem, amazon, so it would seem. But it won't be easy. I'm going to fight with everything. Even, I'll tell you once and for all... you might die"

"I don't expect it any different, god of thunder. We,, Amazons are always ready to give our all in the fight and to die in combat. I AM READY"

With that said, they both moved. In an instant, they moved as Diana raised her sword and Thor raised his hammer that produced electric sparks.



A sound like a bell was produced, heard clearly over all the surrounding acres of the battlefield, as Diana and Thor struck their weapons against each other. Electric sparks and shock waves formed due to this attack.

Immediately after that, as if this was the pre-disaster sound, there was a loud and clear "BOOOOOM" indicating the propagation of the shockwave the two produced with their force. The group, spectators in the distance, could only admire how the first attack already reformed part of the frozen earth that these lands held.

"Impressive" said Superman in awe, as he witnessed the fight of these two titans. His enhanced eyesight allowed him to see how every molecule of ice reformed and precipitated with the heat of the fight.

"Indeed, it is impressive" Bruce, who was looking through binoculars at everything, confirmed the Kryptonian's thought.

Although his human eyesight didn't allow him to see like Clark, the binoculars gave him fairly accurate data as well of what was going on. He was more amazed by the sheer amount of energy they were both giving off, which, from the readings already checked, was the famous cosmic energy he was already investigating.

However, those involved in this fight, were absorbed in this amazement. At this moment, both of them had only smiles of excitement on their faces, as they went head to head in this tough fight.

"You are strong, amazon. Your weapon is also well made. One more masterpiece like the ones Hephaestus always made" said Thor, as he swung his hammer hard again, which was heading straight for the Amazon's face. Nimbly, she dodged it, as she swung her sword right at the hamstrings of the lightning god, who flew away, dodging the slash.

"You are strong too, Thor. Your strength is similar to Superman's. And your lightning power, just as potent as that of my father, Zeus"

"No, that's where you're wrong, Amazon. I know that my lightning power does not come close to the lightning power that Zeus had. However, my strength is unmatched, that I assure you"

Thor threw a mighty punch that seemed to cut through the wind itself. Diana intercepted it with her shield. However, there she realized the enormous strength that this god had, when, to her surprise, she was thrown far away, even having protected herself with the shield.

The famous shield, the one that was said to be able to withstand Zeus' lightning, had slight cracks from Thor's punch.

Diana flew away to the ground, but she skidded with her boots, slowing herself from the momentum of the Norse god's blow. She felt her arms numb from feeling the vibrating power of the shield.

In terms of strength, he was unrivaled. However, she realized something. In terms of speed, she was faster. Now, she knew what to do. She flew again and, in an instant, arrived at where Thor was.

Thor struck again, but Diana nimbly dodged it. She ducked and in one swift movement, cut right into the god's arm, making him bleed.

The god was unfazed by this, but quickly turned, and tried to throw a blow with his hammer, but Diana demonstrated the strategy when, in a swift movement, she again positioned herself in a blind spot, and again slashed with her sword. This time, blood ran down the side of Thor's chest.

Thor turned angrily, but Diana was quicker, and intercepted him with a strong blow to the face, then another and then another, Thor parried her blow on the fourth attempt, but Diana, turning, threw a kick right into the god's knee, tripping him, and then turned her body and positioned her other arm, elbowing him right in the nose of it.

Diana, at this point, was demonstrating better combat proficiency than the Asgardian god. Something that, instead of angering him, excited him. Thor, every hit he received, made him smile more and more.

'Come on amazon. Show me what you're made of' he thought.

Diana pulled out her lasso, and quickly threw it at the god's arm. She tied him with it, and pulled with all her might, but Thor didn't move an inch. He just smiled, and, with his mammoth strength, pulled the Amazon back, where he waited for her to give her a heavy blow with his hammer.


Another ringing sound was heard, but this time, it was not the product of the metal of the two weapons clashing, but was the product of the hammer hitting the amazon's head like a piñata.

If anyone had watched in slow motion, they would have seen that the blow caused Diana to spit blood, with a tooth mixing in the fluids, as she flew away and crashed to the ground.

Diana hit the ground several times, but on the third time, she stopped, as she spun with momentum to stop again.

She got up quickly, but could not continue fighting, as, just then, she felt a strong dizziness that made her have to stop. Her vision was blurred and her saliva, a mixture of iron with mint, only made her have to spit out the blood accumulated in her mouth.

When her vision cleared, she could see that the god was smiling like a child. She was going to fly quickly to attack him, but then she noticed that something was wrong with the god. Thor had his arms crossed, as he looked at the Amazon in amusement. His hammer... it just wasn't with him anymore.

"SIUUUUUUU" the sound of the cutting wind was the only thing Diana could hear, as she instinctively flipped backwards to dodge the blow of the hammer coming towards her.

However, this was not enough, as she quickly had to turn around and put up her shield as a defense, to intercept the hammer again, which had flipped with self-awareness and had again wanted to hit the Amazon.

"DAMN IT" Diana snarled, as she tried with all her might to stop the momentum of the hammer, which, to her surprise, was slowly pushing her over the ground, with the sheer force of it.

"Come on, amazon. Don't tell me you're going to give up so easily in the face of adversity" Thor said, as he flew up and came right behind Diana's back, while slamming his big fist into Diana's back. If the fist connected the back, it would leave serious after-effects to Diana.

At this moment, Thor was not holding back one bit. He was fighting as if this fight was life and death. That is, with everything.

Diana didn't think. She moved on pure instinct. She lifted as high as she could and kicked with all her might her shield, which caused her to lift the hammer away, and then, as if she were a gymnast, she used her deft agility to avoid Thor's blow, while rolling away.

With the same thrust, and already on the ground, she slashed Thor's thigh with her sword, bringing him to his knees.

However, the blow Thor expected on his face never happened, but Diana, by pure instinct, took the bracelets and invoked her divine power, then hit them together just a few inches from the face of the thunder god. All that was heard was a loud and clear, "TING!"


Such a powerful shockwave was produced by Diana just inches from Thor's face, who could do nothing but receive the mighty blast head on. The explosion was pure divine raw power, very similar to the power of Zeus, but without using lightning.

The explosion simply sent the god of thunder flying and crashing miles away. Diana, too, was not spared the aftermath. She had to kneel down while she caught her breath. This, added to everything she had to do before, had left her tired. In addition, the dizziness had still not gone away, the result of the powerful blow to the head with the hammer.

She thought she would have at least a couple of seconds to breathe, but her thinking had been too optimistic. For, just at that, she heard the voice of the god, saying to her.

"Do you think it's over? - Look up!"

Diana, could only roll, as she again dodged the hammer that was impatiently going to meet her. Without her shield, and without her sword, the only thing she could do was to summon her divine power again and with another strong, "TING", she hit her bracelets again, but it was too late, as the hammer also hit the amazon's arms when this attack occurred. 


The shockwave sent Diana flying, as a shockwave and electric shockwave was produced almost twice the size of the first. Diana lay on the floor, devastated. She, tried to get up, but a cough, began to attack her strongly. 

"COUGH, COUGH, COUGH, COUGH - BUAGH" in the end she could not take it anymore, and had to vomit all the blood accumulated in her throat, fruit of numerous internal wounds she had from these shocks. "BUAGH"

"You are strong. The most powerful demigoddess I have ever known, Amazon, NO, Diana. I respect you. But this fight is over. Simply put, our level is not matched"

Diana stood up with sheer force of will and threw a punch at Thor's face, who looked as if nothing, only light scratches on his face. But Thor intercepted the fist as if it was nothing. Then he stretched out his other hand and the hammer, that one that had flown with self-awareness, returned to his command.


Diana took another blow.




Blow after blow, Thor kept pounding his hammer into the Amazon warrior, who could only try to get up each time as she began to turn into a bleeding mess. In the end, Thor did not prolong the punishment any longer, and summoned his lightning power.

He raised his hammer and a bolt of white lightning, as big as the power Shazam summoned, covered him. Then, he launched the said lightning, all over the body of the fallen Amazon.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Diana screamed in pain, as her entire body was fried by the worst attack she had ever received in her entire long existence of life. Nevertheless, she prevailed, something that, frankly, surprised the god. Let no one doubt the willpower this Amazon possessed. The greatest Thor had ever seen.

Nevertheless, Thor struck again, but this time with more power and with lightning still in his hammer.


That was the last blow Diana registered before all her consciousness went black....


"For Hera" Hippolyta had tears in her eyes, as she witnessed the massacre of her daughter. "We have to go for her. She needs to be treated urgently. She's already lost"

"I'm going for her-" Superman said, as he tried to fly quickly to retrieve his friend, who lay fallen in the snow. But, just before he moved, Edgar stopped him.

"Hold on, Clark. This isn't over"

"What are you saying? - Can't you see she's already down, I'm going to get her"

"I told you to WAIT, Clark. This is NOT over. Diana will win... I'm sure of it. The fight goes on. Just watch..."

There they saw it. Diana was slowly getting up. When she raised her head, there they could all see that her eyes were completely white and from there, electric sparks were shooting out in a sign of power.

As Edgar had said, the fight continued....


Diana POV

'Where am I?' I thought, as I looked around me. A sea of completely black consciousness, where no presence, besides me, was to be found.

This situation was similar to Tezcatlipoca's time. If another Diana came out, asking for a fight and saying that she is the best version of me for having no feeling and blah, blah, blah, I would definitely get very angry.

But, fortunately, this didn't happen. I just felt like I was alone. And that this place, was my own conscience. However, when I was deigning to look for how to get out of here, a voice was heard. It was an ethereal voice, genderless, but one that made me feel its warmth. Like a voice that sought only my protection and my care.

"Diana. Wake up, Diana. Wake up and embrace your power" the voice told me. Out of nowhere, a completely white flame emerged, illuminating the black room I was in. It was a small flame, almost non-existent, but it made one feel a comforting, safe warmth.

"Who are you?"

"Embrace your power, Diana. Embrace your origin. Unleash your potential and become what you were meant to be"

She didn't give me explanations. It gave me no answers. But this fire... I felt it was always with me, watching over me. This voice lacked malice. And the fire, it lacked hatred. It was pure power. MY power.

As if in a trance, I moved closer to the flame. A flame so small that I could cover it with my palm. However, when I touched the flame, as if my hand was a fuel, it grew and grew, as it engulfed me completely. But I felt no fear. I felt no pain. I only felt... POWER


General POV

'I guess I was wrong' thought Thor, as he turned and walked to his hut. For him, the fight was over. This fight, it wasn't for fun or on a whim. Sure, it was fun to fight the Amazon princess, but this was not the point. There was an ulterior motive for all of this. Thor wanted to test her, but now, only Thor could think that, perhaps, this fight was a mistake.

Thor walked a couple of meters, disappointed, when he stopped abruptly. And that's because, to his surprise, he felt the princess's heat rising. When he turned around, he saw something that simply left him speechless.

Wonder Woman was getting up. Her wounds were healing at a visible rate. And her eyes, glowing white with power, stared impassively at this god, as if the fight earlier hadn't mattered. At this moment, Diana's divine aura had changed, as if another person was encountered.

Thor, for a strange reason, felt fear....

He did not smile. He did not joke. He simply raised his hand, and summoned his lightning power. A feeling in his heart told him that this fight would be different. That the fight ahead could be life-threatening. His instincts told him that if he didn't fight with everything he had, he was going to die.

Diana did not move. Instead, in a surprise move, she removed her bracelets. But this time, unlike the previous time she did it against Doomsday, there were no complaints, no pain. She did it naturally. Like removing shackles that limited her movements.

However, when she threw them to the floor, she moved.

"SIUUUUUUU" as if she were the wind itself, Diana reached right where Thor, raising her fist. The god, even with his powerful instincts, could not see her coming. At this moment, Diana was moving at near-light speed.

Diana threw a powerful punch, which caused Thor to have to defend himself by crossing his arms. However, if he thought the Amazon's strength was strong before, it was on another level now.


Thor was thrown not meters, but kilometers by the force of Diana's fist. When he stopped, he could see that his arms, those giant and powerful arms that had been a participant in numerous massacres of mighty beasts, were completely shattered. All the bones of the arm were shattered by the force of Diana's blow.

'This... this is not possible' Thor, not even in his wildest dreams, could believe it. But, despite his beliefs, it was happening.

'Shit' he had to put his thoughts aside, when, in less than a second, Diana came to meet him, and forcefully struck again. But this time it was the Mjölnir, who intercepted the blow.

"PANG" bell sounds were heard again, as Diana, began a flurry of blows so powerful and fast that Thor could not keep up, but that the hammer barely moved to intercept.

As this happened, he flew away. His arms were shattered. Fighting, was simply no longer an option. Besides, he sensed that Wonder Woman was not the Wonder Woman of the past. That something else was controlling her. He needed help from Superman and the others.

However, as he was already moving several miles away, he felt the lasso bind him and hold him in place. Diana had flown in and taken her lasso, and had tied Thor with it, preventing him from leaving.


Thor stayed hard, not moving, but Diana was no longer the same. If she couldn't move Thor before, now, with her enhanced strength, it was like moving a sack of potatoes. Thor, was simply thrown like a projectile against the ground.

Diana did not let him breathe. She quickly came to meet him, and began to hit him hard in the face. Every blow she delivered turned Thor's face into a bloody mess. Nose smashed in. Mouth smashed. Swelling all over his face. Thor was simply an unrecognizable mess.

Diana, however, had to stop hitting him, when she had to move to dodge the big hammer that came to meet her. Diana nimbly dodged, but the hammer turned and struck again.

However, to everyone's surprise, Diana simply grabbed it by the handle and stopped it. The hammer wanted to fly up and away from the Amazon's grip, but Diana, by sheer force of will, held it.

"That... that's not possible" despite the injuries, Thor was still conscious. But what he was seeing, it was impossible. His weapon, his beloved weapon that only recognized him as its owner, was in the hands of someone else, and someone who had Greek blood, not Asgardian, moreover.


That was the last thing Thor heard before his consciousness went black. Diana, with all her strength, had struck Thor with his own hammer, making him faint.

If this was not enough, Diana did not stop. She raised the hammer skyward, and, in a surprise move, summoned Thor's own lightning, imbuing the hammer with that power. This, by now, was bordering on the outlandish.

Yes, Diana had the power of Zeus' lightning, but the power of the Mjölnir did not recognize this power. The power she was using, at this moment, was Thor's own power.

However, just as she was about to strike the fallen Thor, and thus probably kill him, a silhouette arrived just as she was about to hit him with it and stepped between Thor and the hammer. It was Edgar.

Diana, out of pure instinct, stopped the hammer mere inches from Edgar's face.

"That's enough, Diana. That's enough. You've won"

Diana did not answer. Instead she just stood there, inert. Edgar, however, without fear or hesitation, stood up and hugged her. As he hugged her, Diana stopped inert and hugged him back. Her eyes, slowly ceased to look white and returned to their usual bluish hue, with awareness.

"Edgar...what...what was that. I felt like I was, but like I wasn't myself. I felt everything like...like I was watching a movie. I couldn't stop it"

"It's okay, it's over now. We'll find answers...together"

"Yes... that would be-" however, the conversation ended when Diana, just at that, collapsed from exhaustion. Edgar, concerned, stopped her. Although he could quickly perceive that all of her was fine. It was mere exhaustion.

The others arrived just at that. Superman picked up Thor and carried him to the hut. Batman went for the emergency medical team. And Hippolyta, a mother worried about her daughter, went for the bracelets Diana had previously taken off. She put them on her, and sighed a sigh of relief, as if she knew what this had all been about. Something Edgar noticed.

"What the hell was that all about?!" asked Marie, incredulously.

First the fight was close. Then it swung in Thor's favor, where Diana had fallen. Then, to the surprise of most, she got up and fought again, but this time, with a mysterious power where she defeated the god who couldn't even fight back.

What seemed like a close fight with slight favoritism for the god of thunder, had mysteriously turned into a massacre against the Asgardian god. What was worse, at the end of the fight before Edgar had to intervene, she seemed to want to...kill him.

"I wonder the same thing myself..." Edgar concluded as thousands of thoughts roamed through his head. It was time for a long talk with the queen of the Amazons. A talk that Edgar, had put off for far too long.

Diana had won, but unlocking unbridled power that made her lose control. The secrets that the queen had hidden from her daughter were coming to light....


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