
172. Shipboard Town (2 in 1)_6

"Have you discussed with the Tatis Empire about purchasing batches of the Life Elixir?"

The Lady Boss rolled her eyes at the ceiling and commented,

"Oh, my dear guest, of course we've made contact with Tatis, but we haven't been able to reach any deal. The people of Tatis Empire are all single-minded and they completely ignore us, always going on about things such as 'we despise magic' and 'wizards are disgusting'. I have no idea what they're going on about. We took bags full of gold to them and all we got were contemptuous looks and ridicule. Have a seat, both of you. You've brought your Life Elixirs, yes? I have plenty of cash here."

Noland Lee and Denise Green took their seats.

Denise naturally took out a suitcase and placed it on the table.

Noland then started a conversation with the lady boss:

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