
The big bad wolf (H. A. S)

Putting his blazer over my head, Jacob shielded me as I was starting to panic.

'It's going to be fine. We've got just 3 hours and 40 minutes.' he whispered behind my ears.

'Can't I call home? I want mum.' I can't believe I'm saying this but mum's warm embrace is all I need now.

Jacob is palming circles on my back now. 'Internet is cut off. If it wasn't, do you think I'd be here?'

I say nothing. I remain quiet and exhale softly like mum taught me. I closed my eyes and throw them open.

Jacob pulls away his blazer. 'Feel any better?'

I nod. 'Yes. Thank you.'

'Don't worry. As long as no one finds us, we're safe.' Jacob leans against the wall.

I'm startled again. 'Wait ! Someone can barge in here?'

'Pretty much. Yeah.' Jacob replied nonchalantly.'

'You say that like you've been beaten before.' I squint my eyes at him. Can I be safe around this guy?

'I've been beaten once or twice but I always survive.' Jacob smiles at me.

I palm my face and exhale. I'm gonna get beaten. But wait, what about Levi? I turn to Jacob and he understands the message I'm trying to pass to him.

'Levi is a wolf.' he replied.

'I knew it. He has that bully vibe. I bet he enjoys beating people up like he gave me the fright of my life.' I look at the ceiling.

'Hold up. You said he gave you the fright of your life. Did he hurt you?' Jacob scurries close to me. 'Do you have any injuries?'

Woah. Dude, I'm fine. Don't act all mummy-ish.

'He didn't hurt me. He accused me of stealing his card and threatened I'll regret it.' I leave out the part where I pass out. No one can know I'm sick. I don't want any pity party.

'If I see him, I'm gonna kill him.' Jacob clenched his fists.

Suddenly, a loud whistle break out from outside. Then they begin to increase in number. They become louder and creepier as the sounds are in the same cadence and tone.

'God, what's going on?' I tried to peek through the shutters but Jacob gently pulls me back.

'Stay hidden. You're the one they're looking for.' he said.

'Oh. Wise.' I crawl to a corner and cup my hand over my mouth. I hope this nightmare will be over soon.

Jacob peeks through the window and rushes back to me. 'You've gotta hide. They're coming.'

He takes my hand and tells me to hide into the closet. Now, I don't want to be left alone. Crud, I'm such a loser.

'You'll be safe here. Hold unto your phone and don't open this for anyone. I'll be back.' Jacob smile at me with his brilliant brown eyes.

'Thank you.' I whisper to him.

Both doors of the closet are shut and I am left in the dark. My breath is shaky now but I try not to panic.

'Everything is going to be fine, Charlotte Melbourne. Just pray you don't pass out in here.' I tell myself.

The noise outside was getting louder and I wonder why such a prestigious school like this would encourage violence. What the hell is the secret behind this? I'm sure you're probably thinking I'm one of those heroines that'll go in search of the truth, right? Nope. Not me. I'm not interested. By first light, I am moving my arse out of here. I can even manage being home schooled if I have to. This school never bothered me. The principals can do whatever they like. Actually, I heard from Scottie and Matty that Alan institute has 5 principals, the Dean and then the school president at the apex. They're running a school more like a country huh.

'Tis starting to get boring in here.' I take out my phone and go to gallery. Then I see pictures of me and the family. Mostly, me and Sophie. Especially videos of us gyrating in the classroom. Now, I miss her. I miss mum. I miss dad. Even stupid Johnny. I just want to go home. I never asked for this. While sobbing quietly, I hear the door pull open.

'Jacob.' I whisper and try to come out but wait. I've seen this in horror movies. Anyone foolish enough to open the door dies and I'm not ready.

I carefully watch the intruder. The figure is in a black getup. A hoodie covered it's face and when it turns toward the closet, I can see it has a face mask on. It begins to approach the closet.

'Holy shit.' I cup my hand over my mouth and move in further. When I did, I feel a sharp pain in my right arm. 'Crap.'

The figure reaches for the door knob but it stops and turns away.

'Oh Thank God.' I exhale shortly. I still feel a strange pain in my right arm. What in the bloody hell did they put in here?

I try to pull off my blazer and I did. Successfully. This baby's got short arms. I apply pressure on my arm and feel something wet. Oh no. Turning on the flashlight of my phone, I realize I'm bleeding.

'Bloody hell!' I yell and stumble out of the closet.

The door flies open and I see someone dressed in black. Shit.

'Um buddy. We can talk this out like two adults.' I begin to take a step back but the creep kept approaching with every eery step. 'Please, I'm hurt.' I show him or her my injury.

Luckily, it's a girl. 'Come with me.'

'How am I not sure you're gonna hurt me?' I am not taking any chances here. I must survive.

The girl takes off her hoodie and face mask. I realize she's in my class. What was her name? Grace?

'Just give me the card and I'll let you hide with the others.' she extends her hand.

I hesitate. 'Take me to safety first and then, I'll give it to you.'

Grace groans. 'Do you think I have time for this? Give me the card and we can all go home. I'm sick of this game already.'

She might be telling the truth. It's probably an hour.

'Fine.' I give her my "Lamb" card.

'Wear this' she hands me a face mask. 'Always stay behind me. You're my property now.'

I pretend as though I didn't hear the last part and wear the mask. Reminds me of shoplifter. Ironic.

Hiding her face underneath her facemask and hoodie, she walks out the door easily. I can tell she's a wolf.

'Come on.' Gracie turns to me.

I can feel blood trickling down my arm. 'I'm trying not to pass out here.'

What the hell cut me?

We almost got to a door when an ironbat was swung at Gracie's head knocking her out cold. It happened so fast. I felt a heavy thud in my stomach as though I'd been punched by Goku and I pass out in no time.

* * * * *

[Levi's POV ]

After watching the bunch of losers make their terrible whistle, I see Jacob scurry out of the Janitor's closet. Had he been hiding there? Typical Lamb. Still sitting in the hallway, I expect someone else to walk out of the closet but no one else did. Time is not on my side and I'm not a patient man. I'm about to check it out when another wolf beat me to it. After what took like minutes, he walked out. Seems like the place is emptied of losers. I walk back to my position. Strangely, another wolf walks into the closet. Someone must be in there and I was right. English. So she was hiding in there. More like Jacob hid her there. The wolf with her is Gracie and she was probably taking English to her doom. Why should I even care? She's the game's newest lamb. Before I could turn to leave, a fist landed on my face.

'Not my face, man!' I yelled.

'You try to hurt her? Are you freaking kidding me, man?!' It's Jacob.

I grab his collar violently. 'I put you in a coma last time. Don't force my hand.'

'I'm the one who took your card and not Charlotte. She's innocent. Why the hell would you assume she took it? Why did you make her Matty's replacement? What did she do to you?' Jacob yelled.

'You're the prick with my card?!' I tightened my grip on Jacob's collar. he's hardly breathing and I don't care.

'Levi.' Jacob pats my arm. I can see the pity in his eyes. Tears pooling at it's ends. His patting becoming frail. I let go off him and he gasps for breath.

'My card.' I tell him.

'Call...the...shots...off.' Jacob replied in huffs. I guess I overdid it.

'You can take that up to the Dean. All I did was instruct Matty and he chose Charlotte himself. The fault isn't mine. Now, my card.' I extend my hand to him.

'I don't believe you.' Jacob rubs his neck.

'I don't expect you to. The card.' I approach him.

Jacob throws the card at me and I catch it. After checking it out, I see it still has my Wolf logo. Yes.

'I hope putting her in danger is worth it, man.' Jacob walks away.

Clicking my tongue, I put on my face mask and hoodie. Wait, Brit hasn't returned the mask I gave her. While remembering the kiss I gave, I couldn't help but smile. She wouldn't have the heart to approach me after that.

'She isn't here.' Jacob comes running. 'She isn't where I left her. Charlotte.'

I heave a sigh. 'I don't know, man.'

Must I tell him everything?

'I saw blood in the closet. She must've been attacked.' Jacob reveals a blood stained blazer.

Blood? When I saw Brit leave with Grace, she didn't struggle or was that what I was taught to believe? Shit.

'Your friend hasn't got much time. Follow me.' I tell Jacob.

Both of us run upstairs to the Chemistry lab. I found them. Grace being plumuled by a bunch of losers and Brit unconscious. I can tell she's bleeding. The kids notice my presence and stop.

'The hell are you?!' one of them yell at me and I smile.

'Did no one tell you? I'm the big bad wolf.' I grinned from ear to ear.

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