
A Letter to 2010

To Earl,

Tabula Rasa, I'm in my Sick! bag. Had a vision of my future in the lobby and vomited it, that's 2010 to my 2010 self, to my old friend so listen up old friend, I'm the Churchill of rap. Haven't attended church for years but I'm not god ill. Illmatic the nailed man of the rap game; he's beyond me, beyond Sick! Got me sick and tired of chasing genius, of losing to it, of having no applause from the rap game so I will go over, game over, joy stick stuck up where they is no joy. Joyeuse in the lobby, now for the interlude, that fire in the hole.

Burning up, I become lesser than I was but also greater, call me Dracula. No lye, I become Dracula, royalty of vampires, call me a blue blood. Will call myself a Blueblood but still no joy for No Life owns me. Ode to Dracula, I'm Seras who Alucard will never let go of. She his punk like Victoria, Victoria Punk if she challenges the Red Force for who can fuck with Red Hair Shanks? Blackbeard but I'm clean shaven. Shaved Titanic's bottom lip and it sunk into the jaw. Dropping Shoggoth like it's amazing, it's not for I, the sea breathing Shoggoth, been dropped into the sea of stars and I'm left panting for some stardust while beyond star Cthulhu grins in the sea of stars.

Le Bron and Jordan, its never enough. Jesus's brother but the archangel still shine, moonshine mood, still can't drink my defeats. Death got one over Pops, Popeye but where was the spinach? Spleen in the arch, hero died on lunch, loses gut-punch, how can I be Guts without my sword to Apostle punch. Jesus brother but still can't stomach the divine. Flower Boy got his Igor, he clear, I'm still blurred. Igor's Theme to my Shattered Dreams, Are We Still Friends? Are we still villains? Between 2010 me and you in 2010, who is the hero? Who is the victor? That's the interlude for you, Lobby sent to the Lob's Pound and left for God to decide. 

Did he decide? No, God Laughs. That got me feeling Sick! The complete edition, 24 minutes of it. Hours and years away from that truth, that understanding but you will my old friend. You will, 


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