
Chapter 815:0 Never Allow Society to Regress

At the Brooklyn Hilton Hotel, Martin uncorked a bottle of wine, its golden hue casting Leonardo's pacing figure in swirling shadows against the walls. The glasses clinked softly as he poured, the liquid catching the light like a miniature kaleidoscope.

Nicholson lifted his glass but paused, watching the dizzying shadows dance. "Leo, can you stop? It's making me feel like I've had one glass too many already."

Leonardo glanced at Bruce, who was hunched over his laptop. "Bruce, any updates?"

Bruce refreshed the TMZ page and sighed. "Not yet."

Martin handed Leonardo a brimming glass. "Jack and Judy have confirmed everything's going smoothly. Just be patient."

"I know I should be patient," Leonardo said after draining his glass in one go, a touch of melancholy in his voice. "But when I think of Gisele... he did it, and he flaunted it right in front of me. How am I supposed to cope?"

Martin chimed in, echoing their old conversations. "Remember, it was Tom Brady who was wronged!"

Nicholson nodded sagely. "Martin's got a point."

"Mmm, my Gisele," Leonardo muttered to himself.

Martin joked, "Leo, you used to say that only when you were drunk. Now you're saying it sober. Maybe you should see a therapist."

Nicholson added with mock seriousness, "New York Presbyterian Psychiatric Treatment Center. Didn't you go there for 'life experience'? I can hook you up."

Leonardo pointed accusingly at them. "Enough, you two! I don't have issues, but hanging out with you might give me some!"

Bruce interrupted their banter with a cough. "Hey guys, TMZ just dropped the news on Justin Bieber!"

Leonardo was the first to crowd around Bruce.

Martin and Nicholson followed suit.

Bruce clicked on the pinned TMZ video, revealing Lana's dramatic confrontation with Justin, where she held him at gunpoint with a tie over his eyes.

As Leonardo watched Lana's bold move, a relieved smile spread across his face, an unexpected chuckle escaping him.

Nicholson shook his head in awe. "Now, that's entertainment. This trip to New York was worth every penny."

Martin interjected quietly, "As long as he holds his nerve, it'll blow over in a few days."

Leonardo thought of the headlines to come. "The real excitement is yet to unfold."

And right on cue, Lana and Justin's argument erupted on screen.

In Justin's inflammatory words, a barrage of derogatory remarks poured forth, targeting black individuals, homosexuals, and those with physical deformities. Each insult was sharp, direct, and unabashedly offensive.

Among friends, such remarks might pass unnoticed in casual conversation, but when uttered by a public figure in the entertainment industry and exposed by the media, they invariably ignited a firestorm.

After hearing Justin's remarks, Nicholson leaned back and remarked, "You know, some of what he said actually resonates."

Martin nodded thoughtfully in agreement.

Leonardo interjected with a cautionary tone, "Hey guys, remember your public standing here."

Martin flashed a reassuring smile. "Of course, we're always aligned with you, but let's keep these discussions private."

Nicholson added firmly, "These topics deserve careful consideration, not casual chatter."

He shook his head with a sigh. "Things are changing in such strange ways. Hollywood baffles me sometimes."

"It's all about money and politics," Martin observed pragmatically. "Behind the scenes, powerful interests push these agendas to cater to specific groups, boost profits, and deflect conflicts."

"Let's not dwell on that now," Leonardo chimed in cheerfully. "As long as it works in our favor."

Nicholson predicted grimly, "This will haunt him for a long time to come."

Pointing at Justin on the screen, Martin remarked, "I still admire his rebellious streak."

Leonardo chuckled, "I hope he keeps it up."

"New York and Los Angeles are ground zero for these movements," Martin continued, "with some of the most vocal and influential organizations in the country. Your move next, Leo."

"My blade is always ready," Leonardo replied with a smirk.

Martin and Nicholson shared a laugh.

Leonardo reached for his phone and swiftly made a series of calls.

As a top-tier celebrity with vast wealth, an independent production company, and deep connections in Hollywood, Leonardo's influence and resources were formidable.

Soon, news spread like wildfire through various media outlets and specialized organizations.


In a discreet Manhattan bar, a place known only to a select few, the clientele was sparse and carefully curated. Those unfamiliar with the establishment were turned away at the door. The owners preferred to maintain exclusivity rather than compromise their atmosphere.

Occasionally, unconventional figures slipped in unnoticed, women with strikingly masculine features, men confidently dressed in feminine attire, adding to the bar's mystique and unconventional charm.

Inside the bar, a diverse group of individuals, many in vibrant cross-dressing attire reminiscent of drag queens, were congregating. This particular bar served as a hub for New York's prominent drag community, so the sight was not only accepted but celebrated.

In a corner, a cluster of cross-dressing men engaged in animated discussion.

Breya, with her afro hairstyle, bold blue eyeshadow, and impeccably placed fake breasts, spoke up first. "Through my efforts supporting our charity 'Tora,' I reached out to New York City Hall. I proposed performing for elementary and middle schools across the city."

Alan, sporting a striking purple wig beside her, leaned in with interest. "Did they agree to it?"

Breya nodded, a hint of excitement in her voice. "City Hall expressed interest in having us perform in some public schools."

Susan, whose natural hair flowed long and lustrous, chimed in passionately. "Achieving this would be a significant triumph. It's not enough to have media visibility; we need to broaden our influence across society so that respect for us becomes the norm."

Raising her voice for emphasis, Susan declared, "Now that we've taken a stand and become integral to society, even public figures mentioning us must show us respect..."

Her speech was abruptly cut short by the ringing of Breya's phone.

Embarrassed, Breya excused herself to answer. As she stood, her previously perfectly placed fake breasts sagged noticeably, threatening to slip out of position, a comedic sight akin to carrying two misplaced balls on her stomach.

"What?" Breya's eyes widened as she listened intently to the caller. "A celebrity discriminated against us? And TMZ has it as breaking news? This is serious. I need to inform Susan immediately."

After ending the call, Breya hurried back to the group, adjusting her attire and readjusting her prosthetic breasts along the way.

Taking a seat at the bar, Breya interrupted gently, "Susan, sorry to break in, but something urgent has come up. I suggest you check the TMZ website for the latest."

Curious, Susan tilted her head, prompting the cross-dressing bartender with a slightly unshaven chin and stubble to fire up the computer nearby.

The bartender swiftly connected the projector, casting the TMZ headline onto the bar's large screen. Instantly, all eyes turned towards the breaking news, drawing the attention of the assembled cross-dressing leaders.

"Play the video," Susan commanded firmly.

The bartender clicked play, and the video unfolded.

Midway through, the bar erupted with gasps and curses as the derogatory remarks from Justin Bieber stung the gathered leaders.

"Justin Bieber is discriminating against us!"

"He's a hidden transphobe!"

"He's using the most vile words to insult our community!"

A black man in a dazzling golden wig leaped onto a table, his voice thundering with anger. "Justin Bieber isn't just attacking my gender, he's targeting me for being black and gay! This is criminal!"

Echoes of agreement filled the bar. "Yes, this is a crime!"

The atmosphere crackled with energy, akin to a stirred hornet's nest.

"Quiet! Quiet!" Susan's voice rang out loudly. "Drag queens will never be silenced! We'll fight back against any discriminator!"

Immediately, someone shouted, "For drag queens!"

Others joined in, chanting fervently, "For drag queens!"

Susan gestured for calm. "Give us a moment to strategize."

The bar fell silent.

As the news clip concluded, Alan spoke up, determination etched on his face. "We need to speak out!"

Breya turned to Susan, her gaze intense. "Anyone who discriminates against us must face consequences!"

Susan paused thoughtfully before issuing her directive. "Set everything else aside. Our priority now is responding to this crisis."

As leaders among New York's prominent drag community, they possessed organizational prowess and unity. The others awaited Susan's next move.

"Susan," Breya spoke up, "Alan, you should contact our supportive media outlets immediately for interviews. We need to publicly condemn Justin Bieber's actions and show how serious this anti-social incident is."

Susan nodded decisively. She then turned to Michelle, a sturdy black man with a commanding presence. "Michelle, find out where Justin Bieber is. Gather a group early tomorrow morning and protest at his residence. Use whatever means necessary."

Michelle affirmed with determination, "I won't let that bastard off easy!"

Turning to Breya again, Susan continued, "Breya, Justin Bieber's remarks not only target us but also impact other groups. Coordinate with those organizations. Let's organize a massive protest together tomorrow."

Breya nodded, already dialing her phone to mobilize support.

The drag queens sprang into action. Soon, more arrived at the bar, some raiding the storage room for protest materials in preparation for the next day.

Returning to Susan, Breya reported, "I've contacted several groups. They're all onboard and preparing similar actions. I've also located Justin Bieber's current residence."

Susan declared with conviction, "We will not allow society to regress!"

"We will never allow it!" echoed the room in unison.

Simultaneously, in neighboring gay bars and among black groups across Manhattan, preparations for solidarity protests were underway.

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