
Chapter 673: The Captain!

The arrival of the FBI helicopter, with Martin's name on it, was a scene straight out of an action movie. A dozen agents, clad in their signature blue coats, swarmed the site, led by a seasoned supervisor with an air of authority.

"I'm Brent. I used to work under Chief Neves." The middle-aged supervisor approached Martin with a firm handshake. "Mr. Davis, are you alright?"

Martin nodded, recognizing the gravity of the situation. "I'm fine."

Without wasting a moment, Brent sprang into action, directing his team with military precision.

As the news of the bust rippled through the crowd, Martin's heart raced. The firearms and explosives uncovered sent shivers down his spine, a stark reminder of the danger they had narrowly escaped.

"Life safety is seriously threatened!" Martin exclaimed, his voice laced with a mix of fear and anger. But amidst the chaos, he found solace in the knowledge that their actions were justified, supported by the evidence captured by the RV's surveillance equipment.

Meanwhile, Ridley Scott, the director, wasted no time in alerting the relevant authorities and suspending the production, adhering to Hollywood's unspoken rules.

The financial implications weighed heavily on everyone's minds. The temporary halt in production meant potential losses amounting to millions of dollars, a blow to both Martin's safety and the crew's livelihoods.

As producer Louise arrived on the scene, relief washed over Martin. The trio convened in Martin's RV, their faces etched with determination.

"If production halts for two days, it'll cost us an extra $1 million," Ridley Scott fumed, his frustration palpable. "We'll press the FBI to investigate this thoroughly, no matter who's behind it."

Louise, her black-rimmed glasses perched on her nose, nodded in agreement. "This won't go unpunished."

Martin's voice was resolute. "If it weren't for us, who knows how many lives could've been lost."

Their conversation was cut short by new developments. Brent had unearthed crucial information from Sanchez, shedding light on Johnny Depp's involvement.

"Johnny Depp almost got us killed," Martin exclaimed incredulously. "Recruiting drug dealers to do his dirty work!"

With tensions escalating, Martin vowed to see justice served, even if it meant taking on one of Hollywood's biggest names.

He savored the salty breeze as it swept through the Caribbean air, but Martin couldn't shake off the chill of the recent brush with death. "Could this be related to Depp?" he asked, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade.

Brent, the detective, didn't mince words. "It's possible. All the evidence we have points to one of Depp's associates."

Martin's heart sank at the mention of Sanchez's backpack and the ominous detonator it contained. The thought of the catastrophic consequences they narrowly avoided sent shivers down his spine.

Ridley wasted no time in rallying support. "We've notified the unions and guilds. We need to get to the bottom of this."

Brent nodded solemnly. "We'll leave no stone unturned. No criminal will escape justice."

Louise, usually composed, bristled with determination. "I'm reporting Johnny Depp for drug trafficking. He's endangered lives and livelihoods."

Her resolve was unwavering. "Will you accept the report?"

Brent's response was swift. "Accepted." He barked orders into the intercom, mobilizing his team for action.

As the FBI agents geared up, Ridley prepared to make more calls. "I'll reach out to the unions."

Martin urged him to rest. "Tomorrow's another day."

Once alone, Louise turned to Martin, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "What's on your mind?"

Martin pondered for a moment. "Unless Depp's lost his mind, he's not directly involved."

"Unless he's hoarding drugs," Louise countered.

Martin shook his head. "Unlikely. They contacted Sanchez due to low inventory."

Perched atop the RV, Martin surveyed the camp below. "Let's gather more intel before jumping to conclusions."

Together, they monitored the news on "The Lone Ranger" crew.

Meanwhile, in a Mercedes-Benz RV identical to theirs, Johnny Depp's party raged on. Bottles clinked as laughter filled the air.

"More wine!" Depp demanded, his voice boisterous.

As Amber fetched the wine, she discreetly snapped photos, capturing every moment of the debauchery. Even Lily-Rose, lost in her own world, didn't escape Amber's lens.

Depp, growing impatient, checked his phone. "Where are the goods?"

Hodgson, his eyes glued to the screen, replied, "I just texted about it."

Depp's irritation was palpable. "Can I trust you?" he snapped, his words laced with suspicion.

Before anyone could respond, a sharp knock on the car door shattered the tension. Hodgson sprang into action, rushing to open it. "Finally, you're here! Where have you been?" he grumbled, but his words were cut short as he was forcefully shoved back into the RV by a group of burly men in blue jackets.

FBI agents flooded in, shouting commands and demanding compliance. Depp, fueled by alcohol and drugs, erupted in a fit of rage. "Who let you in? Get out, all of you!" he bellowed, hurling a wine bottle across the room.

The bottle shattered harmlessly against the carpet, but the chaos was far from over. Depp's attempts at resistance were futile as agents pinned him to the table, his curses falling on deaf ears.

Amidst the turmoil, Depp's bodyguard intervened, preventing further escalation. "Don't move. Do you want to get him killed?" he shouted, his words sobering the group.

As Brent entered the fray, his authority was undeniable. He swiftly produced warrants and ordered a thorough search of the RV. Amber, silent and observant, watched the scene unfold with icy detachment.

The stench of cigarettes and alcohol hung heavy in the air as agents combed through the RV. Brent's gaze fell upon the intoxicated girl on the sofa, a silent testament to the debauchery within.

As the search continued, a small stash of flour was discovered, prompting Brent to question Hodgson's involvement. "Who's responsible for this?"

Depp, loyal to his friends despite his flaws, spoke up. "It's mine," he declared, shielding Hodgson from further scrutiny.

Another voice chimed in, echoing Depp's defense. "Yes, it's all Hodgson's doing!"

Despite his urge to speak out, Depp remained silent under his bodyguard's warning gaze.

Outside, Brent received news of the arrival of Jerry Bruckheimer and Megan Ellison. After briefing them on the situation, tensions ran high as Megan's anger threatened to boil over.

Jerry intervened, reminding them of Depp's importance to the production. Megan, begrudgingly acknowledging the financial stakes, suppressed her fury for the time being.

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