
Chapter 1.5: Predators Against the Imperial Capital

Snow fell on the Mulnite Imperial Capital.

Unlike in the Haku-Goku Commonwealth, the snow didn't usually stick before the end of the year, but the wind being funneled through the gaps between the buildings was cold enough to chill the southern folk.

"What am I doing here…," grumbled a Luna of Inverse Moon, Lonne Cornelius.

Cornelius was sipping wine at the Gates of Dawn, a bar downtown in the Imperial Capital that was currently without much clientele. She had planned to further her investigations into an enhanced shiitake mushroom variety, but that had been ruined by the terrorists currently sitting at either side of her.

"Oh dear! Why the long face, Lady Cornelius? How can you not enjoy the trip?! Here, take a bite of my deep-fried tofu!"

"No, thanks. Save it all for yourself."

"Oh, I insist. They're not poisoned, I swear. Here, say aaah."


Fuyao Meteorite shoved the tofu into Cornelius's mouth and cackled.

Cornelius chewed while pondering, I sure hope she's telling the truth about it not being poisoned.

The fox-eared girl swayed her tail. Fuyao Meteorite had been promoted to Luna after gaining Her Highness's favor. The perilous murderer had recently been beaten to a pulp by Terakomari and Karla Amatsu during the Heavenly Ball, but she hadn't learned the slightest lesson.

"I must say, this place is pretty different from the Heavenly Paradise. There's this, how should I put it…sanguinary air about the Mulnite Empire. Even the most common of the passersby thirst for blood. Does this just come down to a fundamental difference between the vampires and the Peace Spirits? I already foresee hardship in our ploys, Lord Tryphon."

"Any hardship is worth enduring so long as we obtain Mulnite's Dark Core," the man at Cornelius's left side said plainly.

He was a tall Sapphire. Unlike Fuyao, he hadn't ordered any food or drink. Cheapskate as he was, he refused to part with his coin on establishments that hadn't earned his recognition.

Tryphon was also a Luna, but Cornelius was especially wary of him. He was a pragmatist who stopped at nothing to achieve his goals. It was his fault they had gone to Mulnite, in fact.

"That's right!" Fuyao said while munching on her inari sushi. "But I'm bored staying behind the scenes. I don't think I'll get a chance to have a rematch with Terakomari Gandesblood at this rate."

"You are not powerful enough to stand against the Blood Curse yet. You must stick to a supporting role. And don't worry; everything is going according to plan, thanks to you."

Cloing. A switch flipped.

"Heh. It does seem like the Mulnite Empire got on Her Holiness's bad side. The pieces are in place for the Holy City to oppose them."

She changed so suddenly that Cornelius nearly dropped her glass of wine.

The vixen possessed a transformation Core Implosion called Inari-Avatar Reflection. Some said her personality had split as a consequence of mimicking so many people. Right now, the split was limited to two alters: her natural, warrior-like personality, and the personality of a treacherous retainer plotting to overthrow the state. But she used to have over ten of them.

"So we only need to wait for them to destroy each other," Fuyao said.

"Yes. We've succeeded in removing Terakomari Gandesblood of her confidant. Core Implosion is a reflection of the heart—with the commander in low spirits, she won't be able to make full use of the Blood Curse. We'll take advantage of this to mobilize the Holy Church's followers," Tryphon added.

"We also got the Mulnite Empress out of the picture. The Crimson Lords won't be able to do anything without their head. Couldn't we just assassinate them one by one?"

"That arrogance will bring about your demise. They're still the strongest commanders in the Empire."

Tryphon and Fuyao argued vigorously with each other.

So basically, Inverse Moon was pulling the strings behind the scenes. Whatever, Cornelius just wanted to go home and coop up and do some research already. Wait. Why did they call me here in the first place?

"Hey, Tryphon," Cornelius asked timidly. "What am I supposed to do here? Where's Amatsu?"

"Kakumei Amatsu is not taking part in the plan this time around."


"We can't be sure of his intentions. I hear he even got in Fuyao's way during the Heavenly Ball. Better get rid of anything we can't control."

"Then what am I here for?"

"We want you to try out the weapon."


"The Imperial Capital will transform into a battlefield in the final stages of our plan. The vampires will give their lives to try to avert their nation's doom, which is when you'll annihilate them with that magical weapon of yours."


Well, that does sound interesting.

Not the massacre. Not the wiping out of a whole country. Just the chance to see the full extent of what her research could bring about.

"…Yeah. Hey, I'm already in a terrorist organization. Maybe I should try stuff outside of shiitake and novels."

Cloing. Fuyao's personality switch flipped again.

"I'd love to try your shiitake, Lady Cornelius!"

"R-really? Wanna come to my lab, then?"

"I can?! Yes, please! Lord Amatsu tells everyone in Inverse Moon they're terrible, but I'd like to see for myself."

"Huh…? He says that…?"

"Well, he didn't say that to my face. I just heard the rumors."

"…" Ingrate. I'm not making you any more.

Cornelius forced back her tears. Maybe she was getting drunk.

Tryphon sighed.

"Stop lying, Fuyao. You have to get rid of your habit of sowing discord wherever you go."

"My! There I go, being a provocateur again. I'm so, so sorry. I just can't help but pry into people's relationships. Lord Amatsu said nothing of the sort, don't worry."

"…Ugh. Dastardly vixen." Cornelius sighed.

Had Fuyao tricked Karin Reigetsu in the same way? Not that I was tricked! Or that I care about what Amatsu thinks of my shiitake to begin with!


Cornelius decided to go along with Tryphon's plot for the time being. The Mulnite Empire was in for a rough time. A period that would light a fire in people's souls. The perfect opportunity to show off the full power of Core Implosion.

"…Hmm?" Tryphon noticed something. "I smell blood. It seems Her Highness has arrived."

"Her Highness? She's coming, too?"

"Yes. Our ultimate objective is obtaining Mulnite's Dark Core and installing Her Highness as Mulnite's Empress. We need her to take over the nation."

That sure was a plan. But Cornelius wasn't really shocked; it didn't matter to her what sinister plans Amatsu or Tryphon were cooking, so long as it didn't interfere with her research.

"Over here, Your Highness!" Fuyao said.

A chilly wind sneaked in as the doors of the bar opened. Her Highness, the Wicked God Slayer, took notice of them and approached with the innocent steps of a child. She flashed a broad smile as she saw her friends and tossed aside a blood-drenched corpse.

"You're all here! Okay, let's enjoy our lunch!"

Cornelius glanced at the floor. There were two corpses, actually. But not quite. They were still breathing.

It was the journalist duo who always followed Terakomari Gandesblood around. They must have tailed Fuyao to the bar since they knew her face. Fortunately, Her Highness had found the two and taken care of them.

Cornelius sighed and walked up to the pair of women. Sapphires and beast-folk wouldn't revive in the Mulnite Empire; that's why she hadn't finished the job.

What a merciful vampire Her Highness is… Cornelius sighed again before healing the two reporters' wounds.

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