


I walk hastily towards the self defence and weaponry training classroom. I know the Prof Preston I saw after class was a once in a lifetime gift so I really don't want to do anything to sabotage this new relationship. I still feel very a little incredulous about the change of behaviour all of a sudden.

I'm not trying to be an ungrateful cynical asshole but in the world of today trusting anyone is paramount to untimely death. I know there is a reason behind this whole trainings and friendly attitude. The most annoying thing in the whole scenario is that I don't even have an idea what it is.

I couldn't grasp why the principal made me hide my true power from my friends, family and everyone else or why I have to train my ass out to do things that most third year cannot even dream of doing at once? Mostly why most of these people teaching me about discipline and sides are acting all nice and weird?

I finally arrive at the training room and for the first time I got here before my trainer. I drop on my legs and start to do Vivification to get my strength to top level. I was still doing this when a huge breeze blows past me. I open my eyes and there before me was my trainer with his signature scowl on.

At least some things have returned back to normal, if he had given me any other smile it would have given me the creeps throughout the whole training. He stomps his feet and speaks

"Up" he snaps and I jump on my feet immediately "Being an undead is not just about being unable to die like the name says. It is work and power to not only build ourselves to be accepted by the society and more discipline to survive without any hitch around human beings.

A lot of students before coming to this school know all about themselves due to their lineage system but I'm sure you only know what the folklores have been about us. In every rumour, folklore or fantasy there is always a semblance of the truth so I just need to know what you know to know what I need to filter" he asks.

What is it with these people and unnecessary questions can't they just tell me what you want me to know and let us get into the training. Flimsy excuses to pick up conversations with me. Why don't you just ask for my best colour?

"I don't really know much about undeads. Where I come from they call them the monster of the night, they are basically the cause of many children nightmare. According to what we were told they are bloodsuckers that couldn't be killed.

They fed on the flesh of their victims to grow more powerful and many more things that we have heard but like I called it they are bedtime stories that no one pays attention to when you are old enough to reason clearly." I reply purposely as I could see him get redder and redder in anger the more I spoke.

By the time I stopped speaking he was already fuming and it just seemed hilarious to see a man of his calibre still get moved by the words of common norms. What an oaf with little brains, if all undead were like this I'd rather be caught dead than be one. He takes a few minutes to catch his breath and once he is finally calm enough to speak he does

"When I asked you to tell me all you know about undead I didn't expect such discrepant description but it has become a thing of truth. No matter how much we try to redeem ourselves we still have our weaknesses and most people tend to focus on those and ignore the good we do and can still do for the community.

Do you by any means know how we came to be?" he asks after explaining and I was getting bored. I really need action soon or I might doze off.

"Karl has caught me up on the lies you guys told to remain gods to the populace" I reply sharply and he had a dumbstruck expression on his face. I could see he really didn't expect me to know about that nor did he expect me to call the principal by his first name.

"I didn't expect you to be so blunt and cynical. We just let the people believe what they wanted to" he replies in a nonchalant manner and I couldn't believe it

"I expect that from you when it makes people fear and revere you why won't you like it. Through that shitty lie of yours you have made a set of people inferior to others just because they believe they don't descend from some certain people blessed by the gods" I reply sarcastically adding hand quotes at the end

"No wonder you end up breeding stuck up supernaturals who do not know the first thing about respect or responsibility. Before coming to this school it has always been my dream to become a supernatural and attend a magical college but now that I am one I just can't help but regret that wish" I say and a look of guilt crosses his face but he covers it up quickly with his scowl

"Well someone has really had some time to think and really hates this world. Good to know your view of us" he replies in a low and hurt tone

"Pain is that you?"I joke and we burst into laughter as he fakes a heart ache.

"Jokes apart we have made a lot of mistakes but we have taken the first step towards redeeming it haven't we? I have really not been one to understand royal politics and the rest. Once a warrior, always a warrior" he says and I nod

"back to business. All you know about undeads is half truth. Yeah once we are fully turned we live on blood and we can't be killed by natural weapons but that doesn't mean we can't die. We don't feed on our victim's flesh because we live on blood bags donated for money by people.

Undeads are very powerful creatures because they are 4 times physically able than shifters. The most powerful of us are blessed with memetic and death abilities" he says and the last sentence caught my attention

"What do you mean by death abilities" I ask

"Some of the originals were blessed with the ability to induce death by touch. Those blessed with those abilities were feared and were later killed in the purge. Since then we haven't had anyone with such abilities." He explains before getting back on topic

"Now to be a complete undead is the ability to not only be able to do all these things but also learn to starve ourselves through it all for resilience and discipline." He says and I let it all sink. If anyone should find out that I have not only the death ability but I can control the death element I'm dead meat "now let's start with strength" he says, lifts a ball with one hand and toss it towards me. The moment I catch it I fall on the floorboard as I realise this thing weighs heavier than 50 tons.

I was straining under the weight of the ball but I put all my energy into lifting it and throwing it back at him. He catches it with ease and throws it back. This time I was prepared for it as I let the blood red mana thread in me flow and I catch it easily. I smile and throw it back.

Once he sees my dark blood red eyes his own also turns blood red and he tosses the ball but this time at lightning speed. I run quickly and catch the ball tossing it back at the same speed. He smiles and throws the ball again. This time it was heavier and faster and I catch it and toss it back.

We keep up the back and forth for as long as we could but at a point it was just too fast and heavy for me so I avoid it and it hits the wall. I expected it to fall after causing damage to the world but it bounces off the wall and was headed for me.

Being that I was facing Prof I didn't see it coming until it was right at my head about to hit me. At that moment everything slows down and it was like time stops. It wasnt like at all, time really stopped. The whole world stopped moving at the moment, even the breeze was stagnant. The ball was stuck in mid air but I was too shocked to move at the moment.

Prof takes his time to walk up to the ball and catches it right where it was before it collided with my head. Time starts back and everything starts going as usual.

"What just happened here" I ask and he acts like nothing happens as he plays with the ball

"I just saved your egoistic ass life that is what happened" he says his voice firm but it had a hint of fear and doubt in it and that action confirms my theory that it wasn't super speed he used. I know there are endless possibilities to magic but time control seems a little wild.

"Spare me the bullshit professor we both know you just stopped time to save my life" I reply cutting straight at the heart and he goes pale. He was as white as a ghost and for an overconfident and cocky person like him it seemed like he just committed a crime. He chuckles akwardly and replies.

"There is nothing like time manipulation in this world. You have overstretched yourself and you are already hallucinating. Maybe we should call it a day" he says waving it off but I wasn't having it.

"Oh please, I saw you stop time and walk majestically to catch the ball" I reply and he goes even paler.

"That is impossible. If I even had time powers why would you not freeze with time?" He asks but it sounded more like doubts of his powers.

"You know what I am don't you think there will be endless possibilities to what I can do" I reply and he starts pacing for while before facing me with a stern expression on his face.

"You have to keep this a secret please. I am doing the same for you" he says and I nod. I wouldn't pass up having a secret to hold over a lecturer's head. If something was to happen it is my safe card.

The surprising thing is why he was hiding such ability. It could effect great change in our past, present and future and moreover he is also already powerful enough to protect himself from external aggressions. Even still I won't blame him. Imagine the whole world knows he can manipulate time people will only want to extort his abilities and kill him once they are done with him.

"I will but I have a lot of questions" I state and he nods

"Ask away" he answers taking his seat on the floor and I follow suit

"What can you do? How did you get your power? Why hide it from the world" I ask the few I couldn't produce and he smiles

"You are really inquisitive. I can manipulate time in whatever way I want to. Stop it, move it forward or take it back. Mention it" he says amd I was completely amazed. Imagine the way he could win wars by just freezing people in time. Possibilities of what he can do with such powers is endless.

"You won't really understand the whys and when. It is not something I came about in a day. For you to better understand it I will tell you my story." He says and goes silent.

We all have secrets of our own don't we


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