
Amber, The Outrider

Mondstadt, Good Hunter, early morning.

"Did you hear the weird laughter last night?"

"Yeah, I did! It was so creepy! I heard it was from a person called Joker?"

"Joker? I heard rumors that Joker is an old enemy of Darknight Hero or something like that."

"What? An old enemy of Darknight Hero? That must be a rumor. After all, that is Darknight Hero we're talking about!"

"Yeah, you're right. Darknight Hero is an esteemed Pyro Vision Bearer, while Joker sounds like a lame name!"

"Haha, you're right. But sigh, Darknight Hero is so dreamy~ What I would do to have him embrace me and carry me to the chamber..."

Two ladies sighed, swooning over Darknight Hero, unaware that someone is eavesdropping on them.

'Hmm, seems like last night was a success...'

Logan thought as he eavesdropped on the two ladies talking about Darknight Hero and Joker, though the two ladies did go off-topic at the end.

Last night, after he revealed his persona; Joker to Diluc, he threw down a smoke bomb and quickly disappeared from Diluc's sight.

His goal after all, is to not seek conflicts with Diluc, but to gather Essence Spark. Trying to fight a Pyro Vision Bearer with an ordinary human body is almost the same as suicide.

But gathering Essence Spark turn out to be a more success than he initially expected.

He gather quite a lot of Essence Spark and to his surprise, that of high-quality too.

Apparently, there is a different level of quality among Essence Spark, and according to the quality, it allow him to unlock more powerful characters from fictional works.

So Essence Spark has two uses. The abundance of Essence Spark can be used to gain access to other reality versions of the character itself, while the quality can be used to unlock more powerful characters. 

According to the Mask of Illusion, emotions from a powerful being, one with great potential, or a person with great luck are much more likely to give Essence Spark of high quality.

So after finding out the additional information on Essence Spark, Logan's plan would have to change too.

Logan thought leisurely, when he suddenly heard a familiar high-pitch feminine voice. 

"Morning, Logan!"

Turning to the sideway, Logan nodded at the person who just greeted him.

"Morning, Amber. How are you?"

Amber is wearing a jumper-like outfit composed of dark brown shorts, a red top that has only a hood and sleeves, a white and brown top with the Knights of Favonius crest in gold on the front, red stockings, and white thigh-high boots embellished with gold linings and symbols.

She also had a headband with large red bows resting on her head. Most noticeably are an accessory with two red feathers hanging below it, attached to her leather belt, colored with red colors and in it, is a symbol that look like fire. The true identity of this accessory is actually a Pyro Vision, unique only to Pyro Vision Bearer.

She is Amber, the only Outrider of Mondstadt, a 4-star Pyro character, and the rarest character in Genshin Impact!

How Logan came to know Amber, has something to do with what happens few months ago.

Few months ago, when Logan traveled to Genshin Impact, in Mondstadt, he was completely defenseless as he only had ordinary clothes and to make it worse, he is penniless too.

But thankfully, he encounter Amber who happens to be scouting nearby, and Amber is kind enough to help guide him toward Mondstadt city and even help him with financial problems.

Logan is grateful toward Amber for this matter, so he would try to help Amber in any ways that he can.

Though he may be emotionless, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to pay back kindness.

So, in the past few months, he and Amber quickly became good friends with each other.

"I didn't expect to see you up this early, Logan."

Amber said, sitting down, facing directly toward Logan.

"I occasionally wake up early. Say, do you want the Tea Break Pancake? I already ate but I order a bit too much food."

Logan said as he pushed his plate toward Amber. 

"Ooh, thank you, Logan! I was starving after doing some early-routine scouting!"

Amber quickly accepted Logan's offer, and happily dig in the Tea Break Pancake. And as for the formality, there was no need as Amber and Logan are already close friends. 

"Say, did you heard the rumors?"

Amber vaguely said, as she munch on the Tea Break Pancake. 

"I don't know. What is it?" 

Logan asked, sipping on his hot tea, pretending to not know. For some reason, Logan find that he really likes to drink hot tea. 

Amber took another bite of the Tea Break Pancake, savoring the sweetness before responding, "Yeah, apparently, Darknight Hero had an old enemy called Joker!"

Logan's expression remained unchanged as he continued to sip his tea, "Interesting. Do you think that is true or just a rumor?"

Amber shrugged, "I don't really know. It is true that Darknight Hero is really famous in Mondstadt. So who knows? It might actually be true."

Logan nodded subtly, acknowledging her point. "True. For now, we will have to wait and see if the rumors are true."

Soon Amber is done with eating the Tea Bake Pancake. As Amber finished the last bite, she let out a satisfied sigh, patting her belly.

"Oof, I'm stuffed! Now I'm fully energized and ready to go scouting again!"

Amber clenched her fist, looking completely ready to go.

Logan simply nodded, not surprised by Amber's enthusiasm until he noticed something.

"Mhm, though hold on, Amber."

"Hm? Yeah, what is it? " Amber ask, tilting her head cutely. 

"Stay where you are and don't move."

Before Amber could ask Logan why, Logan reach forward, and wipe the syrup off Amber's cheek with his finger. 

"You got some syrup on your face."

Logan said, licking the syrup off his finger.

Amber's face turn bright red and she begin to stutter.

"W-what are you doing?..."

"What do you mean? I'm just helping."

Logan said, looking at her questioningly.

Seeing this, Amber was speechless. She knew that Logan has low EQ, but not this much. 

Just when Amber is about to sigh, Logan unintentionally said something that made her face turn bright red again. 

"Thanks for the treat."

Logan said, licking his lip at the same time.


Amber's face slowly turned scarlet red, until she felt an intense warmth spreading throughout her cheeks, making her wonder if she had suddenly caught a fever.

But she knew she didn't caught a fever, she caught something else from Logan...

"Why is your face red?"

"N-nothing. Today is a pretty hot day..." 

Amber said, quickly fanning her head with her hand, as if to prove that she's feeling hot due to the sun. 

"Hm, ok."

Logan nodded, not really thinking much about it.

In his previous life, he had...an acquaintance? Friend? Whatever, there was a person named Nathan, who likes to hang out with him for some reason.

He always gives him weird and useless advices, but Logan does remember a particular advice.

Something about when wiping the food off the female's cheek, say "Thanks for the treats" and lick your lip in a sexy way or something.

Nathan solemnly swear that doing it with a female friend will definitely enhance Logan's relationship with her.

Though Logan is a bit skeptical whether Nathan's advice is useful, he decided to go with it in the end. 

After all, it's alway good to enhance his friendship with Amber, right?

Seeing Logan staring off in the distance, seemingly thinking of something, Amber's blush finale subside but for some reason, she felt unhappy.

"S-stupid Logan...."

Amber whisper, her face turning to the side.

"Hm? You said something?"

"N-no, nothing!"

Amber said panicked, brushing off what she said.

"Alright, just be careful when you eat. I don't wanna to wipe off your cheeks every time that happens."

"Y-yes, I will be careful..."

Amber carefully nodded, her headband shaking back and forth, like a cute rabbit's ear.

'Though I don't mind if you did that again...'

Amber muttered under her breath.

Then Amber carefully peek at Logan's face.

The young man had straight black hair, matched by equally dark, almost lifeless eyes. His gaze was devoid of emotion, and his expression remained impassive, giving off an air of detachment. His expression remained cold and impassive, devoid of any visible emotion or warmth. 

But after few months with him, Amber knew that hidden under that emotionless face, is a clumsy and socially awkward person.

But at the same time, as Amber got to know Logan better, she could sense that for some reason, Logan is closing himself off and trying to desperately pursuing something, like a drowning man trying to hold on to something.

Feeling distressed, Amber wanted to help Logan but how can she, when Logan refused to open his heart?

So she made a resolution. She wants to know Logan more, become even closer friends with Logan, and open his heart to her. 

But alas, it seems that she had fallen into a bottomless pit as she learn more, and more about Logan.

'But I don't mind. It was my choice and I don't regret it.'

Amber smiled, having no regrets about the choice she made. 

Though her only regret may be that she fail to open Logan's heart as she knew Logan may not be romantically interested in him.

'But even so...looking at Logan's face feel kinda nice...'


A/N: AHHH! IT IS MAKING ME CRINGE. I NEVER DATED A GIRL IN MY ENTIRE LIFE SO I CAN'T TELL IF IT IS GOOD. Oh btw, I am writing two fanfic so I have decided a new schedule. I will update one fanfic per week, meaning that I will update this book for this week and then next week, I will solely update my other fanfic for an entire week. And so every week, I will change between my 2 fanfic. So next week, if you feel bored, feel free to check out my other fanfic.

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