
Chapter 58

Dear readers, the fourth chapter of the second book began to appear on my Patreon's page, if you want to read it, please follow the link

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Indulging in a piece of iron in my hand, which molded like clay, I observed the landscapes on the horizon. Beneath us were seemingly endless waters, and land on the horizon. And all this under an incredible, stirring sense of boundless power and energy, infinite might and absolute invincibility. These were the feelings I began to experience as soon as the world around began to simply drown in the fiery energy spreading around from Sozin's Comet flying past.

A huge fiery bolide with a massive fiery tail, cutting through the heavens and bringing with it as much fire energy as I had never felt in my life! Such strength. Such power. I was bursting with the desire to act, to move, to use all this power spread around me!!!

Azula, in our last meeting, told me about her father's plans. No, she herself contributed to these plans, but the final decision was made by Ozai himself. And sneaking onto the main airship was a breeze for me.

I only sneaked in here because of Azula, but at the last moment, Ozai left her and appointed her as the Fire Lord, removing these responsibilities from himself and becoming the Phoenix King. Yes, Azula's dad's ego knows no bounds!

However, this made things even easier for me. Now that Azula has been appointed Fire Lord, all I need to do is wait for Ozai to achieve his goal and then... casually take him down. There's no point in challenging to an Agni Kai now. Azula will already be crowned! And then I'll disguise myself, change my appearance, and calmly be with her.

On the horizon, the Earth Kingdom appears, with huge cliffs rising up from the ground like columns, massive boulders of stone! And above our heads, a huge comet began to pass by, gifting its power to all firebenders.

The airship reached the territory of the earth, and Ozai extended his hand. My senses became much sharper, including my sense of bending. And now I felt how a tiny spark of fire absorbed a tremendous amount of fire power spread around. A moment of complete filling, dictated by the boundary of control over energy, and then a colossal stream of fire, hundreds of meters of flames flooded the land, turning all living things to ash...

I get goosebumps all over my body from the sight of what's happening!

Suddenly, the airship shook as if from blows, and then began to tilt. I looked around and saw a powerful stream of fire rushing from one of the cliffs towards the airship, followed by an explosion that shook the entire flying machine, which began to fall.

Ozai tore off his clothes and, using the comet's energy, began to use jet propulsion, heading towards the one who in my senses had such a familiar sense of life.

I jumped down and began to fall to the ground, watching both the falling airship and observing its explosion.

Just before hitting the ground, I extinguished the falling impulse and, approaching the cliff, climbed up through it. From there, I had an excellent view of the ongoing battle.

I watched as Ozai used all the power given by the comet, while Aang tried to fight back, using all possibilities. The tossing of these two characters and the use of a huge amount of fire was amusing to watch, as Aang tried to use water and earth in attempts to withstand the fire power greatly enhanced by Ozai himself.

More and more, Ozai gained the upper hand, gradually shifting from exchanging bending blows to simply and overwhelmingly beating the child when Aang went on the defensive.

And in one moment... I felt everything suddenly changed!

Is Ozai strong? Undoubtedly! He is very strong! Experienced? It cannot be otherwise! However, Roku was better than him in all this! They learned firebending from roughly the same program, the same system, and in all respects, Roku was better. And there are dozens of such past Avatar incarnations from the fire tribe! And now I felt how Aang gained the strength of the Avatar. Now he has merged with the powers of all the Avatars, all their strength and might, skills, and abilities. And now... I doubt Ozai has a chance, because his only advantage - the comet, extends to the Avatar as well!

And then, the Avatar decided to use all his powers.

A massive impulse of bending energy spread around, and it seemed the world paused for a moment...

Then it erupted into action. Air masses began to move and swirl, condensing and compressing, wrapping into a cocoon around the Avatar, who looked at Ozai and, lifting his head upwards, soared, spreading his arms and legs, and roared. Streams of fire burst from his mouth, hands, and feet for tens of meters, bending and condensing into something akin to an accretion ring. Huge rocks and boulders were torn from the ground and by bending were compressed into tiny stones of enormous density, which then also began to rotate around the Avatar. A massive tsunami, raised by the will of the Avatar, condensed into a small ring. All these elements swirled and rotated around the Avatar, who now simply radiated his power outward!

The Avatar's first strike was so devastating that it blew Ozai away with a stream of compressed air, and although he eventually managed to escape from this air stream, it demolished a cliff, and its boulders began crashing into subsequent cliffs at tremendous speed, almost destroying them too.

Realizing things had gone very badly, Ozai made a run for it on jet propulsion, fleeing from the Avatar. But Aang didn't lag behind, constantly bombarding the strongest firebender with relentless attacks.

This didn't last long, and at some point, the firebender's flame extinguished, falling into the water...

Ozai, like a toy, was spun around and slammed into the cliffs with all force. Even for a body strengthened by bending, this hit was powerful and terrifying. This is evident from Ozai's eyes, bulging out from pain shock, with his mouth wide open, gasping for air.

Aang stopped nearby, almost above him, and directed all his power at Ozai. I thought I wouldn't have to deal with him, but...

Aang couldn't do it. He stopped the attack at the last second, leaving Ozai alive. Fool!

All this time, I carefully followed these two and watched their entire fight, trying not to be seen, thankfully tracking them with my sensitivity to life and their bending, which they generously used, was not difficult! And now, when Aang turned away, I saw Ozai start to move, but he was immediately paralyzed. He couldn't even twitch!

"You fool, Aang. You were, and you still are a fool. He wanted to attack you from behind," I said, landing next to them.

"Freo!?" the Avatar prepared for battle.

Interestingly, he still hadn't exited the Avatar State, but he was already conscious, fully in control.

"Well done, you've learned some life lessons. And hello again, former Fire Lord Ozai. You might not recognize me, the current one, but don't worry, it doesn't matter..." I said, and stone spikes, one and a half meters long and one and a half centimeters in diameter, suddenly pierced his body, killing him.

"Why did you kill him!?" Aang yelled.

"What? He wanted to kill me, he failed, and in return, I killed him. As you see - luck is on my side. And you're not one to be outraged, Aang, you have a far more important matter. Much more important!"

"What?" he asked, to which I couldn't help but smile sadistically.

"Do you remember what I told you when you were running away from me during the eclipse?" I asked and with a turn kicked a powerful wave of blindingly white flame at the Avatar. - "So! I wasn't joking, Aang!"

Additional chapter for power stones

200 power stones equal an additional chapter

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