

John looked at Bill who lent in and they had a private conversation"What do you think?" Bill answered " It would be a shame if the university got demolished, and we could probably use the rest of the land for something" John Nodded before turning back to the Owner " We want to buy it, Would you consider selling to us today for one billion Dollars"

Everyone in the room looked at them including Mr Phillips who knew john had some money but he was not really expecting this turn of events, he was hoping John would find a solution to save the place but this was beyond his expectations.

The Owner looked at him " Are you serious about that" John just Nodded absolutely I can give you the money right now, if you have the paperwork ready"

The owner just sat there thinking for a minute before turning to the developer " Gentleman I am sorry but unless you can match that offer, I am going to take it"

  They just shook their heads "No,  it is beyond what we can authorize," They looked at John and Bill before the said " Well done Boys, it is a great piece of land, you are lucky" Both John and Bill answered " Thank you and we are sorry your deal fell through"

  After that the developers left the meeting and the owner sat with John and Bill and went through all the Paperwork. After reading through everything John signed it and transferred the money over. " Sir, The Money has been sent you should receive it shortly" Soon the Owner's Phone Chimed with the transfer notification.

  He smiled " Thank you it has been great doing Business with you" He shook everyone's hand and left.

Mr Phillips who had just been sitting there " You know, I called you in here hoping you would think of away to save the university, but this was beyond my expectations"

  John and Bill turned to face him before John replied " Well it is a good investment Sir, the University is safe, and the surrounding lands have a lot of potential"  Mr Phillips just Nodded " It is true, but I still want to thank you for saving the University" John and Bill just smiled " You welcome Sir" they all stood up after that and left the meeting room.

  John and Bill said good Bye to Mr Phillips and headed back to their car. It was late now so no one was around. When they got in the car to drive home Bill said "That was interesting, so we now own the University grounds I did not see that coming" John who had started to drive replied " It was definitely unexpected, But I was looking at the map and do you know what else is more unexpected?" Bill just looked at him " Our House Backs on to the Back of the Land we just bought"

  Bill could only reply "WOW." When they got home,they made themselves some dinner and talked for awhile. After they finished and cleaned up they went upstairs for a Shower and got into bed where the Made love slow and gentle it lasted for two hours until they both Exploded and fell asleep in each others arms. 



They woke up the next morning and Made love again before they got up and went for a shower where they ended up pounding into each other against The Bathroom wall with tongues down each other throat. Until they both exploded and finished off their Shower and got out and went to get dressed.

While they were dressing the System Chimed In Johns head. John paused getting dressed and Opened up the System Screen

'DING" 'Hidden Mission Completed' 'Save the University from Destruction' Reward '200 Hectares of Land in Sprite City' John and Bill were looking at the Notification and were surprised. They replied "WOW Thank you you are the Best'

The System replied "Your Welcome, Have a Good Day"

John Shut down the System screen.  John and Bill were stunned for a second before they continued to get dressed. 

  They went downstairs made some breakfast and a coffee. Once they finished and they cleaned up and left to go to the campus . The day went by rather quickly Bill attended class and John saw a few of his students and Observed a few other ones. At the end of the Day John and Bill were exhausted.

  When they got home they made dinner and went up to their room took off their clothes and fell asleep in each others arms.

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