
Day 3 End

Gasper and the other four opened their lots simultaneously.

A hint of surprise flashed across Gasper's eyes as he saw the blank paper on his hands.

Casandra looked over and nodded her head.

"You will be moved to the lower bracket and wait for the losers in the upper bracket to fight you," she stated before she moved to let the sophomores draw their lots as well.

Unlike Gasper, Erika was not lucky enough and did not manage to draw the blank lots. Even so, she was not worried as she was confident of reaching the finals even without the help of the blank lot.

She won during her first year in the academy when she was still a newbie and still has a lot to learn. Now that she has already strengthened her foundation and became even more stronger, she was naturally even more confident than before.

After the lots were drawn, the participants returned to their seats and waited for the referee or announcer to start the battle.

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