
Chapter 127: I'll go


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




-Author notes-


Chapter 127: I'll go

"Parkinson?" Hermione asked.

"That pompous girl from Slytherin?" Lavender said.

Harry stared at the invitation card. There was no address written on it, instead, it had instructions about the day and hour that the invitation had to be used.

'This is a portkey.' Harry concluded.

A portkey to an unknown location, owned by the man who tried to have his mother kidnapped and his father killed.

"Harry, you are not planning on going, right?" His sister asked.

"I don't like that girl…"

"Of course, he is not going to go. That's a bloody snake!" Ron proclaimed loud enough for most of the hall to hear.

"Ron, you are being extremely rude!" Neville called him out.

"And this is for Harry to decide. It's not our business."

"Yes, Ron. And besides, not all Slytherins are bad people." Ginny told her brother with a face of disapproval. She had at least got to know Daphne a bit she didn't look that bad.

"If you are not going to attend, I don't think you should keep that gift." Parvati pointed at the box.

"I don't think you should accept a gift this expensive, regardless if you are going or not," Hermione suggested.

"No way he is giving that back, are you crazy?" Ron could not believe what he was hearing. 

"I wasn't aware that you knew Parkinson," Lavender told Harry.

"I don't think I ever saw the two of you exchange more than two words."

"Now that you mention it…me neither. But then, why would she send him all of this?" Hermione wondered.

"Oh?, Mister Potter, have you been doing something in secret with a certain Slytherin girl?" Parvati said with a teasing tone.

"Lyra, lend me your wand, please." Harry completely ignored everyone's comments.

"Huh?...ohh okay." Lyra was confused for a moment but then she remembered that Harry had lost his wand the other day. He also asked to use hers before apparating them into the castle.

She took her wand from inside her robes and handed it over to her brother.

Just a year and a half ago, she could never have imagined doing something like this. But things have changed a lot since then, and she now had complete trust in Harry.

Harry took Lyras's wand and molded his magic in order to create a mild connection with it.

"Reducio." He said as the wand tapped on the wooden box.

The box shrank in size until it was no bigger than the case for his glasses.

Harry stored the box, along with the invitation inside his robes.

He then pointed the wand at himself.


The juice remnants disappeared from his face and clothes, restoring them to a pristine condition.

Finally, he returned the wand to Lyra while everyone at the table watched him with a dumbfounded expression.

"Whatever I do in respect to this invitation and the gift is for me to decide, and is no one else business. Did I make myself clear?"

The seriousness in his voice and his expression got everyone nervous and they all nodded at his question without thinking about it, feeling like they had just been scolded by one of their parents.

Harry's countenance relaxed and returned to normal.

"Now, let's see…Pipsy?...Pepsy?....what was the name of that elf?"

Harry's spilled cup was instantly replaced by a new one and a fresh plate with food appeared in front of him.

"Ah… wonderful. How efficient." Harry smiled.

"Now I can finally eat."


On the next day, Harry was approached by three Slytherin girls after classes were over.

"Good evening, Mister Potter."

"Do you always act so formal, Parkinson?, it must be tedious." Harry glimpsed at the black-haired girl. Next to her were Daphne and Tracey.

"It is a small price to pay for being the heir of a powerful family. I'm sure you understand that." Pansy said with her usual haughty look.

"Not really, my family doesn't follow the old traditions."

"That's a shame, my father always says that without those traditions, we would be no different than the savage muggles," Pansy commented casually.

"Well, there is also our magic…but never mind that. What can I do for you three ladies today?" 

"To the point…very well. " Pansy nodded.

"I wanted to make clear that there are no strings attached to the gift you received. Whether you decide to attend my party or not, the broom is yours to keep. Of course, I would be delighted if you attended, and my father has expressed interest in meeting the person who saved my life too."

"Lord Parkinson wants to meet me," Harry stated.

"He does. So it would be great if could attend, but is up to you." Pansy added.

"I'll be there." Harry's answer seemed to take the three girls by surprise, who didn't expect him to agree so quickly. 

Of course, none of them knew that he had an ulterior motive for this.

"But I must say this…did you have to deliver it in such a public way?"

Pansy grinned.

"I don't have to hide from anyone. Those who have a problem with my actions can take the complaints to my father." She glared around at the onlookers, and these were quick to look away.

"In any case. I'm glad to hear that you will come to my party. I will be seeing you there then. Goodbye, Mister Potter." 

"Goodbye, Parkinson. And you too, Greengrass and Davis." Said Harry.

The two other girls returned the courtesy.

"Potter…" Tracey nodded.

"Ha- Potter!" Daphne almost slipped.

While the three of them left, Harry remained in the same place. 

There was a blonde boy who had been closely listening to their entire conversation without taking his eyes off him.

The boy waited for the three Slytherin girls to be far enough and came out from around the corner with an angry expression.


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