
Is Mina a flower thief?

"The Rogan family is set to file a lawsuit against the association of mecha warriors for failing to save Samael Rogan in the last winter battle against the mutated beasts. They are claiming that carelessness and negligence of the mecha was the direct cause of his death and not an injury caused by a mutated beast."

Early in the morning when she was preparing breakfast for herself and her small family of three in their private wing, this was the news on every television.

The word law suit was becoming very common on the sun star empire lately and people were suing for everything, the minor and major.

Scarlet got on the phone with Mina who had been texting her on and off since six in the morning.

"Hey bestie." Mina was chipper and excited when she saw Scarlet's face on the video call.

"We said hi to each other in the morning, but hi, for the second time today." Scarlet replied and waved at Mina with her flour covered right hand.

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