
Chapter 52: Struggle to Unlock: Super Saiyan Awakening

Chapter starts with Seraphine and Selena continuing their intense training inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Seraphine's frustration is evident as she attempts to achieve the Super Saiyan transformation. She's struggling to harness the necessary emotions and anger required for the transformation.

As Seraphine pushes herself to the limit, her hair starts to flicker between black and blonde, a sign that she's on the verge of a breakthrough. But despite her determination, she falls to her knees, exhausted and discouraged.

Selena, her master, emphasizes the importance of a powerful emotional trigger for the Super Saiyan transformation. She reminds Seraphine that it's not just about Saiyan blood but the strength of one's emotions. The first transformation typically occurs when a Saiyan with a high power level loses control in a fit of rage.

Seraphine expresses her self-doubt, mentioning that she's predominantly human with very little Saiyan heritage. Selena, however, encourages her not to give up and points out the dire consequences of failing to unlock the Super Saiyan power.

But Seraphine can't find the necessary emotions within her to trigger the transformation, and she takes a break to eat, leaving Selena frustrated by her apparent lack of determination.

Chapter ends....

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