
Chapter 8 - Makeover

Apollo flashed himself and Percy to Olympus. "Er, Apollo, why are we here? And why does everything seem to be screaming at my retinas?" Percy asked, shielding his eyes from the gleaming gold surroundings. Seriously, all of it was gold.

"This is my palace Perce. I'm not going out like this, and you yourself cannot seriously be considering going into a mortal club with a hundred pounds of metal attached to your body, right?" Apollo asked, causing Percy to look at himself casually. He considered it but that was actually a really stupid idea.

"Ah, maybe I should go and visit Aphrodite then, surely she'll be able to help me find a better style right?" Percy asked. Apollo grinned and raised an eyebrow at the demi-god.

"Yeah, sure she will, just as much as she'd try to sleep with you, but hey, no sweat just make sure you get back here in an hour. And do something about that seven foot pole of metal stuck on your back." Apollo called out as Percy began to trace his steps back through Apollo's temple.

"Oh yeah, good call." He said, forgetting about Yggdrasil. He grabbed it and wondered what he could turn it into that wouldn't cause problems. Just as he was thinking about it, the pole melted into a tiny square before forming an ornate silver wrist watch. "Huh, badass." Percy admitted casually before continuing to go and find his way to Aphrodite's palace. Which wasn't that hard to find once he was on Olympus. In the city there was a main path that led to the throne room with palaces on either side. Apollo's was gold, Aphrodite's was a sickening bubble-gum pink. Percy knocked on the door and waited patiently. Suddenly a man in tight black boxer shorts and a bow tie answered the door. That was it, he wasn't wearing anything else. Aphrodite had some sick tastes. "Can I help you?" he asked in a slight Italian accent. The guy was small but still had a slight variety of muscles beneath the skin which was quite pale.

"Who is it Nico?" A feminine voice called out from somewhere deeper in the palace.

"Lady Aphrodite needs a name." This Nico said quickly, looking back at Percy.

"Son of Odin." Percy told him casually, looking at one of his hands which had slight wear from wielding his sword in an odd way. The grip had burned him slightly.

"He only said son of Odin." Nico shouted backwards quickly. It took an entire two seconds for Aphrodite to sequel in delight before rushing to the door, pushing the nearly naked Nico away with ease. "Percyy!" She shouted, elongating his name unnecessarily towards the end. He frowned at that slightly before remembering why he was here.

"Disturbingly nude doormen aside-" He began but Aphrodite was quick to the beat.

"Oh don't worry about him, he's a child of Hades, he's probably do anything I asked him to. Nico dear, could you go and start cooking something up in the kitchen? Thanks." Aphrodite smiled and the moment she did, Nico disappeared in a shadow.

"Weird, anyway, Apollo is taking me to some sort of mortal nightclub and I really cannot go wearing a suit of armor. Is there anything you can do to help me out?" He asked her with a smile. She took an entire second to think about it. "Of course! Come in, come in!" She ushered him inside the palace which was also a vibrant pink. Between Aphrodite and Apollo's place, the color scheme was starting to kill Percy's head. He fought it off but he knew that unless he escaped the clutches of the perfume Goddess he'd been dealing with more than just a wicked hangover later.

Five minutes later and Percy walked out of the dressing room. He had dark blue jeans that clung to him yet had a perfect fit. The jeans rand down to some extremely expensive looking Italian shoes that were polished and black. Percy had no idea what it was but he was falling in love with himself. It was only made that much worse when he saw what she'd given him to wear for a top.

"Where did you even get this?" He asked incredulously. He hated to admit it but the top was amazing. It was a dress shirt that had been purposely folded up at the elbows to show off his impressive forearms. The shirt itself clung to his muscled upper body. He didn't button up the entire shirt as he was clearly going to the clubs with Apollo, and he'd be stupid to not acknowledge what the God had in mind. The silver shirt had black patterns on it that referenced Percy's own heritage.

"Oh the shirt? I made it about twenty minutes ago, aren't I amazing?" She asked him rhetorically. The shirt truly was a gift from the gods. "Yes, yes you are Lady Aphrodite." He agreed seriously before looking at himself in the full sized mirror in front of him. His long black hair was swept to the side of his tan face. His eyes were his first point of call when talking to women however though. Where he usually had sea green eyes that captured women's attention, he'd cause them to flash lightning blue when they locked eyes with him before they turned back to normal. Percy was quite a successful womanizer when he truly wanted to be.

Percy thanked the goddess, "Tut tut tut, I never said my services were free. You have to take me with you!" Aphrodite shouted with glee once again. Percy didn't really see the problem with that. "OK. Apollo's palace in," He looked at Yggdrasil which was now a watch that fit his entire outfit's color scheme like it was natural, "Twenty minutes." He confirmed before walking out of Aphrodite's palace and back over to Apollo's. He didn't really think that the outfit was going to cause too many heads to turn but boy was he wrong. He didn't even get five paces when he was ambushed by minor goddesses that were all sitting in the pavilion. He blushed when they all started asking him questions.

"So if you're a demi-god, who's your godly parent? With muscles like that it just HAS to be Zeus." One of them told him flirtily. He couldn't believe it, he was literally being ambushed by immortal Goddesses. They hadn't even left Olympus yet.

"Actually ladies. I'm not Greek. I'm Norse." He told them. They all looked at him incredulously. "Like Thor?" They asked him all at the same time. That served well to freak him out.

He sighed heavily, "Yes, like my older brother." He said before he remembered that he needed to test out the flashing eyes technique in his new outfit to see if it had the same result it used to. Just as he mentioned his heritage his eyes seemed to turn into a lightning bolt striking the sea before disappearing as quickly as it had come. They all gasped before one of them blushed a deep crimson.

"Now ladies, Apollo will get antsy if I stand him up any longer." He said as he looked at his watch. Five minutes to get to Apollo's palace. He grinned, deciding that now was a good a time as any to show off. He felt a tug of power emanate from his watch. If his older brother could fly with Mjolnir, why couldn't he do it with Yggdrasil? He felt the tug start to pull him along before he shot into the air and towards Apollo's palace.

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