
Caught In The Act.

"Don't bother with me, Noah. I'll be okay soon," she sobbed, picking up her napkin to wipe her tears.

Neither did Noah return to work, nor did he come closer to Shikera, simply leaving her to cry herself out.

"Maybe it would be a good thing if your husband sees you like this," he thought.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please prepare for landing. Please put your seat backs and tray tables in their upright positions. Make sure your seat belts are fastened securely, and place any belongings that you have in the overhead bins under the seat in front of you. We will be landing shortly, and we thank you for choosing our airline. We hope you've had a pleasant flight, and we look forward to seeing you again soon."

Hearing the landing announcement from the overhead speakers, Noah leaned forward to pat her shoulder before walking back to take his seat.

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