

We raced up the stairs and he threw me onto the canopy bed. It was unreasonably comfortable for something made that poorly. I ran my hands over the sheets. They were silk. I waited in anticipation as he began to kiss down my neck to my chest.

Slowly, he unzipped and untied my dress. When he finally released me from the corset, it felt heavenly. His cold lips kissed my chalk-white skin. When he was about to get to my unmentionables, I heard a shout from outside.

"Here ye, I think. Bloody hell. Is that what I say?" I heard Luca mutter. When I tried to claw my way out from under Chase, he gripped me by the throat, his eyes now red as he held me.

"You don't belong with him. You are mine." He pressed his thumb to my chin, nearly cutting my skin with his long nail. When he spoke those words, I knew they were true. I was his. I could never leave him.

"Whatever he's tellin' ya, Janessa, it ain't true. Come find me ... my lady!" I tried once more to escape from Chase, but he easily held me back. When he eyed me hungrily, I wasn't sure if I could resist him anymore.

Chase bent to me and kissed me. I could feel my own fangs as I bit his lip. He smiled widely after that suggestive mistake and began to ravish my breasts. I was moaning until I heard Luca yell again.

"Stop it you little worm!" Chase growled. His voice embodied evil as he stood up to find Luca. I watched as he swiftly raced to the balcony to get a better view. "There you are!" Chase said pointing then disappeared into black smoke. I was left alone, unsure of what to do.

"Daft exsanguinator! What's the plan, eh? You gonna nibble upon me as well?"

I pulled my blood-soaked dress back on and rushed to the balcony from which Chase had jumped and peered down. Luca was there in the bright moonlight trying to wield a sword against Chase. When Luca caught a glimpse of me, he did a double-take.

"I'm going to add you to my collection, whoever you are!" Chase exclaimed, his voice booming. The two of them were having their standoff next to a stone fountain adorned with beautiful marble sculpted statues of an angel and devil. I watched as Luca was becoming more adept with the sword with each swing, though he did accidentally hack off a few sections of the rose bushes.

I scanned the area over the hill. There was nothing but woods that I could see under the moonlit sky. The only way out of here was the road that which we came. As quietly as I could, I flew below to the balcony in search of a way out.

For whatever reason, when I wasn't in Chase's immediate vicinity, I didn't feel the powerful control he exerted over me. I scurried in a crouched position, trying to view underneath the rosebushes. Carefully, I slid over to the fountain.

I couldn't see my reflection as I peered inside the gurgling water. The angel's wings were outstretched, reaching to the heavens and the devil was hunched over like a gargoyle. Along the rounded fountain I felt for some kind of switch. As I was doing so, I slipped, dragging my hand in the water.

Unexpected, excruciating pain frayed the ends of my nerves and I let out a blood curdling scream. Chase whipped his head around and then disappeared in the air above me trying to get the jump on me. I stared at my sizzling hand.

"Watch out for the wa'er mate!"

"You think?" I shouted.

I stared at my burned digits then stepped over to the devil's side of the fountain. I dipped my hand in and there was no burn. I flew into the fountain. Wading in my dress, the water was now becoming lightly stained pink from my blood. I pressed myself closely to the chiseled demon.

I knew Chase wouldn't be able to resist the sight of my blood. I let him fly down toward hovering over me. The smile of victory that came over his face was frightening. He decided to perch upon the edge of the fountain and held his hands together as though he were going to savior me.

"You know, you really should just give up. You'll never escape me."

Luca came up behind Chase and, with all his weight behind it, hurled Chase into the blessed water. As soon as the first layers of skin were submerged, he began howling in a way that snaked darkness into the center of my chest.

I flew out of the water and Luca pulled me toward the carriage. The driver and horse were still sitting there. Luca opened the door for me, guiding me. I climbed in and he was immediately behind me. He hit the back of the carriage with his open hand and the horse took off running.

"No! Janessa! Don't leave me!" We could hear Chase pleading, his echoing moans cutting to the bone but it was too late for him. I slid closer to Luca and gazed up into his eyes. He gave me an awkward smile as I eyed him suddenly ravenous but then I was distracted by his attire.

"What are you wearing?" I asked. He laughed.

"It's what I came in," he said pointing to his tunic and walnut-brown pants. "I could ask the same of you but, well, you look lovely." I smiled at him and when I grinned, I could feel my fangs in my mouth. "Woah, there. Easy tiger," he said as I began to crawl over to him. "Um, chappie can we speed this ride up?" Luca yelled.

With that the carriage sped faster off into the night. I was knocked to the other side unable to get to Luca. Time sped up until I was completely disoriented, and everything went dark.


I was standing in my top floor corner office, an executive of my company. My pants suit outfit was from the best designer in town. The organizer I had in my phone was top notch.

I tapped my stylus pen impatiently as I stared down at the peons below. Glass windows surrounded me floor to ceiling, and I could see the nearby skyscrapers, the airport, and a plethora of busy city streets. Some were gridlocked while others flowed. I laughed to myself staring at the people who were stuck in traffic.

"Suckers!" I shouted. I heard my office door open.

"Mrs. Barrington? You have a phone call on line one." I turned and glanced at my assistant, then nodded once to her. I picked up the line after the door was closed.

"Mrs. Janessa Barrington," I said.

"Hello, Mrs. Janessa Barrington." I heard a familiar voice. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want Chase and don't go thinking I use that name because it's yours. I've made my own name for myself here. It's just a pain in the ass to change after you're divorced."

"I know that. I just wanted to see if you'd be up for getting a drink, maybe a night cap."

"Why? Because this would have been our seventh anniversary?" I pulled my long, straightened ponytail extension along the side of my left shoulder.

"Yes, Janessa."

"You asked for a divorce two years ago. I gave you one. You demanded that I leave without taking a single item. I complied. You came to my apartment in New York City and begged me to come back. All I asked for was a little--"

"I know," he said softly. I was quiet for a moment, stunned from his candor. I realized that I was being a bit too huffy and hot headed. I bit the edge of stylus I was holding, my black nails clicking along the edge of it.

"Okay, what do you want, Chase?"

"Please meet me down at Charlie's. For one last drink."

"Last drink? That sounds ominous," I said. Chase chuckled.

"No, it's nothing like that. I just want to see you again. It's been so long, and I miss you."

"No tricks?"

"No tricks. It has not only been a while but ... well, you were the only person who knew me. It would be nice to be known again." I was silent hoping to hide my pleasant surprise. "Janessa?"

"Sure, Chase. I'll be there at 8 pm."

I hung up.


My beautiful apartment was a massive step up from the townhouse when living with Chase. Not only was it superior because of its looks and value but because it was mine and mine alone.

I hung my ponytail extension in the closet, poured myself a glass of white wine, and jumped in the shower. After I was clean, I stepped out, steam covering every surface adding to the humidity. I had to wipe my hand over the mirror to clear off a space for me to see. With the towel wrapping my wet hair, I began to apply make-up but not before I had a sip of wine.

As I stared at my reflection, I felt proud of who I was. Chase thought he'd gotten the better of me two years ago, but I had come out victorious, after all.

Once my make-up was applied, I took the white cotton towel off my head and began to brush my jet-black locks. As I brushed, I reached behind my left ear and found the imperfection.

My finger glided over the indented nub, and I gritted my teeth. Two years ago, Chase had given me divorce papers, but it wasn't because he truly believed I was a gold-digger. It was because I was in this stupid simulation.

"D*mn it!"

I slammed the brush down on the sink and held my hand to my face. I'd done my best to put that young girl to rest. The one who had to make it on her own feeling alone and afraid that August day two years ago. I had become stronger now and simulation or not, I was not going to let Chase take that from me.

In my walk-in closet I had rows upon rows of business suits every color imaginable, casual wear by the best designers, and plenty of shoes. A built-in drawer contained eyeshadow colors that popped out with various shades but green was my favorite. It was in honor of my sister. In another drawer, twenty shades of lipstick ranging from Opulent-Pink Frost to Victorian-Vamp were displayed.

I opted for the vamp lipstick tonight.

From dark to light and day to night my clothing and make-up represented me. I was growing just like an ever-evolving species. I had increased my self-respect and courage every day I'd spent here. Tonight, would be no different.

After I dried my hair, I applied my Victorian-Vamp lipstick, to fit my Night-Mistress nail polish on my pointed manicured nails. I wore a tight black Lycra sleeveless top with my designer jeans. Perhaps I was trying to put on my "battle gear" against Chase tonight. I hadn't forgotten the last simulation fiasco.

I clipped on my ponytail extension and admired my reflection. As I walked out of my penthouse apartment, I grabbed my faux leopard fur jacket and caught the glass elevator as it dropped twenty floors down. This wasn't the way to travel for those who were afraid of heights. I used to be but not anymore.

I hailed a cab just as the sun was getting lower in the sky. When I sat down in the back, I slid against the seat recognizing a familiarity from it. When I let the cabbie know where to go, I watched as he turned around.

"Sure thing, Janessa."


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