
Achilles and Atlanta

I then dodge the danger that is coming from my back, after dodging the attack I saw the person who ambushed me.

"Achilles?, it seems the fight with Chiron did not went too well."

"let's stop talking about that, before we start fighting I want to give something to you."

he then took out a shield then throw it to me.

"a noble phantasm."

"anyone can use it as long they know it's name."

he then told me it's name, hearing it I use a normal magic stone and create a Golem, and gave the shield to it while also made a recording on it to tell how to use it, after that I sent it away.

"well thank you for the noble phantasm."

"it is a promise to my teacher, since I already handed over the item let's continue the fight."

he then put a fighting stance, seeing this I manipulate the mana in my heart and transform the nature of it into a lighting attribute.

"Stagnet. Complexio. Supplementum Pro Armationem!"

"Thunder in Heaven, Twin Vigor"

the lightning combine with my body and turning my body into a pure white form, the power that course inside my body makes me excited.

"it's a rematch then, since you ran away from our first meeting, don't say it is unfair after all in war there's is no fairness."

without waiting for my reply he immediately rush, his speed is very frightening even with the boost from my Raiten Sōsō, with the boost from Raiten Sōsō form I gain Accelerated Thought Processing, Flight/Supersonic Flying, Electricity Manipulation, Invulnerability, Supernatural Speed, ETC.

I dodge his attack and counterattack with a kick towards his stomach sending him flying back to Atlanta, I then followed up with chasing him, when I was about to pierce Achilles heart an arrow was coming towards me.

"don't think you can eliminate a servant that easily, you are fighting 2 on 1, I won't give you the chance to even the number."

"it seems my plan can't go that smoothly."

I then throw away dozens of Magic Stone, even though they aren't engrave with Magia Erebea magic circle at least they can be use as a meat shield or distraction.

"do you think you can beat us with this kind of thing."

I then rush enhancing my speed using Shundo towards Atlanta, intending to pick off the easier target among the two.

seeing this Achilles responded with throwing his spear towards me, I then elementalize to let the spear pass through me, it gives time for Atlanta to distance herself from me.

after throwing his spear Achilles rush towards me and grabbing my hand and putting pressure trying to break my bones, I then turn into thunder element and pass through him and continue my rush towards Atlanta giving her no chance to catch her breath.

She then tried to fired her arrow to slowed me down but it is easy to dodge, since I twist my body and used the advance form of Shundo to step on air and do a dodging maneuver while also accelerating my speed towards her, appearing on top of her head and kicking downwards while also enhancing it's speed and strength with magic.

narrowly evading my attack the ground was shattered sending fragment and dust everywhere.

suddenly I feel a presence coming towards me from the back.

I tried to evade but Achilles grab hold of me before I can elementalize.

"I won't let you go."

he then keep a tough grip on my arm and use his other hand to send a punch, I tried to elementalize my arm but his hand still keep a hold of me.

seeing this is useless I catch his incoming punch and send a kick towards his chin to make him lost his grip.

even after taking a direct hit to the chin he still keep his grip on me.

He then look towards me with a fierce glint.

"interesting even in the modern era there's someone who can keep up with us Servant."

with that he strengthen then grip on my arm and sending a combo of punch towards me, some of the fist hit me, since I can't fully focus on his punch since I don't know when Atlanta will shoot her arrow, I order most of the golem to aim towards Atlanta, while from behind of Achilles one of the golem restrict his arm giving me a chance to counterattack.

"now's my turn to hit you."

I then also grab his hand to stop him from escaping and sending a powerful fist towards his heart and finally piercing his heart.

"it's the end Achilles, it seems fighting with Chiron took a toll on you."

"it seems I lost but you won't be fine."

with his words I heard an arrow coming from behind I tried to evade but it seems Achilles has the intention of dragging me to death.

I can only shifted my body so it won't hit my vital organ while also strengthening my body to the limit.

the missed my heart by a few centimeter, piercing my back.

seeing this he said his final words before disappearing, before disappearing I heard a loud explosion while feeling a huge amount mana was released and slowly fading, it seems Sieg and Astolfo got my present.

"it seems it won't be that easy to drag you with me, don't be to hard on Big Sister, if you can."

after hearing his words I then elementalize discarding the arrow that lodge into my body, and turn towards Atlanta.

this time when I aim to finish her off she doesn't have the intention to dodge.

"why didn't you dodge?"

"I realize that what you said is true, and it is not that easy to deal with you when there's no one holding you back."

Atlanta slowly faded and finally disappeared.

seeing this I continue to head towards the main building hoping to catch up with Jeanne and seeing her condition.


A word of thanks to :

ReimAscart VictorWalker 0zymandias Hosea_6679 DeadCat5757 ThreshGasm Dream_More Gitbhang Luis_Contreras_248 Lion_KingSimp1 Phi0fany_11531 Unknown_Wizard SirFawzi Joshua_Gagnon ParallaxDawn kainebartz16 Kliuy2k Greddy_wolf. Saurian_mp4 BIMMM galks Dtrackt  Aphos  JJ123  GuessTheGender

for the Power Stone

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