
War between two worlds

Before completely leaving the portal area, Raze did one more clearance of beasts on his route back and managed to catch another two beasts. These worlds to other dimensions were quite strange.

As long as one waited a certain amount of time, it was almost as if new creatures would pop up again in the same place, somewhat similar to those games, but he didn't have all day to grind in one area.

There would be people who would start to worry about him, and he didn't have the right tools to camp all night in another dimension in the first place. In total, this meant he now had 14 crystals and headed back to his own world with a smile on his face.

The portal had zapped away, leaving next to nothing behind, and a few moments later, Dame walked down the stairs and was heading down the pathway that led to the forest along with the others.

"What was that thing he was doing with his finger?" Fixteen asked.

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