
First Drunken Kiss


"And look at you!" Holly screamed when they saw me walking down from the parking lot with Belli in her stroller as she took a nap. She had had a hearty lunch and that was all she needed to be tired. 

"Looking less like the living dead. We thought you were a goner," Georgina snickered. 

I rolled my eyes then sat down with them on the bench. All the children were busy playing and seemed a little disappointed Belli was knocked out. "None of you were going to be added to my will with that attitude," I grinned as I pulled Belli's blanket up to make sure she was perfectly warm.

Julia slapped my shoulder, "You're just being sensitive. A near death experience will do that to you."

Holly handed me my coffee, "Has Demyan forgiven you yet? You look much better already."

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